BL8 Cup Unhinged - Theskatecompany re-cap. Highlighting a few different sessions in & around Santa Ana, California. Spotlighting The Veterans Cup 2024. Featuring: Randy Spizer, Arlo Eisenberg, Mike Mcmullen, Eric Schrijn, Derek French & more.
“Blading Cup began in 2011 with a few ramps and vendors taking over a small part of the East End Downtown Santa Ana (California), home to Them Skates, and has grown into an event that draws competitors and spectators from over 20 countries. Since then we have taken over multiple parts of downtown Santa Ana, air on the Fox Sports Channel, added a spring event, and now taking things overseas by hosting Blading Cup Asia. Blading Cup is so much more than a contest, we also have a trade show where vendors get to interact with the community. This allows skaters to meet pros, see new product releases, and meet the people behind the brands. And it doesn’t stop there! We also have video premiers and work with local restaurants and bars for after parties and concerts. The community of skaters around the area also create local meet ups around Blading Cup so visitors can enjoy even more skating in an already jam packed weekend. Blading Cup has become a full weekend event for anyone and everyone to enjoy”.
The Blading Cup - Time Machine
BL8 Cup Unhinged - Theskatecompany re-cap. Highlighting a few different sessions in & around Santa Ana, California. Spotlighting The Veterans Cup 2024. Featuring: Randy Spizer, Arlo Eisenberg, Mike Mcmullen, Eric Schrijn, Derek French & more.
Quoting Cody Sanders:
“Oh boy, blade cup. It’s been years since I’ve been to one. Me and the crew usually pick one major event to all mob each year. Blade Cup with this year’s pick. Well, I say “the whole crew,” but usually 80% of them bail once plane tickets start being purchased. This however wasn’t the case this weekend. It was the first time I’ve seen so many of my close friends actually bite the bullet and come out to a blading event.
Even if the goal wasn’t to skate in it, just to be around it. I loved it. We talked about it all weekend, how important it was to be present at the very few moments we all have to gather en masse. What was even more impressive, was seeing some of my friends that haven’t entered a competition (in some cases, in twenty years!) participate in the event. I won’t ramble on too much about the event itself, because the video covers the most of it, but I do want to touch on a few key points that may not be too obvious.
In the middle of the event, my lens broke and I had to scramble to a camera store and buy a new one. Thank you Kirill and Labez for helping me through all of that. I ended up missing a large chunk of the veterans and pro events because of that. So yes… There’s a lot of phone clips in this one. What I was focused on this year was the Bladies event. For those of you that aren’t familiar with that term, it’s the womans event.
I was focused on it because every time I go to an event, I end up having some sort of mishap that causes me to be unable to film it. That happened at Winterclash, Franky Morales Invitational, Carriers Open, etc… So I really went out of my way to make sure that my batteries were charged and I was on schedule for once.
I wasn’t disappointed. I think the female side of our sport is really starting to ramp up. The amount of participation, level and overall vibe was super high this weekend. The pro event ended up getting rained out, which was a bit of a damper. But they did hold a bonus event the day after that coincided with the Brandon Negrete Memorial event. Which was awesome but… Somehow I didn’t get the memo that it was happening. I had made plans with my California family to meet up that Sunday, so I ended up missing it. Which I normally could have been ok with, but Mick Casals won! Man! I wish I would have been there for that. But oh well… I’m sure there’s going to be many more moments like that to look forward to.
If you’re still reading, make it a point to try and get out to an event this year. Even if you’re brand new, you don’t know anyone there, it doesn’t matter. It’s waaay too easy to make friends and feel a part of the event when you’re at these things. The more the merrier. Give yourself a reason to travel. You’re good enough. You’re not too old. Whatever it is that you’ve got in your head, don’t listen to it. Come out and be a part of rollerblading. Blading Cup was fantastic. No matter what happened, absolutely fantastic. Can’t wait to see yall at the next one”. - Cody Sanders (Jumbo-brand.com).
Blading Cup USA, Santa Ana (California) - Nov 1-2, 2024. Skating clips filmed all around the event. Featuring: Dipp (A.D.), Robert Antaki, Wes Phelan, Dave Hill, Jon Ortiz, Chris Edwards, Michael Briggs, John Copeland, Vinny Martin, Todd McInerney, Mick Casals, Levi Sebastian, Elijah Jennett, Kc Rose, John Gantz, Eli LeGate, Preston Villanueva, Ruben Feinberg, Carter Leblanc, Arlo Eisenberg, Cameron Talbott.
Chihiro Azuma - Blading Cup 2024 Champion. Shot and cut by Ivan Narez.
Chihiro Azuma - Them Skates, Pro Skates
Them Skates is proud to announce the release of Japanese legend Chihiro Azuma’s first pro skate. Chihiro has always been known for her signature style while always pushing the boundaries of technical street skating.
Chihiro has traveled all over the world winning all the major world class contests. This pro skate is a long time coming. Very much deserved.
After months of preparation, We finally managed to held the first Blading Cup Asia 2024, in Jakarta (Indonesia). We are so stoked, that the enthusiasm is way beyond our expectation. 18 Countries joined the competition for a total of 150 athletes from all over the world.
We would like to say thank you and highest appreciation to everyone who put lots of efforts and energy to help us makes the Blading Cup Asia 2024 Happens: Jon Julio, Jason Reyna, Miguel Ramos, Koda Hult ; who gave us opportunity to held the first Blading Cup Asia in Indonesia.
The Blading Cup Asia 2024: Full Results & more Video Coverage.
Blading Cup Asia 2024 - May 3-5, 2024 - Jakarta, Indonesia.
Pro Results
PRO Registered Competitors: Aarel Aqmal - Putra Heights, Malaysia | Afiq Mansor - Shah Alam, Malaysia | Dan Robinson - London, UK - Melbourne, Australia | Faris Mandura - Riyadh, Saudi Arabia | Gavin Drumm - Sydney, Australia | Ilia Savosin - Krasnoyarsk, Russia | Jeerasak Tassorn - Bangkok, Thailand | Josh Nielsen - Sydney, Australia | Junkyu - Seoul, Korea | Michael Müller - Wangen im Allgäu, Germany | Richie Eisler - Canada | Rob Kellett - Brisbane, Australia | Soichiro Kanashima - Okayama, Japan | Tim Franken - Belleville, New Jersey USA | Worapoj Boonim - Bangkok, Thailand.
Open Division
17yo & Under
Best Trick: Worapoj Bonnim - Thailand.
Coverage by Joe Stuart - Day 3 of competition - Pro Finals and Awards
Day 3 Coverage by Koda Hult (17-) on Instagram.
OPEN DIVISION, Registered Competitors: Abdu Rizal - Jakarta, Indonesia | Adam Zur - Newcastle, Australia | Addis Tan - Singapore | Ahmad Ishak Ab Rahman - Klang, Malaysia | Ahmad Muzakkir - Singapore | Angelo Tan - Singapore | Aoi Iwama - Shizuoka, Japan | Aarel Aqmal - Putra Heights, Malaysia | Bahrumnuddin Haji jaili - Brunei, Begawan | Chaiatip Angsuthanin - Bangkok, Thailand | Cheuk Hei Tse - Hong Kong China | Daniel Shapi’ee - Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei | David R Rezkillah - Kota Pontianak, Indonesia | Dede Loxxlorr - Makassar, Indonesia | Doni saputra - Samarinda, Indonesia | Dyon Santoso - Bandung, Indonesia | Esel Choi - Seoul, Korea | FIKRI ANSYAH - Tasikmalaya, Indonesia | Florin Haiciu - Bucharest, Romania | Gilang Ramadhan - Kabupaten Bekasi, Indonesia | Harris fayzal Bin kamal - Singapore | Hayden Golder - Melbourne, Australia | Hazman Hj Hussin - Brunei | Hilman AR- Tasikmalaya, Indonesia | Ittitep Krawjuntuk - Mung Rayong, Thailand | Izzat Hanapi - Kuala Belait, Brunei | Janiel Eryaniz - Singapore | Jessy Suryanegara - Bandung, Indonesia | Johnny Yoon - Ansan, South Korea | Jun Shoha - Okayama, Japan | Kevin Lee - Seoul, Korea, Australia | Koda Hult - Detroit, MA. USA | Kurnianto Dwi W.U - Makassar, Indonesia | Martin Gade - Melbourne, Australia | Matt Caratelli - Melbourne, Australia | Md Azwandee Md Jali - Tutong, Brunei | Memen Mansor - Shah alam, Malaysia | Michael Pedersen - Krabi, Thailand | Michael Lashore - Pasadena, USA | Mikhail Grant - Singapore | MOCHAMMAD FEISAL - Garut, Indonesia | Muhammad Eqbal Maulana Fahriansyah - Tangerang, Indonesia | Murata Ryu - Kawasaki, Japan | M rizdwan nurdiansyah , Bandung, Indonesia | Nabil Ibrahim - Kuala Belait, Brunei Darussalam | Natthawat Prompuech - Ratchaburi, Thailand | Nazirul Hanapi - Belait, Brunei | Norachai Boonnim - Bangkok, Thailand | Okan Hendrawan - Bogor, Indonesia | Oolong Green - Taichung, Taiwan | Paul Kreutzer - Melbourne, Australia | Peerapat Pisalsan - Bangkok, Thailand | Rama Obhe - Makassar, Indonesia | Ren Iwama - Shizouka, Japan | Renato Oliveira - Sao Paulo, Brazil | Ricky Setiawan - Bandung, Indonesia | Ridwan putra - Bogor, Indonesia | Ryemie Rozlan - Singapore | Safari Rahman - Padang, Indonesia | Satria Kurniawan - Jakarta Timur, Indonesia | Simon Kelly - Melbourne, Australia | Shiono Hashimoto - Shizuoka, Japan | Shue Ting Leung - Hong Kong, China | Sirada Nirapong- Bangkok, Thailand | Suparjo Jusman - Makassar, Indonesia | Tan Kyns-Lee - Australia, Singapore | Tetsuto Hara - Azumino, Japan | Thanongsak Phansuwannakee - Pai, Thailand | Toby Williams - Phuket, Thailand / Singapore | Vicky Rifqiansyah - Bandung, Indonesia | Vitalii H. Lee - Seoul, Korea | Yi Chin Wu - Zhonghe, Taiwan | Zulfikar Zulkifli - Makasar, Indonesia | 17 & UNDER: Althaf Ramadhan - Tangerang, Indonesia | Athar Salazar - Bandung, Indonesia | Azrul Hail Azrul Hisyam - Petaling Jaya, Malaysia | Chloe Chua - Singapore | Esel Choi - Seoul, Korea | Evan Kai Darmajaya - Jakarta, Indoneisa | firas iftikhar - Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia | I Komang Hananibbana - Bali, Indonesia | Jevan Argana Dzubyan - Bandung, Indonesia | Jitpanu Kaewseekao - Bangkok, Thailand | Junseong Lee - Seoul, Korea | Keenan Fattah Yudistira - Jakarta, Indonesia | Muhammad Eqbal Maulana Fahriansyah - Tangerang, Indonesia | Panat Pandan - Rayong, Thailand | Pannapong Wongworapakon - Ratchaburi, Thailand | Prachaya Panyavuttivit - Bangkok, Thailand | Saranphat Kasinthorn - Bangkok, Thailand | Seoa Jang - Seoul, Korea | Shiono Hashimoto - Shizuoka, Japan | Sirada Nirapong- Bangkok, Thailand | Sosuke Kobayashi - Shizuoka, Japan | Thammakhundanai Odklan - Wattana, Thailand | M. Iwan. Andrianto from Bali, Indonesia | Worraphob Sukhumvithaya - Bangkok, Thailand | Yi-Liang Liao - Taipei, Taiwan | Zhafran AgraDilshad - Depok, Indonesia | BLADIES: Chihiro Azuma - Okayama, Japan | Chloe Chua - Singapore | Kehara Faiha - East Jakarta, Indonesia | Kiara ashley meyori Sukamto - Kabupaten Bekasi, Indonesia | Kiswah lluthfia fatimah - Cileungsi, Indonesia | Meidy Setlight - East Jakarta, Indonesia | Niki Ingkarojrit - Bangkok, Thailand | Papada Rascharoen - Rayong, Thailand | Popy Sinta Yunita - Bekasi, Indonesia | Raisa Humaira Tabina Tampa - Sleman, Indonesia | Samirah Tahar - Singapore | Seoa Jang - Seoul, Korea | Shiono Hashimoto - Shizuoka, Japan | Sirada Nirapong- Bangkok, Thailand | VETERAN: Ahmad Affidzi Ab Ghafar - Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia | Billy Xingo - Jakarta, Indonesia | CHEN CHUN AN - Tainan,Taiwan | Chien YenYu - Kaohsiung, Taiwan | Eugene Diniz - Lorena, Brazil | Fazuly Sudarmaji - Singapore | Rifky Rafly - Bekasi, Indonesia | Hazman Hj Hussin - Brunei | Hooi Wee Chong - Kota Kemuning, Malaysia | Hou Ching Hung - Tainan, Taiwan | IQBAL SETYA WAIRANEGARA - Samarinda, Indonesia | Jeerasak Tassorn - Bangkok, Thailand | Joe Stuart - Braybook, Australia | Jon Julio - Santa Ana, Ca. USA | Jon Ortiz - New York, NY. USA | M. Iwan Ardianto Bali - Indonesia | Muhammad Syafiq Tahar - Singapore | Nazirul Hanapi - Belait, Brunei | Richie Eisler - Canada | Scotty Crawford - Sydney, Australia | Shamsul Mohammad - Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei | Thanongsak Phansuwannakee - Pai Thailand. Photos: @ Bladingcup.
Day 1: The Blading Cup Asia 2024 Jakarta First day of competition (May 3, 2024) in Jakarta (Indonesia): Opening ceremonial and registration check, Inline Open Warming up, Inline open qualifying & Inline open Semi final.
Day 2: Another big day starting with the Vets, under 17, Bladies & Pros.
You can check a video of Day 2 on Instagram (by Koda Hult).
Day 3: (Morning) - Veterans and Bladies Finals Part 1.
Joe Stuart also documented his adventures in Jakarta, prior to the Blading Cup Event - PLAY: May 1st | May 2nd.
It’s Spring! It’s Blading Cup Time! New format! Land tricks, get paid! Be the MVP of the weekend, get paid more! Just a fantastic weekend. If you’ve not yet made it out to a Blading Cup, you must. See awesome skating, eat some great food, grab a coffee and buy some new merch. See the unknown become the next big thing! I shot over 6 hours of footage. There will be more edits showing off the skating after this one.
Skaters: Adam Bazydlo, Cj Wellsmore, Colin Kelso, Dan Robinson, Dylan Hopp, Emilia Parejo, Jesus, John Bolino, Junseong Lee, Kenny Scherf, Michael Witzemann, Mick Casals, Michael Kraft, Randy Spizer, Sean Darst, Seoa Jang, Esel, Tais Colares, Tony Rivituso, Yandriel Silverio.
Filmed on Sony FX30, Sony E PZ 18-200mm f/3.5-6.3 OSS Lens, DJI Mini 3 Pro Drone. Edited and Color corrected in Davinci Resolve Studio 18.5. Photo: Brandon Smith.
Previously: Hoax II Reunion / Panel Discussion at Blading Cup 2023, Spring Edition - Coverage by Brazilionaire.
Join us for a historic night in the Rollerblading Community as we sit down with the pioneers of the aggressive in-line skating industry to discuss and react to the legendary film, Hoax 2! Witness how this groundbreaking project paved the way for an entire culture and industry of aggressive skating. Our esteemed panelists include Evan B. Stone, B Love, Mike Opalek, Arlo Eisenberg, Brian Bowen-Smith, and Brooke Howard-Smith. Don’t miss out on this unforgettable event!
Join the conversation and connect with other passionate fans of the Rollerblading Community as we celebrate the impact of HOAX 2 and the pioneers who made it all possible. Follow our panelists on social media to stay updated on their latest projects and insights. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to learn, connect, and celebrate!
TIMESTAMPS: 00:00:48 Hoax Intro, 00:07:18 Brian Bowen Smith, 00:09:46 Don’t Eat Apple and Stolen Car, 00:16:17 Knife Incident, 00:19:47 Sublime Edit, 00:29:31 Little Rock, 00:33:55 NYC, 00:36:10 Jon Julio, 00:41:28 PA and B Love, 00:46:33 Def of White Trash, 00:50:29 Prince Albert, 00:52:19 Happy Tree, 00:59:19 Questions & Answers. Photo: Brandon Smith.