Eric Michael by Brandon Andersen, skating at the Schmidty’s Ramp and Camp skatepark.
Good times with friends never gets old. Featuring: Austin Loomis, Logan Clark BJ Martiz, Chris McCormick, Gabe Talamantes, Michael Froemling, Shawn Rodriguez, Eric Hallimen, Happy Tooth, Johanny Velasquez, James Cisz & Eric Michael.
Visit Rampandcamp.com.
Recap of one of the most incredible skate events of the year: Schmidty’s Ramp and Camp 2022, hosted in West Lafayette, Indiana. Visit Rampandcamp.com.
Bowl Contest Winner: Eric Michael, 2nd place: Jesus Rivera. FlyBox, Best Trick: Eric Michael. Vert Quarter, Best Trick: Austin Loomis. Street Showdown Winner: Michael Froemling, 2nd place: Phil Gripper, 3rd place: Austin Loomis.
Previously: Schmidty’s Ramp and Camp 2022 - Edit by Hawke Trackler.
This was my first time going to Schmidty’s Ramp and Camp and also my my first time using a new camera. I learned a lot that weekend haha. - Hawke Trackler.
Featuring: Eric Michael, Shredpool, Steven Mull, Garret Mitschelen, Jimmy Cisz, Happy Tooth, Ben Sanders, Austin Loomis, Egon Naab, Michael Froemling, Eric Hallimen, Jesus Rivera, Kelly Lennon & John Ritter.
More Media: Schmidty’s Ramp and Camp 2022 - Irollerboot Edit.
Eric Michael wins the 2021 fall Ramp and Camp. A video by Aaron Schultz.
More Media: Edit by by Zack Savage | Raw Clips by Aaron Schultz (15min).