“We find ourselves in Tilburg, Netherlands, in a lovely skatepark named Ladybird, with some of the usual suspects. Another Session in Skatepark Ladybird is the second in a series of vlog style video’s aptly named Another Session (Youtube Playlist), a way of collecting the clips in one place instead of dispersing them on social media for only a single viewing, if that. Always edited by myself, Remy Cadier, but filmed by everyone who felt like capturing a clip with whatever camera they were holding during the session. The plan is to regularly release these vlogs. Let’s see how far we get”.
Of course it’s all about the homies, and showing the blading world our little Dutch scene. in this ‘Another Session’ you can view the skating antics of none other than: Sven Boekhorst, Levi van Rijn, Top Po Maine, Bas Berghuis, Randy Abels, Randy Abels, Robin Bosgra, Beer Hendriks, Jaro Frijn, Terence Buyne, Justin van Leijden & Gers Pardoel.