Displaying posts tagged #Interviews

Throwback Thurday: Billy O'Neill - One Mag Issue #16 Interview (2010)

Thu, Aug 3, 2017
Throwback Thurday: Billy O'Neill - One Mag Issue #16 Interview (2010)

Oneblademag.com shared the 2010 interview of Billy O’Neill featured in One Mag Issue #16. You can read it on Issuu.com.

More full issues of One Mag on Issuu.com. Photo: Billy O’Neill - Cross Grab True Fish (NYC) by Jero - Larger Picture on Imgur (via).

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Montre Livingston - ONE Mag, Issue #12 Interview (2009)

Sun, Jun 18, 2017
Montre Livingston - ONE Mag, Issue #12 Interview (2009)

These days Montre Livingston is one of the most celebrated bladers on Earth. Rightfully so! But back in 2009 he was still an emerging talent that had just landed the biggest score of his career when Brian Shima hand-picked him for the then-burgeoning Nimh.

To capture Montre ripping in his natural state, we sent long-time contributor John Haynes to Charlotte to shoot the pics for this interview. Turns out that wasn’t a pairing for the ages. But what we did get was a batch of hometown stunts by one of the most exciting bladers of our generation. So dig into this interview from ONE Issue #12 to get a taste for that sweet, sweet nostalgia.

Check the Interview on Oneblademag.com. Words by Justin Eisinger, photos by John Haynes.

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#TBT: Alex Broskow - ONE Mag, Issue #2 - Interview (2006)

Thu, Jun 8, 2017
#TBT: Alex Broskow - ONE Mag, Issue #2 - Interview (2006)

Over ten years ago ONE Issue #2 went to print and inside was a feature interview with Alex Broskow. At the time he’d just filmed for The Meantime (full video), was skating on Roces skates, and I could be wrong but VX may yet have not received their cease and desist letter from naming their jeans the “James Dean”.

But we didn’t handle this one alone. Sitting in on the interview were Wes Driver, Corey Casey, and Adam Johnson. So much time and blade history has come and gone in the intervening years that the information and opinions Alex (and AJ) share in this discussion have both been incorporated into blading’s underlying psyche while also being lost in our collective memories. But that’s what makes #ThrowbackThursday so fun, because it’s a great chance to dig up old content like this and share with audiences that may have never seen it before. […]

Full Interview on Oneblademag.com.

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Rollerblade - Flashback - Martina Svobodova

Fri, May 19, 2017

Rollerblade has opened the team archives and wondered… “What are they up to now?” The Flashback series of interviews allows us to catch up with former Rollerblade team rider and creative minds that helped grow the brand. We talk about the past, present, and future. In this interview we Flashback with Martina Svobodova from Slovakia.

Rollerblade - Flashback - Martina Svobodova

Martina you started skating in the 90s. Can you tell us how you first started skating?

When I was little my parents bought me a pair of inline skates. I was 6 or 7 years old. At the age 12, I asked my parents to buy me a new skates, and that’s when I started skating street with other guys from my neighborhood. When I was 14 and 15 I won the Slovak Championships. Started at the age of 16 I began travelling to the US.

Full Interview & Photo Gallery on Rollerblade.com.

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Themgoods - Best and Worst with Sean Keane

Thu, May 4, 2017
Themgoods - Best and Worst with Sean Keane

Music, favorite skaters, spots in Sacramento, travel, eat, tricks, videos, skates, brands, blading. Best and Worst with Sean Keane. Photo: Erick Garcia.

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Tom Hyser Interview - Blank Warlock Prototype Skates

Fri, Mar 31, 2017
Tom Hyser Interview - Blank Warlock Prototype Skates

Can you reveal to us, who is the originator of the Warlock skate?

I had the basic idea for this skate. My good friend, Kyle Sola, is a very talented 3D designer and skater. He and I have always talked about crazy skate design ideas. As of last year, Kyle is part of the innovation team at Rollerblade. He also works in the design world for a few different brands that have nothing to do with skating.

This work experience gives him access to the new wave of design processes. We got to talking about a concept skate that I’ve had in my mind for a long time. I skated Xsjado skates for about 3 years prior to my employment with Rollerblade. I really liked the skate, but always felt it was too wide, unsupportive, and aesthetically unappealing.

Kyle and I both like to speed skate and skate marathons, so we’ve spent time in high end race skates. Once you skate a heat moldable race skate, you realize how a skate should fit and react. I test all of the skates Rollerblade makes. I am also lucky to be able to purchase just about every skate that every other brand makes to test as well.

I have all these skates in my head, and this influences what I want out of a great skate product. Kyle also tests a lot of different skates and ideas. Together we are making some magic with our skate designs and innovations. I’m blessed to have the opportunity to work with Kyle. Our collaborative ideas are always progressing. […]

Tom Hyser – Full Interview on Fsknews.pl.
Polish language, scroll a bit for the english version.

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Kaya Turski (28): 2016 Park Edit by Matt Garrity

Wed, Jun 1, 2016
Kaya Turski (28): 2016 Park Edit by Matt Garrity

For those of you that don’t know who Kaya Turski is I’ll give a bit of background on her. At just 14 years old she turned ASA Pro, and continued to dominate Womens Rollerblading, street and park.

She would reach the podium in pro Men events, and put out street sections that would put most men to shame. At the age of 17 she discovered skiing (thanks to D-Structure selling both rollerblades and twin tip ski’s).

After working a job at two Subway locations she saved up just enough money to work on her skiing in Whistler. Within the year she signed her first pro contract. At age 28, she has now been a professional athlete for half of her life. […]

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The Blading Cup 2012: Interview with the bladies

Thu, Oct 11, 2012
The Blading Cup 2012: Interview with the bladies

Pacific Rim Video correspondent Chris Trondsen talks to The Bladies: Shannon Rodgers, Megan Petersen and Melissa Brown at the Blading Cup 2012 held in front of The Yost in Santa Ana. CA on Saturday, October 6, 2012. Video produced by Peter Gonzaga.

Video on Youtube: PLAY.

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Barely Dead - Lost Interviews with Erik Bailey, Jess Dyrenforth & Jon Julio

Fri, Jun 22, 2012
Barely Dead - Lost Interviews with Erik Bailey, Jess Dyrenforth & Jon Julio

In 2006, many of rollerblading’s most influential individuals were interviewed for the documentary Barely Dead. Six years later, these interviews provide intriguing commentary on the growth and progression of rollerblading and blade culture.

While fashions may have changed and companies have come and gone, the words spoken by these blading leaders capture the many complex nuances of rollerblading life. Watch for some rollerblading history from the recent past that we all experienced together. Visit Oneblademag.com.

Lost Interviews - PLAY: Erik Bailey | Jess Dyrenforth | Jon Julio.

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Mushroom Blading: Chris Haffey & Sean Cullen Podcasts - Dustin Latimer Interview

Tue, Feb 14, 2012

Podcast #72: Chris Haffey (mp3)

Mushroom Blading: Chris Haffey & Sean Cullen Podcasts - Dustin Latimer Interview

Podcast #71: Sean Cullen (mp3)

Mushroom Blading: Chris Haffey & Sean Cullen Podcasts - Dustin Latimer Interview

Dustin Latimer - Interview by Joey McGarry

Mushroom Blading: Chris Haffey & Sean Cullen Podcasts - Dustin Latimer Interview

It took me a few years before I could wrap my head around your second Words section. Where did some of those movement ideas come from?

Just where I was in life. Different possibilities and creations manifested and adapted to what apparatus lied near. Rollerblading is free moving unlike fixed postures like skateboarding, biking, etc… So just exploring the freedom and trying to give awareness to others to possibilities that lie outside of the preconceptions.

Do you practice yoga and/or meditation? Or do you not and I just assume you do?

Yes, as all do in their own way, for without unification with the entirety of self, separations delusional insanity lures. How can one be other than that which they are? Yoga/ Meditation, religion are but pathways and means of really seeing and being the being I/you/we are.

How long have you been doing it and how did you get into it?

I got into basic hatha Yoga by the showings of Shane Coburn in the early Mindgame days and since have followed and found my own path of unification… […]

Check the full interview Mushroomblading.com (link down).

Photos courtesy of Todd McInerney.

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Click-n-Roll Click-n-Roll

Rollerblading Gems

Cameron Talbott in 'Dos Dias' - A video by Cody Lampman

Mount Average [Rollerblading Video] - LUDUS Skaterblade - Vienna (Austria, 2024)

Alex Burston - In a Bit (Stockport, UK)

Jacob Juul and Storm (LOW Skate Academy) - Trigger Street Edit

OWC presents 'Orange: Mathieu Ledoux and Charles Nantel'

Dynovfr4k - A Full Length Street Video (2022-2025) with Steve Iacono, Nick Dadchuk & Friends

Mesmer Warszawa - Julia Komenda, Gabriel Adriani, Marc Moreno, Seba Dzbik & Piotrek Gbyl

OWC presents 'Orange: Diomar Velasquez and Martin Danning' - A video by Immony Men

Chad Tannehill - Right Now - An Intuition Video by Bryant Kornbau

Cranks Warsaw - Not a Banger (2024) + Daniel Jurzyna, Mini Secret Part


Jens Küfner (Germany) - Fancy Maneuvers (2024)

OG (more)

Franky Morales (Miami, Florida) - Bridges, by Brian Freeman - S1EP1 - Documentary

Mike French - Back Like I Never Left

Vince Camarillo Section - Bay Area - JSF Edit


Big Wheels (more)

Tallboyz - OPS2 - Big Wheel Blading Edit

Leon Basin and Stuart Brattey - Wizard Base and Wizard Base High

Astral Blade x FTS (2022) with Pat Ridder, Sandro Gruenheid, Dominik Stransky & Friends - Big Wheels

Skaters: | Joe Atkinson | Brian Aragon | Chihiro Azuma | Carlos Bernal | Beat Schillmeier | Sam Crofts | John Bolino | Alex Broskow | Julien Cudot | Warren Digne | Richie Eisler | Eugen Enin | Chris Farmer | Demetrios George | Mathieu Heinemann | Nils Jansons | Montre Livingston | Nick Lomax | Franky Morales | Mery Muñoz | Mathias Silhan | Brian Shima | Soichiro Kanashima | Chynna Weierstall | Takeshi Yasutoko

Skate Brands: Adapt | Deshi | Faction | Gawds | Iqon | Nimh | Razors | Roces | Seba | SSM | Them | Trigger | USD |