“The assassin of youth is back with a 3rd Poke Smot for my fellow rollerblading enthusiast to inhale. Light it up and press play Enjoy!”. - Hawke Trackler.
Shane Conn,
Kyle Wood,
Cody Reffner,
Brian Weis,
Travis Rhodes,
Matty Schrock,
Daniel Powell,
Mark Wojda,
Hawke Trackler,
Ben Poling,
Greg Preston,
Ryan Sibbio,
Chance Bentley,
Kenny Shawver,
Matt Oz,
Aaron Pyle,
Brandon Ballog,
Paul Stewart &
Hood Panda.
Well no its not the 90’s but we are still gonna go back in time a bit on this one in Time Machine 2. enjoy! - Hawke Trackler.
Featuring: Kyle Wood, Hood Panda, Hawke Trackler, Andrew Conners, Bradley Wilson, Paul Stewart, Matthew Plasencia, Shane Conn, Daniel Powell, Ryan Sibbio & more!
Missed Time Machine 1? Here we go: PLAY (August 2024).
In 2016 I had my camera stolen and my laptop crash and i recovered these clips of gold from Columbus, OH with all my homies. I wanted to use this montage in my blade flick SCRUB$ but i felt it did not match up and flow with the timeline. - Matt Lyon.
In order of appearance: Matt Lyon, Kyle Wood, Ben Poling, Bradley Wilson, Kenny Shawver, Brandon Ballog and Hawke Trackler.
Get SCRUB$ on Sellfy ($5+).
SCRUB$ is a cinematic journey by Mattre Lyonston. Featuring full profiles from Matt Lyon, Blake Hyatt and Montre Livingston. Also featuring blading from the Carolina blade scene.
Luke Naylor,
Happy Tooth,
Kyle Wood,
Tonee Hawke,
John Franke,
Hood Panda,
Jimbo Hawkins,
Philip Moore,
Mike French &
Nigel Klein.
“Brrr its cold in here. There must be some skaters in the atmosphere. I said Brrrr. It’s cold in here. There must be some bladers in the atmosphere. With all that being said I for some reason just wanna say I make edits of the homies for fun and our entertainment. I kinda think of the whole process as art in many ways so I like being able to share it. I hope you enjoy”. - Hawke Trackler.
Smoke is a full street section of one of the best to ever do it. If you by chance missed Montre Livingston’s Gemini Section, then you’re gonna wanna watch this. It’s the kind of talent thats undeniably impressive. - Hawke Trackler.