Before Winterclash 2025, Soichiro Kanashima messaged me, that he’d be staying in Amsterdam for a few days after the event, and if I knew where some spots were which he and his friends wanted to skate. I hooked them up with a list of spots, and told him that I had one day off that week to take them to those spots and get some clips. It’s always good times with Soichiro, but had never yet filmed him myself, which you can imagine was something I wouldn’t mind doing. Even though it was extremely cold at minus 2 degrees Celsius, Soichiro, Shiono, Jun and Chihiro handled the spots like champs! (4 X Winterclash Champ lol). Remy Cadier.
Soichiro Kanashima,
Shiono Hashimoto,
Jun Shoha &
Chihiro Azuma.
“We find ourselves in Tilburg, Netherlands, in a lovely skatepark named Ladybird, with some of the usual suspects. Another Session in Skatepark Ladybird is the second in a series of vlog style video’s aptly named Another Session (Youtube Playlist), a way of collecting the clips in one place instead of dispersing them on social media for only a single viewing, if that. Always edited by myself, Remy Cadier, but filmed by everyone who felt like capturing a clip with whatever camera they were holding during the session. The plan is to regularly release these vlogs. Let’s see how far we get”.
Of course it’s all about the homies, and showing the blading world our little Dutch scene. in this ‘Another Session’ you can view the skating antics of none other than:
Sven Boekhorst,
Levi van Rijn,
Top Po Maine,
Bas Berghuis,
Randy Abels,
Randy Abels,
Robin Bosgra,
Beer Hendriks,
Jaro Frijn,
Terence Buyne,
Justin van Leijden &
Gers Pardoel.
Last week’s skatesession at the skatepark, captured by Remco van der Pol, featuring Tung, Randy Abels and myself. Gearing up for the long ass autumn in Holland, which means skateparks or skate in the rain. - Remy Cadier.
It’s that time of year again, Remy Cadier’s annual Birthday edit. “I Was injured too much for my liking this year, but still managed to stack a couple clips around Europe. 46 years old, and feeling it, but mostly the next day! Spots include Barcelona, Amsterdam, Brussels, Tilburg and other places you’ve never heard of. Thanks to all my homies for taking the time to film a clip and join in on the sessions! You all rock! Now have a look, and never quit blading. - Remy Cadier.
Music: “On to the Next One” by Jay Z.
"Steven Tonnon and I are working on a profile, to be released in 2022. He turns 40 today, so here’s a teaser to celebrate his birthday. We’re not giving away too much, we’ll still be filming some new stuff when the weather allows it".
“Congratulate him on his 40th birthday, and also that he can still rip this hard at his age! Expect the profile to be finished in the first quarter of 2022”. - Remy Cadier.
Music: “Go with the flow” - Queens Of The Stone Age.
Previously: Early Morning Session at Samcity (2021, Netherlands) by Remy Cadier.
Plastic Pushers Amsterdam Street Battle 2022. Shout out to everyone who helped, participated, showed up and had a blast. You guys made this event a success. Additional footage shot by JJ De Dobbeleer. Filmed & edited by Remy Cadier.
- Eugen Enin
- Jo Zenk
- Robin Lupo
- Rob Dalton
- Gilles Buelens
Thanks to al the sponsors:
blade club originals,
bladelife company,
pomulo store,
5050 frames,
pardon supply,
studio drift,
winterclash official &
zwarte fietsen plan.
My annual birthday edit, for you to enjoy! I turned 45 today, and gathered some of the clips I managed to get recently. Not enough streetclips, my knee won’t function on street with cold weather anymore. If you like ramp and park you’re golden. Never really thought I’d be able to still skate and have fun at 45, but here we are! Hope to skate loads more street and vert this spring and summer with the usual suspects! - Remy Cadier.
Thanks for filming @randyabels @beerhendriks @donny.dooley, @steffenhaars @tim.haars @omgitskerim. Thanks for the tunes @ediblebeatz!
Previously: Planet Park (Belgium) - Covid Tourists (2021) with Remy Cadier & Friends.
Ouwe Mannen (Full Video)
is Remy Cadier’s first full lenght skate flick, featuring only skaters of over 30. Ouwe Mannen means Old Men, we thought we were old back then, how cute! This is the Robert Guerrero part, who came to visit Amsterdam in 2009.
Ouwe Mannen, released in 2010. Created by Remy Cadier. Starring:
Remco vd Pol,
Remy Cadier,
Donny Straube,
Roel Verhoeven,
Roel Fritz,
Sergio Hasselbaink,
Sven Boekhorst,
Pascal Tan &
Tyron Ballantine. Filmed by:
Remy Cadier,
Remco vd. Pol,
Cavin Brinkman,
Randy Abels &
Beer Hendriks.
January 28, 2022: The patspang crew re-released on Youtube this video from 2017.
The patspang posse hooked up with their friends In order of appearance: Kenneth Owens,
Randy Abels
Davy Wouda,
Remco van der Pol,
Dick Heerkens,
Remy Cadier,
Sven Boekhorst,
Eric van Boven,
Sjoerd Peters,
Vivien Butot &
Deveril Abels.
Previously: Patspang - Street Cats (2021) with Sven Boekhorst, Randy Abel & Friends. Get some patspang goodies on
Since all of the Netherlands are locked down, we have no other choice than to go abroad to skate! Luckily a trip to Planet Park was long overdue! Last session of the year, and it was a good one! - Remy Cadier.
Skater featured:
Bjorn Elias,
Kevin Franck,
Bart Van Wulpen,
Kerim Folkers,
Justin Van Leijden,
Erik Droogh,
Mozes Den Blanken &
Remy Cadier.
Track by Dj Hyperlink.