ODYSSEIA is a rollerblading skatevideo by Jo Zenk filmed in may 2021 Germany. Harry Can visited Jo Zenk for a while which set the base and framework of this project. They teamed up with Borklyn Zoo superheroes Eugen Enin and Sven Ischen to combine forces on this one.
10 days of skating left us with this 10 minute piece. “10 von 10” as Eugen is shouting few times within this piece prior to knowing his prophecy would become reality in this form.
They climbed Mount Olympus to destroy the gods. Little did they know what powers they’d set free. Prophecies are made before the crew begins their odyssey into the unknown. Not knowing that they would bring the fire back into the valley.
Camera by Harry Can & Jo Zenk. with additional shots and analog photography by Daniel Enin. Featuring Jo Zenk, Harry Can, also Eugen Enin & Sven Ischen.
You can support Jo Zenk on Patreon. Visit Borklynzoo.de.
We’ve been pretty busy the last month, filming for Eugen Enin and Sven Ischen’s newest street profile. We also visited Powerslide in southern Germany and also combined it to visit Joao Goncalves in Leipzig, see the first 2 spots.
Riders: Eugen Enin, Joao Goncalves, Georg, Sven Ischen and Jo Zenk.
Note: ÜBERSTUNDEN means overtime in german.
Visit Borklynzoo.de.
Harry Can visited us, so we decided to check out the new skatepark in Dinslaken and also skate the nearby Skatepark in Dülmen. - Eugen Enin.
Music: SÄÄFTIG - Dirndl W33d (PLAY) and Pharmasix - Ski Mask Murder. Visit Borklynzoo.de.
The last months have been packed with a lot of work for us… But we’ve been at the new Düsseldorf Skatepark “Eller” with Sven Ischen again, visited him in Witten and we had some behind the scenes fun for an imagefilm where Eugen Enin is involved in.
Our series “RUFF RYDERS” ended. Last week we filmed the final part for it! Everytime we’ve been at this rail, it was a hard fight for Eugen Enin and each time he came back home with bruises and other small injuries!
Music: DMX - Ruff Ryders’ Anthem. Video on Youtube.
Ruff Ryders - PLAY: PART I |
Part II (videos on Vimeo).
It’s still hot in here! Riders: Eugen Enin, Sven Ischen, Benjamin Meier, Etienne Vogel, Philipp Arnold and Bastian Thüring.
Video on Youtube.
The last weeks in Germany have been really hot! But thats no excuse for Eugen Enin and Sven Ischen to keep rolling!
Music by Motat (Soundcloud).
From Witten to Berlin to Eugen Enin’s Scooter Profile! We’ve been busy the last weeks, sorry for the lack of uploads lately! Riders: Sven Ischen, Ángel Meléndez, Eugen Enin and Jo Zenk.
Eugen Enin didn’t stop filming after his Pro Introduction and it only took roughly 3 months for another crazy video from him! Locations: Oberhausen, Köln, Wulfen, Essen, Düsseldorf, Gelsenkirchen, Haltern, Dülmen, Münster, Bayreuth, Nürnberg, Chemnitz Dates: 14.06.2015 - 13.09.2015.
After a month of skating and filming, we gathered a lot of footage and finally made a longer video again! Riders: Eugen Enin, Joao Goncalves, Daniel Laufs, Ralf Van De Kerkhof, Sven Ischen, Philipp Czaika and Fabian Block.