Keaton Newsom - Memorial Session (Emeryville Skatepark, 2018) by Gary Magill.
On Sunday, March 11th Keaton Newsom’s Mother hosted a celebration of his life at her new event venue in Dallas, Chijmes.
People from all over the world came to celebrate and reminisce a person that was so special to all of us. Thank you so much Andra for allowing us to celebrate our dear friend and thank you to all of Keaton’s family that took the time to come over to us, his friends, and express their appreciation for us and what rollerblading meant to him.
This was a very tough weekend for us all and I hope that this piece can put a smile on everybody’s face as we reflect on our brother. Please donate to the GoFundMe Keaton’s Mother has started if you can. The proceeds go toward building or repairing a skatepark in his name.
Film & edited by Anthony Medina. Additional Filming: Foogie Bartels, Chris Smith, Josh Glowicki. End Photo: Josh Castillo.
On Saturday, March 10th we had a memorial session/ BBQ in Keaton’s name. We shredded all day and at the end of the session spread some of his ashes and cried together. It was an incredibly powerful day and weekend that brought us all that much closer.
Keaton, we love you brother, rest in peace. Filmed and edited by Anthony Medina. Additional Filming by Foogie Bartels.
Music: 13th Floor Elevators - Gloria (Cover).
Here is the last filmed footage of my dude Keaton Newsom. This footage was not used due to audio issues that weren’t resolved until recently. This is also the first installment in The End of The ComeDown series. Throughout the following weeks you will be seeing never before seen footage from when we filmed the first official ComeDown video 3 years ago and more recently filmed footage. Keaton you were more like a brother to me than just a friend and you will be deeply missed be me and many more. We love you brother. R.I.P. - Austin Bartels.
If you would like to donate to Keaton’s family and help them during their lost and hard times follow this link: Gofundme.com/celebratingkeaton.
Filming by Foogie, Ant Medina, Cody Sanders, and Timona Kasue.
So many have asked where to send flowers and gifts. please donate to this account - the proceeds will be provided to build or repair a skatepark . It’s a way to remember Keaton and his love for rollerblading and the friends he has made along his journey of life.
We will also have a Celebration of his Life. Sunday, March 11, 2018, Noon, CST. CHIJMES, 945 N Zang Blvd, Dallas, Texas 75208. We will stream this celebration live via facebook for his friends around the world to remember him.
This video was originally on Vimeo but was removed and lost for quite some time. I recently was able to find it and here it is, re-uploaded. This was considered the “warm-up” to Keaton’s section in the “City Never Sleeps” by Brian “BMO” Moore. R.I.P. Keaton. We love you bud. - TexasBlading.
I am at a loss for words. Rest in peace to a dear friend of mine, Keaton Newsom.
I remember being a freshman in high school and seeing Keaton in the hallways. I always just wanted him to notice my senate backpack lol. I looked up to him so much back then and eventually had the honor of becoming his friend and the opportunity to film multiple sections with him.
I had no idea he was in such a dark place and I wish I would have been there more…
Here is my favorite section we worked on together, filming this was an adventure and every session was a good one. Keaton loved skating, had such a passion for it, and really brought something unique and beautiful to the sport. - Kristian Payne (thread on Facebook).
Keaton Newsom - Ground Control Uprising (2013)
Starring Chris Haffey, Andrew Jacuzzi, Keaton Newsom, Erik Stokley, Erik Bailey, Kruise Sapstein, Chris Dafick, Ross Kuhn, Jeff Stockwell and Jon Jon Bolino.
Soundtrack (Listing courtesy of extreme-vidz.com).