Mnstr Blade III aka TRU SOUL aka lost tapes Finally, here it is… Filmed throughout 2016-2017, mainly edited 2018-2019, a lot of things got in the way: first our beloved 0.2x deathlense Fisheye unfortunately got humiliated in the process of filming as you can see in the video.. then I couldnt get it again and we continued shooting some stuff with broken fisheye (sorry for that). At some point after that my computer crashed and I lost access to the open file, when 70% was edited and rest loosely arranged. Lost all drive to do it all again until the Crew died around 2020/ beginning of 2021.

After a while I felt the need to wrap this one up as it portrays the final chapter of the crews skating and I was about to move away from Münster. I found a 70% edited version that got rendered for private youtube some years ago to show the crew in earlier editing stages and just redid the last 2 minutes or so. Deleted messy outro and made tough decision to leave it like that. The second half was originally intended to get as much attention to detail as the first half and I couldnt even think of releasing but Daniel (Enin) insisted I should just throw it out and he is right. I hope its still enjoyable, but please excuse a few rough cuts and loose arrangement of clips during the last bits especially. Please enjoy the final chapter of the infamous MNSTR BLADE crew: MNSTR BLADE III - TRU SOUL. It’s been a ride. - Jo Zenk.

Jo Zenk,
Patrick Smith,
Benni Petry,
Aleks Popvasilev,
Eugen Enin,
Jurij Pelaev,
Joao Goncalves,
Sven Ischen,
Joery van De Pol,
Daniel Laufs &
Bas Berghuis. Main camera:
Jo Zenk,
Patrick Smith. Additional filming:
Aleks Popvasilev,
Eugen Enin,
Daniel Enin,
Benni Petry,
& possibly more.
We’ve been pretty busy the last month, filming for Eugen Enin and Sven Ischen’s newest street profile. We also visited Powerslide in southern Germany and also combined it to visit Joao Goncalves in Leipzig, see the first 2 spots.
Riders: Eugen Enin, Joao Goncalves, Georg, Sven Ischen and Jo Zenk.
Note: ÜBERSTUNDEN means overtime in german.
After a month of skating and filming, we gathered a lot of footage and finally made a longer video again! Riders: Eugen Enin, Joao Goncalves, Daniel Laufs, Ralf Van De Kerkhof, Sven Ischen, Philipp Czaika and Fabian Block.
Finally our boy Fabian got himself a scooter too! This time Eugen Enin had a session with 2 scooters… See what happens! Riders: Eugen Enin, Manuel Lutz and Joao Goncalves.
Joao Goncalves had a nap in our car while driving to the Karnap Skatepark, it felt like a dream for him! Riders: Eugen Enin, Sven Ischen and Joao Goncalves.
We meet us in Apeldoorn with the Grindhoven guys to have a indoor session! Riders: Eugen Enin, Sven Ischen, Joao Goncalves, Daniel Laufs and Jeejroen Wullems.
Somehow we found out about this barn from an old Rollerblader, but then we found the holy grail X-Games that is over 15 years old! Riders: Sven Ischen, Joao Goncalves, Eugen Enin, Benjamin Meier and Sebastian Rier.
Music: “Frozen Fantasy” - Treeferlove x Luxury, “Get Ready For This” - 2 Unlimited. Visit
It’s been a long time since our Stange was in front of the camera! Riders: Eugen Enin and Joao Goncalves.
Music: “Paint” by $AW, “レイレイHsien Ko” by Multirex & Bster.
Instead of normal ABFALL we made a STRAßENMÜLL video! Riders: Eugen Enin and Joao Goncalves.
Underwater snorkeling, shuffling and the ting goes SKRAAAAA. What more do you want? Riders: Sven Ischen, Eugen Enin and Joao Goncalves.
The rap at the end of the video is by Roadman Shaq (PLAY). Thanks Revo Comix.