Charly Gringos section from Solelh a film by Hadrien Bastouil (2020).
Solelh (m. occitan) = sun. Music: Atmosphere - Sunshine.
Solelh is a rollerblading film about the sun and Montpellier. It documents more than two years of skating the streets of our beautiful and sunny region in the South of France. More than a sport or a lifestyle rollerblading the streets is a true passion bonding several humans together in a rather healthy and fulfilling way. Really hope you will enjoy this transcription as much as we had doing it. And remember, as long as there are people living the passion, rollerblading aint dead!
Solelh, Full Video - PLAY:
Intro |
Thomas Riffaud |
Homies in the Sun |
Dimitri Dalais / Hugo Ruckly |
Bob Lemarrant / Pierre Doriez |
For the Homies Montage |
Homies See the Streetlights |
Charly Gringos |
Williams Cerlo / Lyss Cerlo |
Hadrien Bastouil |
Sunset Section |
Hidden Section |
Full Video -
Trailer +
Solelh is a rollerblading film about the sun and Montpellier. It documents more than two years of skating the streets of our beautiful and sunny region in the South of France. More than a sport or a lifestyle rollerblading the streets is a true passion bonding several humans together in a rather healthy and fulfilling way. Really hope you will enjoy this transcription as much as we had doing it. And remember, as long as there are people living the passion, rollerblading aint dead!
Solelh (m. occitan) = sun.
Français: Solelh est un film de patins à roulettes en ligne, sous le soleil de Montpellier™. La vidéo documente plus de deux ans de roller dans les rues de notre belle région ensoleillée du Sud de la France. Bien plus qu’un sport ou un style de vie, patiner dans la rue est une véritable passion regroupant plusieurs humains autour d’une activité plutôt saine et épanouissante. J’espère que vous apprécierez autant cette retranscription que nous avons eu à la mettre en oeuvre. Et surtout rappelez vous, tant qu’il y a des gens qui vivent cette passion, le roller est loin d’être mort et enterré.
Charly Gringos, Clic-n-roll Team Rider at the MIP Skatepark in Montpellier, France.
Music: Creedance Clearwater - I put a spell on you.
Filmed all over France, and especially in the warm south part of the country. Edited by Stephane Jean-claude. Filming: Hadrien Bastouil, William Cerlo, Jeremy Ghouila, Julien Joubert, Kevin Dubus, Alexandre Lerch & Stephane Jean-claude.
Notre team rider Charly Gringos nous sort un nouvel edit avec des tricks capturés lors de ses nombreuses sessions aux quatre coins de France et plus précisément dans le Sud pour son soleil et ses très nombreuses sessions street…