42k for 42 kilometers (a bit more than 26 miles) ; the Marseille bowl is 30 years old, it’s time for some celebration. Quoting Rollerblade.com: On September 23rd Kevin Quintin paid tribute to the world-famous bowl in Marseille, France by completing a marathon in the bowl.

A 42K challenge in this form has never been done before. Besides challenging his own abilities, Kevin will use this unique event to raise awareness to help support children with cancer. His event will also host a raffle via the MC Swim Challenge which supports the same cause.
Official Teaser by Point13 Association
42k Challenge - Whole Event, by 21Solutions, with guests: Sven Boekhorst, Antony Pottier, Toto Ghali, Thomas Lieurey ; Hosted by Julien Lafarge, Chiab & Friends.
Bonus 1: Kevin Quintin - A Life on Wheels - Rollerblade Edit (2020) - Kevin Quintin has been on wheels since he was a little boy. For about 30 years he’s had wheels attached to his feet. Growing up in Marseille, France he learned to skate in the world famous bowl at the beach of his hometown. This shaped his style of skating: hard and fast and without any boundaries.
Bonus 2: Kevin Quintin - Seba Profile by Anthony Finocchiaro - Winter 2011/ 2012, shot in the south of France, in Marseille & Toulon. Featuring downhill, freeride, a ghetto skatepark session and of course bowl skating.
Bonus 3: From 1991 till today, Kevin Quintin, skating at the Marseille Bowl (2011) by Anthelme bizeul