Chance of Pain, a video by Hawke Trackler with full street sections on: Happy Tooth, Hood Panda and Mike French.
Chance of Pain, a video by Hawke Trackler with full street sections on: Happy Tooth, Hood Panda and Mike French.
Featuring: Luke Naylor, Happy Tooth, Kyle Wood, Tonee Hawke, John Franke, Hood Panda, Jimbo Hawkins, Philip Moore, Mike French & Nigel Klein.
“Brrr its cold in here. There must be some skaters in the atmosphere. I said Brrrr. It’s cold in here. There must be some bladers in the atmosphere. With all that being said I for some reason just wanna say I make edits of the homies for fun and our entertainment. I kinda think of the whole process as art in many ways so I like being able to share it. I hope you enjoy”. - Hawke Trackler.
Power Nap is just a fun little small Tiny montage of the homies: Happy Tooth, Gus Martin, Tonee Hawk, Eric Comeras, Logan Oleson, John Franke, Vinnie Fox & Tri Tri-Rudolf.
“I will start by saying Happy Tooth and myself have been working on this section the past couple months. About a month ago he got something called vertigo where it screws up all kinds of stuff with your vision and balance. It makes life miserable from what I hear. He is doing way better but assuming this is the last one we had one hell of a run this year. We have both been through the ringer but truly enjoy making sections even if it is really hard”.
“Also recently Tooth had a clip uploaded to PeopleDoingAwesomeStuff instagram account (link) and the comments were fucking horrible and homophobic for NO reason at all. I know its just a hobby I chose to do over the last 20+ years but whoa. Made us both realize there is still hate out there towards rollerblading and just in general. This is were the title comes in. If you’re out here adding to the massive hate I wanna apologize for hurting your little feelings and from us both we are soooo sorry for having fun…” - Hawke Trackler.
Happy Tooth and I both went on a killing spree making Survival Tickets, Clout Tokens, Fame Vouchers, Exposure Coupons, Popularity Receipts and now Ego Credits. We are calling the series of the 6 sections “Blade Currency”. Tooth and I both work hard, put in a lot of time and effort cause we love to create these wild and unique video parts for all kinds of reasons but mostly for our fellow rollerblading enthusiasts to enjoy as well as ourselves.
These sections are time capsules of moments for us not to recreate but more just admire what happened during those time periods. I am proud of all the videos we have created together. From both Tooth and myself we really appreciate all the love. I tip my cap to you all and hope you enjoy the final one “Ego Credits”. - Hawke Trackler.
“Here it is. Episode 15. Fuck yeah haha I am glad I stuck with it cause they are fun to watch. This episode features Vinnie Fox, John Frank, Gus Martin, Stefan Brandow, and Happy Tooth”. - Hawke Trackler.
Featuring: Luke Naylor, Nathan Bentley, Hood Panda, Gus Martin, one mess up from Reed Huston, me saying random stuff sometimes and last but not least we have one our most popular guests of the show. Let’s give a Tiny round of applause for our good pal Happy Tooth. - Hawke Trackler.
Featured Skaters: (TOP) Happy Tooth, Hood Panda, Reed Huston ; (BOTTOM): Luke Naylor at the Windy City Riot, 2024 edition.
The creators of Survival Tickets, Clout Tokens & Fame Vouchers now bring to you a month later another heater titled “Exposure Coupons”.
“My man Happy Tooth came correct again and impressed me again. I am going out a limb that he might impress you again as well. He is unique and always likes to attempt unique type tricks. If the juice is worth the squeeze haha. I also just wanted to say we do it cause we have fun making sections and love pushing ourselves in different ways. So this one is for the street skaters. Chain Gang! Tiny or always lose gambling. F-ck your rank. We earn our own stripes out here. We hope enjoy!”. - Hawke Trackler.
The creators of Survival Tickets & Clout Tokens bring you Fame Vouchers.
If you are at all a fan of rollerblading this one is for you. Happy Tooth cooked up some wacky and wild tricks for this. It has been cool watching this dude push what’s being done with chains. I love someone who takes an avenue and then carves their own path and I feel thats what he does.
Happy Tooth put a lot of effort into this section and I am just proud to have been able to help document him do the damn thing. Plus in doing so I got to see him do a a bunch of bucket list tricks he and I had always wanted to see get done. In my personal opinion this might be his best section to date but he stays impressing me so who knows. With all that being said please enjoy Fame Vouchers. - Hawke Trackler.
Tiny, a serie by Hawke Trackler - Episode 9. “It’s the small things, the little things that make big things happen”. Featuring: Montre Livingston, Matt Lyon, Happy Tooth, Stefan Brandow & More.