42k Marseille Bowl Challenge by Kevin Quintin (2021)

Wed, Sep 29, 2021
42k Marseille Bowl Challenge by Kevin Quintin (2021)

42k for 42 kilometers (a bit more than 26 miles) ; the Marseille bowl is 30 years old, it’s time for some celebration. Quoting Rollerblade.com: On September 23rd Kevin Quintin paid tribute to the world-famous bowl in Marseille, France by completing a marathon in the bowl.

42k Marseille Bowl Challenge by Kevin Quintin (2021)

A 42K challenge in this form has never been done before. Besides challenging his own abilities, Kevin will use this unique event to raise awareness to help support children with cancer. His event will also host a raffle via the MC Swim Challenge which supports the same cause.

Official Teaser by Point13 Association

42k Marseille Bowl Challenge by Kevin Quintin (2021)

42k Challenge - Whole Event, by 21Solutions, with guests: Sven Boekhorst, Antony Pottier, Toto Ghali, Thomas Lieurey ; Hosted by Julien Lafarge, Chiab & Friends.

42k Marseille Bowl Challenge by Kevin Quintin (2021)

Bonus 1: Kevin Quintin - A Life on Wheels - Rollerblade Edit (2020) - Kevin Quintin has been on wheels since he was a little boy. For about 30 years he’s had wheels attached to his feet. Growing up in Marseille, France he learned to skate in the world famous bowl at the beach of his hometown. This shaped his style of skating: hard and fast and without any boundaries.

42k Marseille Bowl Challenge by Kevin Quintin (2021)

Bonus 2: Kevin Quintin - Seba Profile by Anthony Finocchiaro - Winter 2011/ 2012, shot in the south of France, in Marseille & Toulon. Featuring downhill, freeride, a ghetto skatepark session and of course bowl skating.

42k Marseille Bowl Challenge by Kevin Quintin (2021)

Bonus 3: From 1991 till today, Kevin Quintin, skating at the Marseille Bowl (2011) by Anthelme bizeul

42k Marseille Bowl Challenge by Kevin Quintin (2021)
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See Also

Iconic Skate Spot: Bercy (Paris, France)

Tue, Jun 8, 2021
Iconic Skate Spot: Bercy (Paris, France)

The legendary ledges in Bercy, France. Featuring: Randy Spizer, Sven Boekhorst, Sandro Brun, Adrien Anne, Ryan Northway, Mathieu Heinemann, Antony Pottier, Dre Powell, Brian Shima, Fabrice Guyont, Beat Schillmeier, Dustin Latimer, Chris Haffey, Brian Aragon, Jochen Smuda, Roman Abrate, Jona Messerli, Kare Lindberg, Julian Bah, Will Gordon & more.

Iconic Skate Spot: Bercy (Paris, France)

A compilation by Scoreback (Youtube Channel).

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La Street Rep' 2021 (Paris, France) - Infos & 2020 Edit

Sat, Sep 18, 2021
La Street Rep' 2021 (Paris, France) - Infos & 2020 Edit

La Street Rep (Paris, France) is coming! Better prepare yourself, the 2021 event is set to september 25-26. You can find all the infos you need on this Facebook Event and also on Instagram. You still need motivation? Here is the 2020 video edit by Hugo Renard.

La Street Rep' 2021 (Paris, France) - Infos & 2020 Edit

2020 Edition, organized by: Lucien Hugues & Frederic Bukowski. Speaker: Thomas Bucket. Video: Hugo Renard. Drone: Taylor Latouche. Additional angles: Kevin Ciman, Nathan Gauthier, Taylor Latouche, Fabien Tricoire, Tomas Lopez, Thomas Dalbis, Lucas Spenle, Dany Molinari, Romain Godenaire & Samuel Vainqueur. Riders: Xavier Raimbault, Sofiane Kefane, Thomas Bucket, Roméo Stocchi, Yoro Sidibé, Aurel lecam, Lilian Puisset, Stan Kogutyak, Bouga, Nicolas Auroux, Jacob Juul, Jeremy Dalbis, Gars Nice, Thomas Dalbis, Nathan, Franck Steve, Adrien Anne, Samuel, Williams Cerlo, Denis Gul, Hadrien Bastouil, Carla Pasquinelli, Nicolas Servy, Warren Digne & Antony Pottier.

La Street Rep’ 2020 - RESULTS

  1. Antony Pottier
  2. Nicolas Auroux
  3. Williams Cerlo

Best Trick: Warren Digne.

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Mathieu Heinemann - Best-of (2012 Edition)

Thu, Jul 15, 2021
Mathieu Heinemann - Best-of (2012 Edition)

Flashback: Best of Mathieu Heinemann (France) - 2012 Edition.

Mathieu Heinemann - Best-of (2012 Edition)

Previously: Mathieu Heinemann - Minutes Cocktail Section (2016).

Mathieu Heinemann - Best-of (2012 Edition)
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Minnie Cassette - Louis Vilar x Etienne Camus VX Tapes (2021, France) - La Roulette Edit by Jeremy Fanfaron

Wed, Jul 7, 2021
Minnie Cassette - Louis Vilar x Etienne Camus VX Tapes (2021, France) - La Roulette Edit by Jeremy Fanfaron

With Jeremy Fanfaron, Etienne Camus, Louis Vilar Gauthier Kawase, Hugues Charpentier, Lilian Puisset, Hugo Renard, Valentin Tuil, Theo Lapeyre & Warren Digne.

Minnie Cassette - Louis Vilar x Etienne Camus VX Tapes (2021, France) - La Roulette Edit by Jeremy Fanfaron

“Minnie Cassette est une vieille fille qui se languissait entre Cruviers Lasqueunque et Montreuil depuis quelques années. Jeremy, qui a un lointain lien de parenté avec cette rombière, ne pouvait cependant se résoudre à la laisser finir ses jours sans lui offrir un dernier tour de piste sur le dancing de La Roulette, et on ne peut que le remercier pour son dévouement”.

Visit Laroulette.eu.

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Pro Bowl Contest 2021 (Marseille, France) - France 3 Broadcast + Results

Sat, Jul 3, 2021
Pro Bowl Contest 2021 (Marseille, France) - France 3 Broadcast + Results

Flyer: Lisa Mary Authie (left) ; Julien Cudot, 1st place Pros Men (right).

The Pro Bowl Contest 2021 took place June 25-27, 2021 in the mythical bowl of Marseille (France). The finals were broadcasted live on France3, the French free-to-air public television channel, here is the video and the results.

Pro Bowl Contest 2021 (Marseille, France) - France 3 Broadcast + Results


  1. Julien Cudot
  2. Yuma Baudoin
  3. Jaro Frijn
  4. Anthony Avella
  5. Diako Diaby
Pro Bowl Contest 2021 (Marseille, France) - France 3 Broadcast + Results


  1. Carla Pasquinelli (FR)
  2. Sara Vilella (ES)
  3. Armelle Tisler (FR)
Pro Bowl Contest 2021 (Marseille, France) - France 3 Broadcast + Results

Best Tricks

  • Pros Men - Best Trick: Diako DIABY - 450 alley oop soul on the wallride.
  • Pros Women - Best Trick: Armelle TISLER - 540 true spin top soul on the Mozart module.

More Results on Probowlcontest.fr. Note: At the moment, some of the results on the website are incomplete (Pros Men Results shown are from the qualifs, with the score from the final, Pro Women results are not available).

Photos courtesy of probowlcontest.fr.

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Skaters: | Joe Atkinson | Brian Aragon | Chihiro Azuma | Carlos Bernal | Beat Schillmeier | Sam Crofts | John Bolino | Alex Broskow | Julien Cudot | Warren Digne | Richie Eisler | Eugen Enin | Chris Farmer | Demetrios George | Mathieu Heinemann | Nils Jansons | Montre Livingston | Nick Lomax | Franky Morales | Mery Muñoz | Mathias Silhan | Brian Shima | Soichiro Kanashima | Chynna Weierstall | Takeshi Yasutoko

Skate Brands: Adapt | Deshi | Faction | Gawds | Iqon | Nimh | Razors | Roces | Seba | SSM | Them | Trigger | USD |