Nomadeshop Team in California with Antony Pottier, Frederic Bukowski & Warren Digne. A video by Cédric Duchemin.
Nomadeshop Team in California with Antony Pottier, Frederic Bukowski & Warren Digne. A video by Cédric Duchemin.
Nomadeshop Team Roller 2022. Featuring: Diako Diaby, Victor Nguyen, Antony Pottier, Warren Digne & Frederic Bukowski. A video by Cedric Duchemin. Visit Nomadeshop.com.
Previously: Team Nomadeshop - Nantes 2021 (France) with Diako Diaby, Victor Nguyen, Antony Pottier, Fred Bukowski, Warren Digne & Friends.
Nomadeshop Team Roller 2022 - Teaser - with Antony Pottier, Diako Diaby, Warren Digne, Frederic Bukowski & more. Out June 18, 2022.
Roller Street Pro
Roller Street Amateur
Roller Street Girl
Roller Half Pipe
More Results on NLcontest.com (BMX, Scooter, Skateboard).
Freeskating by Night ; the whole Nomadeshop team went in Nantes (France) to shot this full speed video. Featuring: Diako Diaby, Victor Nguyen, Antony Pottier, Warren Digne & Frederic Bukowski. A video by Cedric Duchemin.
One weekend in Nantes (France) with the Nomadeshop team. Banger edit with Diako Diaby, Victor Nguyen, Antony Pottier, Fred Bukowhisky & Warren Digne!
Previously: Warren Digne - Rollerblade Pro Wheel Promo (2021) - Nomadeshop Edit.
La Street Rep (Paris, France) is coming! Better prepare yourself, the 2021 event is set to september 25-26. You can find all the infos you need on this Facebook Event and also on Instagram. You still need motivation? Here is the 2020 video edit by Hugo Renard.
2020 Edition, organized by: Lucien Hugues & Frederic Bukowski. Speaker: Thomas Bucket. Video: Hugo Renard. Drone: Taylor Latouche. Additional angles: Kevin Ciman, Nathan Gauthier, Taylor Latouche, Fabien Tricoire, Tomas Lopez, Thomas Dalbis, Lucas Spenle, Dany Molinari, Romain Godenaire & Samuel Vainqueur. Riders: Xavier Raimbault, Sofiane Kefane, Thomas Bucket, Roméo Stocchi, Yoro Sidibé, Aurel lecam, Lilian Puisset, Stan Kogutyak, Bouga, Nicolas Auroux, Jacob Juul, Jeremy Dalbis, Gars Nice, Thomas Dalbis, Nathan, Franck Steve, Adrien Anne, Samuel, Williams Cerlo, Denis Gul, Hadrien Bastouil, Carla Pasquinelli, Nicolas Servy, Warren Digne & Antony Pottier.
La Street Rep’ 2020 - RESULTS
Best Trick: Warren Digne.
With Jeremy Fanfaron, Etienne Camus, Louis Vilar Gauthier Kawase, Hugues Charpentier, Lilian Puisset, Hugo Renard, Valentin Tuil, Theo Lapeyre & Warren Digne.
“Minnie Cassette est une vieille fille qui se languissait entre Cruviers Lasqueunque et Montreuil depuis quelques années. Jeremy, qui a un lointain lien de parenté avec cette rombière, ne pouvait cependant se résoudre à la laisser finir ses jours sans lui offrir un dernier tour de piste sur le dancing de La Roulette, et on ne peut que le remercier pour son dévouement”.
Visit Laroulette.eu.
Warren Digne - Rollerblade promo edit for the Rollerblade Hydrogen 92A, 60mm WD pro wheel by Nomadeshop.
Riders: Mathias Silhan, Antony Pottier, Warren Digne, Stan Kogutyak, Frederic Bukowski, Victor Daum. Filmed and edited by Cédric Duchemin.