Displaying posts tagged #Sofiane Kefane

Related Sections: Rolling Monkeys Crew.

Bladong Series by Hadrien Bastouil - with Remy Meister, Jon Matter, Nicolas Auroux & Friends

Thu, Feb 20, 2025
Bladong Series by Hadrien Bastouil - with Remy Meister, Jon Matter, Nicolas Auroux & Friends

MIP Sessions (Rollerblading)

Megamix of random sessions at Montpellier Indoor Park (MIP) in 2019. Filmed by whoever was holding the camera, gopro or phone. Filmed by many, edited by Hadrien Bastouil. Featuring: Nicolas Auroux, Hadrien Bastouil, Zac Callaert, Sofiane Kefane, Lucas Spenle, Joel Barthes, Brice Barnabeu, Williams Cerlo, Ptite Nad, Nelson Spenle & Baptiste Urbain. Music: LXST CXNTURY - INFINITY VOLUME TWO, Heuss L’Enfoiré - (ft. JuL) - Moulaga; Arabesque - In the Heat Of A Disco Night, Fake Blood - I Think I Like It.

Bladong Series by Hadrien Bastouil - with Remy Meister, Jon Matter, Nicolas Auroux & Friends

Demi Tour De Vie

To celebrate his 40th birthday, Charlie Ruckly sent a few messages to some of his best mates to ditch everything and hit the road for a week. Of course most of us were keen to meet up with the crew, staying away from cold Winterclash and heading to the south of France and Spain. For a little more than a week the group wandered and explored the streets, bowls and nightlife of the cities of Montpellier, Girona and Barcelona. Great times were had, sketchy skating was done and endless parties were shared among benevolent but committed friends.

Bladong Series by Hadrien Bastouil - with Remy Meister, Jon Matter, Nicolas Auroux & Friends

Filmed & edited by: Hadrien Bastouil. With: Charlie Ruckly, Etienne Camus, Thomas Lieurey, Remy Meister, AL, Clément Laguigne, Jon Matter & Hadrien Bastouil. Main photography: AL. Shot on Canon EOS M10 and iPhone.

Bladong Series by Hadrien Bastouil - with Remy Meister, Jon Matter, Nicolas Auroux & Friends
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Tricks @ Shred Da Ground, Paris 2023 - A video by Hugo Renard

Wed, Jul 12, 2023
Tricks @ Shred Da Ground, Paris 2023 - A video by Hugo Renard

Tricks at the Shred Da Ground, Paris 2023. A video by Hugo Renard. Riders (in order of appearance): Mathieu Heinemann, Clement Boucau, Victor Daum, Nicolas Auroux, Jo Zenk, Williams Cerlo, Frederic Bukowski, Sofiane Kefane, Hadrien Bastouil, Fabien Elettro, Pauline DB, Etienne Maréchal & Joe Atkinson. Photo: Frederic Bukowski.

Tricks @ Shred Da Ground, Paris 2023 - A video by Hugo Renard


  1. Jo Zenk
  2. Victor Daum
  3. Williams Cerlo


Tricks @ Shred Da Ground, Paris 2023 - A video by Hugo Renard
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Fr Skates @ Winterclash 2023

Sat, Feb 25, 2023
Fr Skates @ Winterclash 2023

FR Skates Team Riders at the Winterclash 2023. Featuring: Antony Pottier, Frederic Bukowski, Diako Diaby, Lucien Hugues, Valentin Hamers, Sofiane Kefane, David Esteban Estrada, Lenny Jourda & Liam Gratwohl. Filmed and edited by J. Munkhtulga - PLAY.

Winterclash 2023: Full Results | More Media.

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Best of Vendée Freestyle Session 2022 (France) - Blading x BMX

Mon, Apr 4, 2022
Best of Vendée Freestyle Session 2022 (France) - Blading x BMX

Best of Vendée Freestyle Session (France) - 2022 Edition.

Best of Vendée Freestyle Session 2022 (France) - Blading x BMX
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La Street Rep' 2021 (Paris, France) - Infos & 2020 Edit

Sat, Sep 18, 2021
La Street Rep' 2021 (Paris, France) - Infos & 2020 Edit

La Street Rep (Paris, France) is coming! Better prepare yourself, the 2021 event is set to september 25-26. You can find all the infos you need on this Facebook Event and also on Instagram. You still need motivation? Here is the 2020 video edit by Hugo Renard.

La Street Rep' 2021 (Paris, France) - Infos & 2020 Edit

2020 Edition, organized by: Lucien Hugues & Frederic Bukowski. Speaker: Thomas Bucket. Video: Hugo Renard. Drone: Taylor Latouche. Additional angles: Kevin Ciman, Nathan Gauthier, Taylor Latouche, Fabien Tricoire, Tomas Lopez, Thomas Dalbis, Lucas Spenle, Dany Molinari, Romain Godenaire & Samuel Vainqueur. Riders: Xavier Raimbault, Sofiane Kefane, Thomas Bucket, Roméo Stocchi, Yoro Sidibé, Aurel lecam, Lilian Puisset, Stan Kogutyak, Bouga, Nicolas Auroux, Jacob Juul, Jeremy Dalbis, Gars Nice, Thomas Dalbis, Nathan, Franck Steve, Adrien Anne, Samuel, Williams Cerlo, Denis Gul, Hadrien Bastouil, Carla Pasquinelli, Nicolas Servy, Warren Digne & Antony Pottier.

La Street Rep’ 2020 - RESULTS

  1. Antony Pottier
  2. Nicolas Auroux
  3. Williams Cerlo

Best Trick: Warren Digne.

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Sofiane Kefane - Maitre Kebabier - Interview

Wed, Sep 15, 2021

Bonjour! Vous parlez francais? Tant mieux! L’interview est dispo ici en FR.

Sofiane Kefane - Maitre Kebabier - Interview

Here is Sofiane Kefane of the Rolling Monkeys, a crew from Nantes, France. Let me take you for a ride. Baguettes & croissants are on me.

Exhibit #01, 2RATZ1CUP - below: Photo by Maxime Hillairaud.

Sofiane Kefane - Maitre Kebabier - Interview

Septembre 2017, the 2 RATZ 1 CUP contest takes place in Nantes, Victor Daum takes 1st place and Sofiane wins the Rookie title ; Sofiane is on fire, and launch a monster trick of his own: PLAY (trick is at 2:05 ; edit by DeLaDuch Studio).

Sofiane Kefane - Maitre Kebabier - Interview

Sofiane: At the time, the frontflip was my signature trick. I followed my good friend Léo, we both pushed each others, the rest is what on you can see on this edit.

Exhibit #02, 540 Barbecue (switch) in the flames of hell, courtesy of par Jonathan Mabileau

Sofiane Kefane - Maitre Kebabier - Interview

Quoting Sofiane: The 540 Barbecue was a child dream, something I always wanted to do: experiencing a fly through fire! My friend Jojo was geared for it ; at that moment, I noticed that the gathering nearby was turning to a riot, it was now or never, this would be perfect on tape!

Exhibit #03, Backflip Gap, Chartrons Skatepark, Bordeaux

Sofiane Kefane - Maitre Kebabier - Interview

Sofiane: Initially I started with a 180 transition that went smoothly, so I decided to try it 360: first try! Why stop here, I laced the 540 but I could not stop, the backflip idea crossed my mind, and I laced it.. first try… I was pretty satisfied, as nobody done the trick before!

Sofiane Kefane - Maitre Kebabier - Interview

Chapter 1 - Sofiane Kefane - Genesis

Sofiane Kefane follows the path of his two brothers: Yacine is a skateboarder, Kevin is rollerblading. Sofiane is only 4 but his choice his made, rollerblades it is.

Day after day, Sofiane practices his moves on the sidewalk ; he also like to try (quoting Sofiane): “completely stupid gaps” where he lands his tricks on the grass, on pebbles or on the sand (can’t stop thinking about that massive gap at the 2 RATZ 1 CUP 2017 contest!).

Sofiane is now 10, his family moves away from the countryside and lands in “Le Mans”, a medium sized town in France not too far from Paris ; the skatepark there is quite an upgrade, it’s not Woodward, but for starter it has a roof! If he behaves, Sofiane spend his wednesday evening at the park. He quickly gets a pair of Roces 5th Element.

At 12, Sofiane moves again, and skates at ‘Le Hangar’ skatepark ; 5300 square meters of freedom to express his creativity. He met his life time friends, and join a crew, his crew, the Rolling Monkeys.

Which skaters helped you build the rider you are today ? BONUS: Give us a skating section.

My sensei was: Gregory Breger AKA the bronze surfer, with crazy back backslides. Those who know Gregory will surely know which tricks I borrowed from him (hint: there is a lot)! Hahaha. Section: Gregory Breger - Quebec 2013 by Pierre Ollivier - PLAY.

Sofiane Kefane - Maitre Kebabier - Interview

Here comes Virgile Dos Santos, digusting tricks on disgusting spots, such a lovely combination! Slams at each session, no downtime allowed with Virgile!. Section: Virgile Dos Santos - dob 4 by Pierre Ollivier & Ronan Algalarrondo - PLAY.

Sofiane Kefane - Maitre Kebabier - Interview

It’s impossible not to mention Gaston Michel (who came back in Nantes). You had to be there, because each session with Gaston was intense! He made me love mizous & playing with words, the provocative way. I’m so thankful, thanks again Dad!

Sofiane Kefane - Maitre Kebabier - Interview

Damien Gerard left us in august. Damien was a friend, I met him when i was 13 years old at the Bling Bling Contest in Nantes ; he was a unique rider, with a huge personality. Damien helped me pushing my limits, he was there for me in Bordeaux. Rest in peace my friend.

Sofiane Kefane - Maitre Kebabier - Interview

Note: I had to cut the list short, it was way too huge! Kudos goes to Raphael Chevallier, the skate with no switch, Lucas Spenle, Romeo Stocchi, Nicolas Auroux, Papi and a lot more.

Chapter 2, Freestyle Rap - French Edition

Sofiane Kefane - Maitre Kebabier - Interview

Sofiane is in love with words, here is a title he wrote “HD Time”, recorded march 2021. Sofiane speaks about his friends and his adventures at the Nantes skatepark. HD, stands for “Hôtel Dieu”, the name of the place (litteraly Hostel God): (PLAY) ; you can check the title on Soundcloud and more titles here: Soundcloud.com/sofiane-kefane.

Sofiane: I’m from the rap school! I quickly understood that skating and rap was compatible ; i started to write when i heard my brother Juda rapping for his 16th birthday ; it was about, you guessed it, friends and rollerblading! I knew i had to rap! The next day, I wrote my first one, I was 15. And it was contagious, the next thing you know, my whole crew, the Rolling Monkeys started writing, we had war cries, our own hymns.

Sofiane Kefane - Maitre Kebabier - Interview

Team Video: Rolling Monkeys - The crew from Nantes (France) releases his team video in 2017, filmed by Franck Steve, Christian Degiovanni & Léo Capoulade. The video featured songs from the team, it’s a real pleasure for your eyes & ears. Featuring: Esther Ehanno, Christian Degiovanni, Sofiane Kefane, Arthur Badia, Rémy Leusch, Raphael Chevallier, Franck Steve, Olenn Somah, William Pierre, and, Léo Capoulade, Félix Maheo, Maxime Buaud, Fab Edwood, Roméo Stocchi.

Sofiane is working on a new section: “I’m planning to release a street video with some childhood friends, people who know the blading scene from Nantes won’t be disappointed!” WAIT & SEE!

You can follow Sofiane on Instagram, his musical prods are available on Soundcloud.

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2 RATZ 1 CUP 2017 (Nantes, France): DeLaDuch Studio Edit + Results - [FLASHBACK]

Wed, Jul 14, 2021
2 RATZ 1 CUP 2017 (Nantes, France): DeLaDuch Studio Edit + Results - [FLASHBACK]

Flashback: Craziest event of 2017 for sure. Don’t miss this edit.

2 RATZ 1 CUP 2017 (Nantes, France): DeLaDuch Studio Edit + Results - [FLASHBACK]


  1. Victor Daum
  2. Tom Thieuleux
  3. Alexandre Lelievre

Rookie: Sofiane Kefane - Best trick: Raphael Chevallier.

2 RATZ 1 CUP 2017 (Nantes, France): DeLaDuch Studio Edit + Results - [FLASHBACK]

“Can someone explain wtf is going on here? :D” - Cj Wellsmore. Photo by Maxime Hillairaud (larger picture on Imgur).

The answer is in the video edit above (2:06, angle 1) featuring Sofiane Kefane.

2 RATZ 1 CUP 2017 (Nantes, France): DeLaDuch Studio Edit + Results - [FLASHBACK]

2:08 - Second Angle of the front flip

2 RATZ 1 CUP 2017 (Nantes, France): DeLaDuch Studio Edit + Results - [FLASHBACK]
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Rolling Monkeys 2017 (Nantes, France)

Sat, Oct 21, 2017
Rolling Monkeys 2017 (Nantes, France)

Rolling Monkey, the blading crew from Nantes (France) presents their team video, filmed over the last year by Franck Steve, Christian Degiovanni & Léo Capoulade.

Rolling Monkeys 2017 (Nantes, France)

Featuring Esther Ehanno, Christian Degiovanni, Sofiane Kefane, Arthur Badia, Rémy Leusch, Raphael Chevallier, Franck Steve, Olenn Somah, William Pierre, and, Léo Capoulade, Félix Maheo, Maxime Buaud, Fab Edwood, Roméo Stocchi.

Rolling Monkeys 2017 (Nantes, France)

Music: Bruce sprinsteen - Street of Philadelphia # Chinese Man - Step Back # Meek Mill - Tony Story 3 # KVKA - Who You # Zack Hemzey - Finding Home.

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Sofiane Kefane: Rolling Monkeys 2016 (Nantes, France)

Tue, Oct 4, 2016
Sofiane Kefane: Rolling Monkeys 2016 (Nantes, France)

Filmed & edited by Franck Steve.

Sofiane Kefane: Rolling Monkeys 2016 (Nantes, France)

Music: The Game & Skrillex – El Chapo.

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Click-n-Roll Click-n-Roll

Rollerblading Gems

Cameron Talbott in 'Dos Dias' - A video by Cody Lampman

Mount Average [Rollerblading Video] - LUDUS Skaterblade - Vienna (Austria, 2024)

Alex Burston - In a Bit (Stockport, UK)

Jacob Juul and Storm (LOW Skate Academy) - Trigger Street Edit

OWC presents 'Orange: Mathieu Ledoux and Charles Nantel'

Dynovfr4k - A Full Length Street Video (2022-2025) with Steve Iacono, Nick Dadchuk & Friends

Mesmer Warszawa - Julia Komenda, Gabriel Adriani, Marc Moreno, Seba Dzbik & Piotrek Gbyl

OWC presents 'Orange: Diomar Velasquez and Martin Danning' - A video by Immony Men

Chad Tannehill - Right Now - An Intuition Video by Bryant Kornbau

Cranks Warsaw - Not a Banger (2024) + Daniel Jurzyna, Mini Secret Part


Jens Küfner (Germany) - Fancy Maneuvers (2024)

OG (more)

Franky Morales (Miami, Florida) - Bridges, by Brian Freeman - S1EP1 - Documentary

Mike French - Back Like I Never Left

Vince Camarillo Section - Bay Area - JSF Edit


Big Wheels (more)

Tallboyz - OPS2 - Big Wheel Blading Edit

Leon Basin and Stuart Brattey - Wizard Base and Wizard Base High

Astral Blade x FTS (2022) with Pat Ridder, Sandro Gruenheid, Dominik Stransky & Friends - Big Wheels

Skaters: | Joe Atkinson | Brian Aragon | Chihiro Azuma | Carlos Bernal | Beat Schillmeier | Sam Crofts | John Bolino | Alex Broskow | Julien Cudot | Warren Digne | Richie Eisler | Eugen Enin | Chris Farmer | Demetrios George | Mathieu Heinemann | Nils Jansons | Montre Livingston | Nick Lomax | Franky Morales | Mery Muñoz | Mathias Silhan | Brian Shima | Soichiro Kanashima | Chynna Weierstall | Takeshi Yasutoko

Skate Brands: Adapt | Deshi | Faction | Gawds | Iqon | Nimh | Razors | Roces | Seba | SSM | Them | Trigger | USD |