Displaying posts tagged #Patspang

Plastic Pushers - HIBERN4TE (2022) - The Netherlands, with the Grindhoven, Patspang & Bliksem crews

Mon, Apr 4, 2022
Plastic Pushers - HIBERN4TE (2022) - The Netherlands, with the Grindhoven, Patspang & Bliksem crews

Get ready for the 4th installment of the HIBERNATE series. All filmed through the winter months of The Netherlands. Skating By Grindhoven, patspang, BLIKSEM and many more. Enjoy and let’s enjoy the sun for now.

Plastic Pushers - HIBERN4TE (2022) - The Netherlands, with the Grindhoven, Patspang & Bliksem crews

Music by: Andy Stott - Violence, Shy Girl - O, Seein Red, Negative Gemini - House of Trix, 912 - IUSEDTOGOOUTTOPARTIES. Hibernate series - PLAY: Hibernate (2019) | Hibernate 2 (Covid Edition, 2020) | Hibernat3 (2021).

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p a t s p a n g - 'ALLEN' with the crew: Randy Abels, Sven Boekhorst & Friends

Sat, Jan 29, 2022

January 28, 2022: The patspang crew re-released on Youtube this video from 2017.

p a t s p a n g - 'ALLEN' with the crew: Randy Abels, Sven Boekhorst & Friends

The patspang posse hooked up with their friends In order of appearance: Kenneth Owens, Randy Abels Davy Wouda, Remco van der Pol, Dick Heerkens, Remy Cadier, Sven Boekhorst, Eric van Boven, Sjoerd Peters, Vivien Butot & Deveril Abels.

p a t s p a n g - 'ALLEN' with the crew: Randy Abels, Sven Boekhorst & Friends

Previously: Patspang - Street Cats (2021) with Sven Boekhorst, Randy Abel & Friends. Get some patspang goodies on Thisissoul.com.

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The Rail: Sven Boekhorst (2022) by Patspang

Sat, Jan 15, 2022
The Rail: Sven Boekhorst (2022) by Patspang

Sven Boekhorst doing the thing at Planet Park in Brussels, Belgium. p a t s p a n g!

The Rail: Sven Boekhorst (2022) by Patspang

Previously: Sven Boekhorst (41, Netherlands) - 2021 Best-of - 360 Cam, Clips Compilation.

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Patspang - Street Cats (2021) with Sven Boekhorst, Randy Abel & Friends

Mon, Oct 4, 2021
Patspang - Street Cats (2021) with Sven Boekhorst, Randy Abel & Friends

Featuring: Sven Boekhorst, Randy Abels, Deveril Abels, Wisse Ankersmit, Rode Jongen, Levi van Rijn, Jeroen Wullems, Adam Szymanski, Plastic Pushers, Grindhoven & Thisissoul.

Patspang - Street Cats (2021) with Sven Boekhorst, Randy Abel & Friends
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patspang - Repeat (2018) with Remco van der Pol, Alexander Linde & Randy Abels

Sun, May 6, 2018
patspang - Repeat (2018) with Remco van der Pol, Alexander Linde & Randy Abels

The patspang homies went out for 3 sessions in the sun. Featuring Remco van der Pol, Alexander Linde & Randy Abels… (Where’s Dick Heerkens?!).

patspang - Repeat (2018) with Remco van der Pol, Alexander Linde & Randy Abels
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Picture of the Day: Pascal Tan (2017) by Alexander Linde

Mon, Dec 4, 2017
Picture of the Day: Pascal Tan (2017) by Alexander Linde

Pascal Tan - Switch Wallride, filming for patspang video P2. A photo by Alexander Linde.

Larger Picture on Flickr (via the Rollernews Flickr Photo Pool).

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P A T S P A N G - From the Barrel. (2017)

Mon, Nov 20, 2017
P A T S P A N G - From the Barrel. (2017)

Featuring Dick Heerkens, Randy Abels, Martin Danning, Davy Wouda, Levi van Rijn, Remco van der Pol & Pascal Tan.

P A T S P A N G - From the Barrel. (2017)

Music: Yung Internet - Free Wifi, Thundercat - Uh Uh, JonWayne - 1 for kutmah, Trust - Bulbform.

P A T S P A N G - From the Barrel. (2017)
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Patspang - Waku Briyee '71 Remmus' (2017)

Thu, Sep 7, 2017
Patspang - Waku Briyee '71 Remmus' (2017)

Featuring Alexander Linde, Dick Heerkens, Randy Abels, Deveril Abels, Remco van de Pol, Sven Boekhorst, Remy Cadier, Donny Straube, Roel Verhoeven.

Patspang - Waku Briyee '71 Remmus' (2017)

Music: James Brown - “Try Me”, Night Beats - “Hex”, Bones - “Protein”.

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patspang - Allen (2017)

Tue, Jul 18, 2017
patspang - Allen (2017)

The patspang posse hooked up with their friends. In order of appearance: Kenny Owens, Randy Abels, Davy Wouda, Remco van der Pol, Dick Heerkens, Remy Cadier, Sven Boekhorst, Eric van Boven, Sjoerd Peters, Vivien Butot & Deveril Abels.

patspang - Allen (2017)
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Patspang Crew - 2017 Edit by Randy Abels

Wed, Apr 26, 2017

Although climate change hits all of us, we are still forced to skate indoors during wintertime over here in the Netherlands. Normally we would hit the skateparks like we did years in a row. Last winter we decided to hit a parking garage like back in the day.

Patspang Crew - 2017 Edit by Randy Abels

After getting kicked out at the first parking garage we wanted to skate, we skated about 20 spots with our buddies. Getting kicked out from a garage didn’t happen that often, maybe 3 or 4 times in total. We mostly skated after 8 pm till midnight, after a nice day of work and a quick bite to eat off we went. Randomly visit parking garages in cities like: Amsterdam, Den Haag, Leiden, Amersfoort, ‘s-Hertogenbosch, Utrecht and our favourite P-city Haarlem. In total we’ve spend € 81,60 ($88) on parking tickets, to get about 14 minutes of footage.

Patspang Crew - 2017 Edit by Randy Abels

Bladers: Randy Abels, Remco van der Pol, Dick Heerkens, Alexander Linde, Remy Cadier, Deveril Abels, Sven Boekhorst, Levi van Rijn, Davy Wouda, Sjoerd Peters, Wisse Ankersmit, Vivien Butot, Sem Croft, Cavin Brinkman, Robin Bosgra, Wouter Schokking & Eric van Boven.

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Blading Wiki, a wiki dedicated to Inline Skating

Rollerblading Gems

Niko Salaman (2024) by Mark Worner

Nathan Bentley - Drown (2024) - Solo Street Sessions

Tallboyz - Crabcakes & Football | Maryland/DC/VA Tour Video (2024)

'CARRER' - A Furtius Video by Ferran Laparra (Spain)

Cougar Skates - Paris - Julien Cudot & Lenny Jourda

Mesmer Tiki - Levi van Rijn, John Bolino, Billy O'Neill, Ichi  & Friends

WEAK KNIGHTS // Josiah Blee & Jake Dotson

Cameron Talbott in 'Dos Dias' - A video by Cody Lampman

Mount Average [Rollerblading Video] - LUDUS Skaterblade - Vienna (Austria, 2024)

Alex Burston - In a Bit (Stockport, UK)

Jacob Juul and Storm (LOW Skate Academy) - Trigger Street Edit

OWC presents 'Orange: Mathieu Ledoux and Charles Nantel'

OG (more)

Jon Julio - Bridges, by Brian Freeman - S1EP4 - Documentary

Vincent - A documentary by Ivan Narez-Hurtado

Mike French - Back Like I Never Left

Vince Camarillo Section - Bay Area - JSF Edit

Big Wheels (more)

Tallboyz - OPS2 - Big Wheel Blading Edit

Leon Basin and Stuart Brattey - Wizard Base and Wizard Base High

Astral Blade x FTS (2022) with Pat Ridder, Sandro Gruenheid, Dominik Stransky & Friends - Big Wheels

Skaters: | Joe Atkinson | Brian Aragon | Chihiro Azuma | Carlos Bernal | Beat Schillmeier | Sam Crofts | John Bolino | Alex Broskow | Julien Cudot | Warren Digne | Richie Eisler | Eugen Enin | Chris Farmer | Demetrios George | Mathieu Heinemann | Nils Jansons | Montre Livingston | Nick Lomax | Franky Morales | Mery Muñoz | Mathias Silhan | Brian Shima | Soichiro Kanashima | Chynna Weierstall | Takeshi Yasutoko

Skate Brands: Adapt | Deshi | Faction | Gawds | Iqon | Nimh | Razors | Roces | Seba | SSM | Them | Trigger | USD |