Plastic Pushers, Volume IV: Patrick Smith & Michael Witzemann B-roll from their parts. Unseen clips and bails and the fun in between.
Plastic Pushers, Volume IV: Patrick Smith & Michael Witzemann B-roll from their parts. Unseen clips and bails and the fun in between.
Mnstr Blade III aka TRU SOUL aka lost tapes Finally, here it is… Filmed throughout 2016-2017, mainly edited 2018-2019, a lot of things got in the way: first our beloved 0.2x deathlense Fisheye unfortunately got humiliated in the process of filming as you can see in the video.. then I couldnt get it again and we continued shooting some stuff with broken fisheye (sorry for that). At some point after that my computer crashed and I lost access to the open file, when 70% was edited and rest loosely arranged. Lost all drive to do it all again until the Crew died around 2020/ beginning of 2021.
After a while I felt the need to wrap this one up as it portrays the final chapter of the crews skating and I was about to move away from Münster. I found a 70% edited version that got rendered for private youtube some years ago to show the crew in earlier editing stages and just redid the last 2 minutes or so. Deleted messy outro and made tough decision to leave it like that. The second half was originally intended to get as much attention to detail as the first half and I couldnt even think of releasing but Daniel (Enin) insisted I should just throw it out and he is right. I hope its still enjoyable, but please excuse a few rough cuts and loose arrangement of clips during the last bits especially. Please enjoy the final chapter of the infamous MNSTR BLADE crew: MNSTR BLADE III - TRU SOUL. It’s been a ride. - Jo Zenk.
Featuring: Jo Zenk, Patrick Smith, Benni Petry, Aleks Popvasilev, Eugen Enin, Jurij Pelaev, BTK, Joao Goncalves, Sven Ischen, Joery van De Pol, Daniel Laufs & Bas Berghuis. Main camera: Jo Zenk, Patrick Smith. Additional filming: Aleks Popvasilev, Eugen Enin, Daniel Enin, Benni Petry, & possibly more.
This ain’t a leftover edit! (PLAY) - With so many skaters in front of my lens, it was hard to choose what tricks to use for the full length. Here are the ones that still deserved to see the light of day. - Cavin Brinkman. Music: Kujo - Waves Of Belonging, Movements - Kept.
Skaters: Clement Boucau, Lucas Spenle, Erik Droogh, Matthijs van Kleij, Jeroen Wullems, Pail Ruksa, Luca Gobbo, Adriaan Poortmans, Vladimir Kocherga, Lennert Goormans Pascal Tan, Francesco Fama, Davy Wouda, Sem Croft, Sebastiaan van Wijk, Vivien Butot, Wisse Ankersmit, Dominik Wagner, Levi van Rijn, Randy Abels, Cody Lampman, Marnix Haak, Patrick smith, Hadrien Bastouil, Nolan Charbonnier, Stan Kogutyak, Cavin Brinkman, Claudio Bohli, Reto Burgin, Dean Bradley Jeremy Fanfaron, Freddy White, Chris Calkins, Victor Daum, Hayden Ball, Yves Maurer, Chris Farmer, Eugen Enin, Billy Murton, Zachary Pollak, Mozes den Blanken & Jon Fromm.
Official Aftermovie for the Xmas Jam, 2021 Edition which took place on 11th December 2021 in Hamburg, Germany @ iPunkt Skateland. An Aalglatt® event by Vollkornblading™.
Camera: Karsten Boysen, Jaimie-Lee Bormann. Edit: Karsten Boysen, Marc Nickel. Graphics: Pawel Wieleba.
Under The Coping - Results
1st Undergrind: Lino Bach
Symetrics x Vollkornblading Ballercross
Sgt. Snakes’ Castle
Grindhouse Cash4Trick (Big Tricks): Bastian Thüring, Patrick Krämer & Jo Zenk.
Le SOIR Berlin Ikarus Cup
Vollkornblading Blade Roulette
Blading Kanzler 2021 (elected by vote) & new German Champions: Tebbe Siems & Tom Thielebein. Overall Spielo Queen: Aniek Kerkhofs. Spielo King: Sem Croft.
More Media: X-Mas Jam 2021, the Most Fun Contest Ever - Thisissoul Edit | Cash 4 Trick Contest by Patrick Kramer.
A video by Christian Kill (PLAY) featuring Henning Boderius, Peter Gatzka, Daniel Koopman, Mathias Peterka, Christian Koll, Quoc Vi Tran, Nicolas Mayé, Patrick Smith, Dirk Heinen, Fabrice Guyont, Benny Harmanus, Ivo Schappi, Jona Messerli, Sylvain Biard, Sven Schillings, Daniel Prell, Jochen Smuda, Ben Stiller and more. Imyta Paris 2003 Section at 18:40.
During cold wintertime in Munster (Germany), we didn’t sit around like you but spent the dark times on the streets fighting temperatures usually below 0. – Jo Zenk.
Directed & edited by Jo Zenk. Music: Bonobo – The Plug (Quantic Mix).