Kaltik presents Green Grows, an eire made team video produced by Kevin McGloughlin. Featuring: Nicolas Schopfer, Joey Egan, Keir Lindsay, Dano Gorman, Aaron Feinberg, Albert Hooi, Gordon McCallion, Morgan Lynch, Conor Manweiler and more!
Check the sections on Youtube + Bonus Videos below:
Sections - PLAY:
Intro |
Nicolas Schopfer |
Morgan Lynch |
Balazs Zima |
Peter Martin |
Montage |
Gordon Mccalion |
Albert Hooi, Stephen Swain, Peter Kalio, Paraic McGloughlin, and Aaron Feinberg |
Joey Egan |
Kevin McGloughlin |
Keir Lindsey |
Dano Gorman |
Conor Manweiler |
Russel Dinneen |
Outro & Credits +
Playlist +
Bonus - PLAY:
Teaser |
Cairde / Friends.
Release date: February 3rd 2012.
4YEARS: We are proud to announce new video dedicated to street skating. During the last four years a lot of things happened in our life, we faced many changes and life situations. We made a decent amount of projects related to agressive rollerblading and beside of that we kept gathering clips. It’s now time to share with you all those clips and what we have been up to during those last 4YEARS.
Out June 12th 2021. Starring: Geoffroy Dubreuil, Reto Burgin, Pierrick Dind, Nicolas Schopfer, Kenneth Rioja, Fred Guignard, Stephane Ryter & more.
4YEARS: We are proud to announce new video dedicated to street skating. During the last four years a lot of things happened in our life, we faced many changes and life situations. We made a decent amount of projects related to agressive rollerblading and beside of that we kept gathering clips. It’s now time to share with you all those clips and what we have been up to during those last 4YEARS.
Out June 12th 2021. Starring: Geoffroy Dubreuil, Reto Burgin, Pierrick Dind, Nicolas Schopfer, Kenneth Rioja, Fred Guignard, Stephane Ryter & more.
Clips of the Jam Session, filmed by Issei Sato. Featuring Yuto Goto, Shintaro Nakayama, Takeshi Yasutoko, Nicolas Schopfer, Ryu Murata, Shigeru Mori & Haruki Douzen.
Shintaro Nakayama & Yuto Goto
Takeshi Yasutoko, Yuto Goto, Shintaro Nakayama, Nicolas Schopfer, Ryu Murata, Shigeru Mori & Haruki Douzen