Juice is everything. Juice is the ultimate form of motivation that lacks all effort or trying. It’s the urban sports wording for a state of flow or rather the energy allowing such a state to exist. At its highest level its providing full focus without force. Providing vision and awareness with a full connection to the present moment allowing no distractions. Being “juiced” allows movements to become increasingly easy and fun as there is full control with complete awareness. Things happen effortlessly, feel better and less dangerous. It brings more laughter, less stress & more energy.

Doing what you love with friends is one of the best ways to find access to this flow of energy. As everything it obviously is not always fully present but comes in waves. There is ups and downs and of course sometimes we have to overcome stressful moments for a great relief. A positive outlook is a helpful strategy. Even in the face of someone trying to get in the way without reason :) Always stay kind and respectful. Juice is the reason for all of our trips and projects. The resulting video is an indirect consequence of this, a bonus so to speak, but don’t mistake it for the goal itself.
This video was shot in Munich (Germany) during 6 long days in october ‘23, the week leading to Ulm City Blade Jam where we premiered it exactly one year later. The trip itself is a brainchild of Harry & Michi while the video is directed & edited by Jo. Featuring: (in order of appearance) Jo Zenk,
Michael Muller &
Harry Can. Photography: Sebastian Hofer.
Maxime, Harry Can, Isa & Friends skating in fall 2024 in Germany.
A Rollerblading Skate Video by Harry Can & Jo Zenk filmed in Stuttgart, Germany. “They were heading south into the lands of deer and griffin to seek inspiration from the Source. They set out to find the potion of youth yet what they’d meet on the path would lead them deep into the source field…”.
We are very excited to release POTION for the public after premiering it at TNT Shred 2023 (July 7, 2023) in Stuttgart where it was filmed end of last summer. POTION, filmed by Jo Zenk & Harry Can. Runtime: 17min. Edited & graded by Jo Zenk. Featuring: Michael Muller, Harry Can & Jo Zenk. Also with: Philipp Fitschen,
Fabian Gaile & Justas Karčauskas. Appearances & cameos of friends:
Marius Gaile,
Richard Vazquez,
Xavi Eguino &
Phil Aznar.
“Last summer I went to visit Harry Can in Munich (Germany) and we decided to make a street edit! It was very sunny and we visited some of the cool spots there. It was a lot of fun seeing Munich on wheels. We filmed this edit in 4 days and I am very happy with the result! Keep pushing forward. Thanks a lot Harry for filming and editing this, and enduring my beautiful singing”! - Aniek Kerkhofs.
Previously: Aniek Kerkhofs - 2021 Street Profile.
BRONZED is a project filmed in Munich (Germany) by BTK. With Jo Zenk, Harry Can, Ranga Singh, Justas Karčauskas, Sam Sonice & Mauricio Monsalve. Runtime: 8min in 4K & super8.
Campéon suave, a rollerblading video filmed in Barcelona, Spain in september 2021. The spontaneous idea of Jo Zenk & Harry Can to visit Sacha Lopez in BCN for a week of skating grew into sth way bigger than planned beforehand. The extra power of the joining locals and temporary residents transformed the small project into yet another full piece.
Also featuring: Francisco Javier González Sola, Michel Prado, Jonathan Chung Sillau, Vladimir Kocherga, Carlos Bernal & Valentin Poch.
This is a video by Omri Baum showcasing the Israeli rollerblading scene, it was filmed throughout 2019/2020 in spontaneous sessions. The video is cut by areas and city’s in Israel each area has its own part, presenting the vibes and atmosphere of the Israeli blade scene and guests from outside of the country who came to skate and chill with us.
I hope I made a good job presenting the love for blading that the Israeli blade scene have. Yours truly. - Omri Baum and XCCV.
Featuring: Dor Shapira, Anton Bassargin, Omri Baum, Noma Hamenachem, Nadav Aharon, Valera Fridman, Lennert Goormans, Harry Can, Greg Tawell, Jo Zenk, Alex Burston, Shai Trainin, Max Koshelev, Alon Mongol, Bobi Spassov, Shelly Burla, Liad Elbaz, Vasily Schpraga, Daniel Pochter, Ruslan Hasanov, Daniel Deitch, Valoki & Dan Igamberdiev.
ODYSSEIA is a rollerblading skatevideo by Jo Zenk filmed in may 2021 Germany. Harry Can visited Jo Zenk for a while which set the base and framework of this project. They teamed up with Borklyn Zoo superheroes Eugen Enin and Sven Ischen to combine forces on this one.
10 days of skating left us with this 10 minute piece. “10 von 10” as Eugen is shouting few times within this piece prior to knowing his prophecy would become reality in this form.
They climbed Mount Olympus to destroy the gods. Little did they know what powers they’d set free. Prophecies are made before the crew begins their odyssey into the unknown. Not knowing that they would bring the fire back into the valley.
Camera by Harry Can & Jo Zenk. with additional shots and analog photography by Daniel Enin. Featuring Jo Zenk, Harry Can, also Eugen Enin & Sven Ischen.
You can support Jo Zenk on Patreon. Visit Borklynzoo.de.
Harry Can visited us, so we decided to check out the new skatepark in Dinslaken and also skate the nearby Skatepark in Dülmen. - Eugen Enin.
Music: SÄÄFTIG - Dirndl W33d (PLAY) and Pharmasix - Ski Mask Murder. Visit Borklynzoo.de.
Filmed by Harry Can (2016). Edited by Stephan Mohr.