Not as much of a showdown but and way of a bro down. This is all I got but next time I will film a bunch more. I just kept missing clip after clip so I suppose I just wasnt on that day. Either way it was fun and here is what I got from it. Enjoy!". - Hawke Trackler.
Featuring: Mike French, Derek French, Hood Panda & Luke Naylor.
Chance of Pain, a video by Hawke Trackler with full street sections on: Happy Tooth, Hood Panda and Mike French.
“The assassin of youth is back with a 3rd Poke Smot for my fellow rollerblading enthusiast to inhale. Light it up and press play Enjoy!”. - Hawke Trackler.
Shane Conn,
Kyle Wood,
Cody Reffner,
Brian Weis,
Travis Rhodes,
Matty Schrock,
Daniel Powell,
Mark Wojda,
Hawke Trackler,
Ben Poling,
Greg Preston,
Ryan Sibbio,
Chance Bentley,
Kenny Shawver,
Matt Oz,
Aaron Pyle,
Brandon Ballog,
Paul Stewart &
Hood Panda.
Luke Naylor,
Happy Tooth,
Kyle Wood,
Tonee Hawke,
John Franke,
Hood Panda,
Jimbo Hawkins,
Philip Moore,
Mike French &
Nigel Klein.
“Brrr its cold in here. There must be some skaters in the atmosphere. I said Brrrr. It’s cold in here. There must be some bladers in the atmosphere. With all that being said I for some reason just wanna say I make edits of the homies for fun and our entertainment. I kinda think of the whole process as art in many ways so I like being able to share it. I hope you enjoy”. - Hawke Trackler.
Smoke is a full street section of one of the best to ever do it. If you by chance missed Montre Livingston’s Gemini Section, then you’re gonna wanna watch this. It’s the kind of talent thats undeniably impressive. - Hawke Trackler.
There is a OG Blader on the loose again and he is looking for spots haha. Mike French is worth looking into cause he has lived a interesting life to say the least and has some good sections from way back when. Mike and I took a trip to California for 6 days and while we were there Mike judged a little kids rollerblading contest and then drove 6 hours to NorCal so we could hang with a bunch of locals at Biz Grindsmas box comp.
We then drove 6 hours back the next day haha. Like I said the man is looking for spots and we just so happen to find some along the way haha. Mike maybe be old school and may have went away for a while in more ways than one but he is back with the classics and maybe even a couple different ones. Check it out and see for yourself. Enjoy! - Hawke Trackler.
Song: Cal Scruby - Captain America. Shouts to Walter Ruiz for the assist. Thanks for those double views Big Walt. Walt Disney. DeWalt. The Mayor.
“This event was awesome and I am happy I ended up filming it. Shout out to all the parents. I know you’re the cool parents at school haha. I was very impressed from all the different age groups. It was a beautiful sight to see as a rollerblader of over 20 years. Speaking of long time skating shouts to Matt Mickey who did the announcing for their competition. I have been to most rollerblading contests at this point and I was just as pumped to see the little kids blading like anyone else id watch normally. It was also awesome to watch Mike French and Migel teach kids some new stuff and ideas. It was wild how fast they learned. They really did a great job so be sure to pass along that message for me. Tell them I said you all shred! haha”.

“With that keep being good parents and letting your kids shine and do whatever it is they love. Be happy and support them. Be kind but stern. Be loving and protective but also let them live a great life that they deserve. Be patient and be there for them. I am never around children so it was honestly crazy to witness so many different levels of skater. I had a blast being able to watch and take part in the event. Thanks again for having me. The future is looking bright. Let’s keep blading alive shall we! Peace”. - Hawke Trackler.
- Thor
- Skylar
- Johnny
- Tonee Hawke
- Mike French
Power Nap is just a fun little small Tiny montage of the homies:
Happy Tooth,
Gus Martin,
Tonee Hawk,
Eric Comeras,
Logan Oleson,
John Franke,
Vinnie Fox &
Tri Tri-Rudolf.
“So 10 months ago I had a seizure accident leaving me with a broken neck and a destroyed mangled right foot. I have been through a lot and am proud to say I was able to pull off another full street section cause it was my end goal. I watch everyone who skates online and everyones videos and get very inspired by it so wanted to attempt some superman type shit and it has somehow worked out”.
“I put in a fuck ton of effort for this and again am proud to say I pulled it off. If you’re reading this far thank you so much for being a real one and seeing it through to the end cause these last parts are key to this. I made this almost in honor of what I went through and how I over came it. This section could maybe be a rollercoaster of emotions depending who you are and if you know me. I hope you feel happy or something after this. I am a emotional person who has seen a lot in my day already. I mean skating aside I have been through, seen and done some wild shit till the age of 37”.

“The point being this was a challenge I gave myself in the hospital. I made a trick list of spots and clips I wanted to get. The first two on the list were “find courage to skate” and next was “learn to skate again”. This was a passion project for me and even it not being this crazy banger ground breaking thing I put a lot into this and into rehab and learning to grind again. Its been a fucking ride and I am so happy to call this complete. As long as I live I will never forget clicking the (publish) button to this video making it public. Just when I thought this was over I told myself not yet man because “Time Isn’t Up”. I love being able to share my content with you all. Thanks so much for watching! Value Life! Enjoy!” - Hawke Trackler.
Thanks to all the homies who helped film! Happy Tooth, Ryan Benner, Gus Martin, Sebastian and last but not least Hood Panda. You all are awesome.