Nail in the Coffin: Sections on Happy Tooth, Brian Weis, Greg Preston, Matt Lyon, Stefan Brandow & Luke Naylor. VOD drops Nov 18, 2022.
Nail in the Coffin - More Media: Trailer 1 | Happy Tooth Leftovers.
Nail in the Coffin: Sections on Happy Tooth, Brian Weis, Greg Preston, Matt Lyon, Stefan Brandow & Luke Naylor. VOD drops Nov 18, 2022.
Nail in the Coffin - More Media: Trailer 1 | Happy Tooth Leftovers.
Main Camera: Hawke Trackler. Additional Filming: Brian Weis, Matt Lyon.
We’re thrilled to announce our third signature wheel release for Stefan Brandow at 60mm and 90a. They feature a rounded profile and the perfect hardness for all around skating. Matching antirocker wheels and limited run t-shirt designed by Jeremy Beightol will also be available to finish off your setup. - Chroma Wheels.
Visit Chromawheels.com.
Nail In The Coffin - Dropping Fall 2022. With: Stefan Brandow, Happy Tooth, Matt Lyon, Yandriel Silverio, Ben Weis & more! A video by Hawke Trackler.
OUT FALL 2022.
The dirtiest DIY this side of the Mississippi. A video by Hawke Trackler, with Stefan Brandow, Happy Tooth, Matt Lyon & Friends.
Previously: Schmidty’s Ramp and Camp 2022 - Edit by Hawke Trackler.
Featuring: Stefan Brandow, Chris Farmer, Jon Fromm & Yandriel Silverio. Filmed by: Hawke Trackler, Stefan Brandow & Dylan Kingsolver. PLAY.
Bandaidz Rock, by Hawke Trackler. Featuring: Taylor Popham Andrew Conners, Reed Huston, Tonee Hawke, Zach Leavell, Greg Preston, Happy Tooth, Jimmy Spetz & Stefan Brandow.
I’ve been skating the new 50/50 Balance 2 frames since November and it’s the perfect frame for me. Everything great about the original Balance frame, but updated and improved for modern skating. - Stefan Brandow.
Last one of 2021! Hope to see you on the other side. Featuring: Stefan Brandow Tonee Hawk, Hood Panda, Zach Cummins, Bradley Wilson, Luke Naylor, Happy Tooth & Brandin Hunter.
Some footage I’ve been meaning to post that I gathered over the past couple years. Featuring: Stefan Brandow, Paul Stewart, Vinnie Fox, Hawke Trackler, Happy Tooth, Matthew Plasencia, Matt Lyon and Nick Pellegrino. - Kyle Wood.
Song: “Press Enter to Exit” by the Horrors.
Stefan Brandow - Blade Cut, by Hawke Trackler.
Previously:: FR Skates - Stefan Brandow - Welcome (November 2021).