Introducing Ground Control Australia’s newest team rider: Phil Moss. Filmed on Location in Gadigal and Naarm by Josh Nielsen and Glenn Beardmore. Edit by Glenn Beardmore. Music: Thee Sacred Souls - “Running away”.
Introducing Ground Control Australia’s newest team rider: Phil Moss. Filmed on Location in Gadigal and Naarm by Josh Nielsen and Glenn Beardmore. Edit by Glenn Beardmore. Music: Thee Sacred Souls - “Running away”.
For the first episode of the Then and Now Podcast, I interviewed the legendary rolling artist, Chris Peel. Chris played a huge behind-the-scenes role during the late 90s to mid-2000s in the aggressive inline skating industry. Growing up in Wakefield, in the UK, he started designing t-shirt’s for Puberty Clothing before landing a job with DNA magazine. He then made his way stateside to San Diego, California, in 2000 to work for and design Daily Bread Magazine. In San Diego, he created the initial branding, image, and logos for Ground Control, Rat Tail Distribution, 4x4 Urethane, Vicious Bearings, and Nimh skates.
Chris is a long-time friend who also designed the Big Wheel Blading logo for me in 2017. We haven’t had much contact these last few years, so I thought it would be fun to contact him to catch up and reminisce on our years in San Diego, working at Daily Bread together and teaming up on many projects for Rat Tail, and its brands. - Jan Welch.
Flashback: Remy Meister & Momo Sylla, 20 districts, 20 tricks in Paris (France). Edited by Sylvain Biard (20zool) for Ground Control FR.
SkateClubHQ’s own Justis Pope (IG) reporting live from Mount Pleasant, Michigan. Jus gives the people his first impressions of the new Ground Control Featherlite 4 Frames (GC FLT4). Produced By Duncan Burnett.
Alex Burston is taking to the road to discover some new places and to meet up with locals to session and have a good laugh. Good thing Alex got a new camera so he could share some of his experiences with you all.
Enjoy some of the worlds best places to skate, cruise and chill and meeting some amazing people along the way. This time Alex takes a trip down south of the UK to London aka the big smoke for a weekend of fun with the London town locals and more. Making the most of the urban jungle that is London, Alex and friends cruise the streets hitting some London’s well known skate spots and land marks.
Skitching all sorts of vehicles and skating all sorts of spots you will see that London is a great place for a good’ol skate adventure. Meeting up with locals James Bower and Blake Bird and also some foreigners such as Rob (Cheese Face) Dalton from up north, Jay Ralph from California and Matt Chong from Charlotte. There are always new faces coming to visit London to skate and hang out. London is amazing for skating and you are bound to have a lot of fun there no matter what you go for. THANK YOU James Bower and Sam Croft for letting me stay at your place. THANK YOU Cheese Face for helping with the majority of the filming. THANK YOU!
Alex Burston is taking to the road to discover some new places and to meet up with locals to session and have a good laugh. Good thing Alex got a new camera so he could share some of his experiences with you all.
Enjoy some of the worlds best places to skate, cruise and chill and meeting some amazing people along the way. In this episode Alex takes us on a quick trip to Madrid. Sharing a nice little session with Madrid OG Ivan Suarez and a couple more. Also taking us on a nice cruise through some of Madrid’s river route with Geko and a load of the other freeskating family of Madrid.
With a child friendly route this one was for sure a calm and steady cruise for everyone to enjoy. Alex also made a quick pit stop at Se Rueda skate shop in Madrid centre and found that the staff there were extremely friendly and welcoming. “THANK YOU to everyone I met in Madrid.” - Alex Burston.
Fails & Bails
Process behind the “BACKLISTED” part (released in 2017).
Full Video
Filmed by Kaspars Alksnis and Konstantins Makarovs. Edited by Nils Jansons. Colour correction by Martins Jansons.
A few years of footage eventually fell into place in time with joining Ground Control Australia. Filming mostly by Nat Ogden. Editing by Tomas Meleg. Thanks to anyone else who filmed, drove or helped out.
Ground Control Australia Team Introduction 2018: Lui Burke-Xie, Craig Brocklehurst & Thomas Dalbis. Filmed by Tomas Meleg, Dom West, Glenn Beardmore & Andy Plumridge. Edited by Glenn Beardmore.
Music: Night Beats - Right/Wrong.
I am at a loss for words. Rest in peace to a dear friend of mine, Keaton Newsom.
I remember being a freshman in high school and seeing Keaton in the hallways. I always just wanted him to notice my senate backpack lol. I looked up to him so much back then and eventually had the honor of becoming his friend and the opportunity to film multiple sections with him.
I had no idea he was in such a dark place and I wish I would have been there more…
Here is my favorite section we worked on together, filming this was an adventure and every session was a good one. Keaton loved skating, had such a passion for it, and really brought something unique and beautiful to the sport. - Kristian Payne (thread on Facebook).
Keaton Newsom - Ground Control Uprising (2013)