Featuring: Bobi Spassov, Nils Jansons, Ilia Savosin, Jo Zenk, Grant Hazelton, Zachary Pollak, Francesco Famà, Giuseppe Lunetto, Robert Guerrero, Ricardo Lino and Rodrigo Teixeira.
Filmed by Bobi Spassov, Freddy White, Sergio Pontillo, Marco Valera and Harry Can. Titles and animation by Matis Mallie. Produced by Martina Margiotta and Roces.
Purtugalya.roces.com + Photo Gallery
Another year, another international adventure: with beautiful scenery, sunny skies, and often unbearably hot weather, Portugal set the perfect scene for our newest team project. Led in Lisbon by Martim & Rodrigo Braz-Teixeira, over the hills of Miraflores, welcomed in Sines by Ricardo Lino & family to explore Santo André, Santiago do Cacém and other hidden gems. Surrounded by the sounds of the local language, like a sweet bounce of sonorities all mixed up with the gibberish spoken among our international guests. Fed with cheap food from Lidl and amazing, tasty treats devoured at the terraces of cafés.
Because of course, it was always coffee time. Views of the intense blue of the sky, the deep blue of the Ocean, steep drop-ins onto sandy beaches, and quick dives in the water to refresh. Sights of lovely paintings, colorful walls everywhere, art and poetry infused into our daily routines. Visions of long hair and sweaty landings, stinky liners drying in the hot sun, lazy naps in the shade. Life on the streets.
Because of course, there was no better place for us to go. So, when it came down to the skating itself… You be the judge of how much insane stuff happened in just under two weeks of time, in the wonderful land of Purtugalya!