Congrats to Eugen Enin for taking the 1st place @ the Plastic Pushers Amsterdam Street Battle 2022! Camera & Cut by Daniel Enin.
Previously: Plastic Pushers, Amsterdam Street Battle 2022, Edit by Remy Cadier.
Congrats to Eugen Enin for taking the 1st place @ the Plastic Pushers Amsterdam Street Battle 2022! Camera & Cut by Daniel Enin.
Previously: Plastic Pushers, Amsterdam Street Battle 2022, Edit by Remy Cadier.
Plastic Pushers Amsterdam Street Battle 2022. Shout out to everyone who helped, participated, showed up and had a blast. You guys made this event a success. Additional footage shot by JJ De Dobbeleer. Filmed & edited by Remy Cadier.
Thanks to al the sponsors: citylegends, roces, TREE, blank, thisissoul, blade club originals, skatepro, themskates, bladelife company, borklynzoo, grindhoven, ententegoods, pomulo store, patspang, seniorskating, USD, 5050 frames, pardon supply, studio drift, winterclash official & zwarte fietsen plan.