Displaying posts tagged #Michael Froemling

Schmidty's Ramp & Camp 2023 by Hawke Trackler

Sun, Jun 4, 2023
Schmidty's Ramp & Camp 2023 by Hawke Trackler

Good times with friends never gets old. Featuring: Austin Loomis, Logan Clark BJ Martiz, Chris McCormick, Gabe Talamantes, Michael Froemling, Shawn Rodriguez, Eric Hallimen, Happy Tooth, Johanny Velasquez, James Cisz & Eric Michael.

Schmidty's Ramp & Camp 2023 by Hawke Trackler

Visit Rampandcamp.com.

Schmidty's Ramp & Camp 2023 by Hawke Trackler
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Windy City Riot 2022 - Raw Clips by Aaron Schultz

Wed, Aug 3, 2022
Windy City Riot 2022 - Raw Clips by Aaron Schultz

Aaron Schultz already released a full edit of the Windy City Riot, 2022 edition, here are the raw clips of the events! 30 good minutes of pure enjoyable skating.

Windy City Riot 2022 - Raw Clips by Aaron Schultz

Previously: 2022 Windy City Riot, by Aaron Schultz + Results.

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2022 Windy City Riot, by Aaron Schultz

Sat, Jul 30, 2022
2022 Windy City Riot, by Aaron Schultz

2022 Windy City Riot featuring: Anthony Volkart, Brad Magnuson, Cedric Tippett, Chad Anthony, Chase Linzmeyer, Chris Mccormick, Dallas Kilpatrick, David Walsh, Dwight Harding, Jared Reddrick, Joe Smith, Jordan, Josh Cardenas, Josh Dubman, Luke Belding, Michael Froemling, Paul John, Tri Tri Rudolf, Troy Beyer, Yandriel Silverio, Dave Depew & April Nesler.

2022 Windy City Riot, by Aaron Schultz

Music: Chance the Rapper - Do You Remember & Hot Shower.


  1. Michael Froemling
  2. Yandriel Silverio
  3. Paul John
  4. Brad Magnuson
  5. David Walsch
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Iowa Ruckus 2022 - Edit by Aaron Schultz

Sun, Jul 10, 2022
Iowa Ruckus 2022 - Edit by Aaron Schultz

The Iowa Ruckus, 2022 Edit by Aaron Schultz. Featuring: Troy Dezeew, Dan Howard, Troy Cranmer, Brad Magnuson, Nick Sites, Blake Herlache, Mike Rogers, Tri Tri-Rudolf, Butch Lehman, Chemi Simiyu, Egon Naab, Aaron Schultz, Ethan Knight, David Flores, Mike French, Michael Froemling, Casey Goire, Dylan Hoyt, Chase Linzmeyer, Colton Allen, Jordan Sankey & More!

Iowa Ruckus 2022 - Edit by Aaron Schultz

The Iowa Ruckus 2022 - More Media

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The Iowa Ruckus 2022 - Full Coverage by Logan Smith

Mon, Jun 27, 2022
The Iowa Ruckus 2022 - Full Coverage by Logan Smith

The Iowa Ruckus 2022. Full Coverage. “I may have missed a trick or two, but this is all of the landed tricks I filmed through out the day. I had 200 minutes of footage to go over! everyone killed it!” - Logan Smith.

The Iowa Ruckus 2022 - Full Coverage by Logan Smith


  1. Michael Froemling
  2. Brad Magnuson
  3. David Flores

Best Trick(s): Blake Herlache & Chase Linzmeyer.

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Schmidty's Ramp and Camp 2022 - Irollerboot Edit

Wed, Jun 1, 2022
Schmidty's Ramp and Camp 2022 - Irollerboot Edit

Recap of one of the most incredible skate events of the year: Schmidty’s Ramp and Camp 2022, hosted in West Lafayette, Indiana. Visit Rampandcamp.com.

Schmidty's Ramp and Camp 2022 - Irollerboot Edit

Bowl Contest Winner: Eric Michael, 2nd place: Jesus Rivera. FlyBox, Best Trick: Eric Michael. Vert Quarter, Best Trick: Austin Loomis. Street Showdown Winner: Michael Froemling, 2nd place: Phil Gripper, 3rd place: Austin Loomis.

Schmidty's Ramp and Camp 2022 - Irollerboot Edit

Previously: Schmidty’s Ramp and Camp 2022 - Edit by Hawke Trackler.

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Schmidty's Ramp and Camp 2022 - Edit by Hawke Trackler

Tue, May 31, 2022
Schmidty's Ramp and Camp 2022 - Edit by Hawke Trackler

This was my first time going to Schmidty’s Ramp and Camp and also my my first time using a new camera. I learned a lot that weekend haha. - Hawke Trackler.

Schmidty's Ramp and Camp 2022 - Edit by Hawke Trackler

Featuring: Eric Michael, Shredpool, Steven Mull, Garret Mitschelen, Jimmy Cisz, Happy Tooth, Ben Sanders, Austin Loomis, Egon Naab, Michael Froemling, Eric Hallimen, Jesus Rivera, Kelly Lennon & John Ritter.

Schmidty's Ramp and Camp 2022 - Edit by Hawke Trackler

More Media: Schmidty’s Ramp and Camp 2022 - Irollerboot Edit.

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Shred Shed (Late Nov 2021) with Michael Froemling, Aaron Schultz & Friends

Thu, Dec 9, 2021
Shred Shed (Late Nov 2021) with Michael Froemling, Aaron Schultz & Friends

We ate Toppers pizza afterwards. 11/10. Featuring: Michael Froemling, Tommy DeVillers, Steffan Kirsch, Bryce Orfield, Ben Forsythe & Aaron Schultz.

Shred Shed (Late Nov 2021) with Michael Froemling, Aaron Schultz & Friends
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2021 Windy City Riot - Edit by Aaron Schultz

Tue, Jul 27, 2021
2021 Windy City Riot - Edit by Aaron Schultz

20th edition of the Windy City Riot in Chicago Illinois (July 17th, 2021). Filmed & edited by Aaron Schultz.

2021 Windy City Riot - Edit by Aaron Schultz

Featuring Matthias St John, Michael Froemling, Chase Linzmeyer, Zack Savage, Yandriel Silverio, Dwight Harding, Paul John, Eros Zurik, David Walsch, Rob Scallon, Luke Naylor, Butch Lehman, Cal Martin, Chris McCormick, Cedric Tippett, Manoj Doss, Brad Magnusson, Tri Tri-Rudolf, George Matthew & more.

More WCR 2021 Media: ButterTV Edit | Raw Clips by Aaron Schultz + Results.

2021 Windy City Riot - Edit by Aaron Schultz
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Windy City Riot 2021 - Raw Clips by Aaron Schultz

Thu, Jul 22, 2021
Windy City Riot 2021 - Raw Clips by Aaron Schultz

Raw Clips of the Windy City Riot, XXth Anniversary Edition by Aaron Schultz.

Windy City Riot 2021 - Raw Clips by Aaron Schultz

Windy City Riot 2021 - July 17th 2021.

Windy City Riot 2021 - Raw Clips by Aaron Schultz


  1. Matthias St John
  2. Bradley Magnuson
  3. Michael Froemling

Best Trick: Yandriel Silverio.

Previously: Windy City Riot 2021 - Two Decades, Edit by Butter TV.

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Click-n-Roll Click-n-Roll

Rollerblading Gems

Siavash sohrabi - 'Back to my birthtown: Esfahan' (Iran, 2024)

Road to Andros // Greece // Athens Bladehouse, a video by Dennis Van Stappen

Tais Colares // 2024 - Razors Street Edit

Express - Big Milk (2024)

Justis Pope - Documentary by Brad Oz

Julien Cudot - Cougar Skates (2024) - Copenhagen Edit by Jonas Hansson

Bodega Boys - For Lovers (2024, New York) - Full Video

Nemix Tour 2024 (Ireland) - Video Edits

Geoff Phillip - 401(k) - Street Edit

Cameron Talbott - For the Birds - Blank, Street Edit by Elijah Jennett

Zachary Pollak - Italy x Florida, Roces Street Edit by Pablo Porta

'Equilibrium' - A Skate Video From Atlanta

Big Wheels (more)

Tallboyz - OPS2 - Big Wheel Blading Edit

Leon Basin and Stuart Brattey - Wizard Base and Wizard Base High

Astral Blade x FTS (2022) with Pat Ridder, Sandro Gruenheid, Dominik Stransky & Friends - Big Wheels

OG (more)

Vince Camarillo Section - Bay Area - JSF Edit


Full Circle: Featuring CJ Wellsmore - [Documentary Short] by Dom West - Full VOD, Now Free

Sven Buršić (37, Croatia) - 2023 Street Edit - Strtz x Broskva x Leaf

Skaters: | Joe Atkinson | Brian Aragon | Chihiro Azuma | Carlos Bernal | Beat Schillmeier | Sam Crofts | John Bolino | Alex Broskow | Julien Cudot | Warren Digne | Richie Eisler | Eugen Enin | Chris Farmer | Demetrios George | Mathieu Heinemann | Nils Jansons | Montre Livingston | Nick Lomax | Franky Morales | Mery Muñoz | Mathias Silhan | Brian Shima | Soichiro Kanashima | Chynna Weierstall | Takeshi Yasutoko

Skate Brands: Adapt | Deshi | Faction | Gawds | Iqon | Nimh | Razors | Roces | Seba | SSM | Them | Trigger | USD |