Kirill Kochetkov - Gorilla Edit at the Rampstroy Park in Moscow, Russia. Visit Rampstroy.com.
Previously: Kirill Kochetkov - Gorilla Energy Promo (Russia, 2022).
Kirill Kochetkov - Gorilla Edit at the Rampstroy Park in Moscow, Russia. Visit Rampstroy.com.
Previously: Kirill Kochetkov - Gorilla Energy Promo (Russia, 2022).
Kirill Kochetkov wins the S3t Moscow, Street Contest 2022. Petr Gomma won the children’s contest at the first spot.
More clips on Instagram.com/s3tmoscow_contest.
The 11th edition of the AZ (Andrey Zaytsev, Memorial Contest) is around the corner (May 28, 2022 - more infos on vk.com/azpicnic). Here is the Plastik Mag edit of the park contest that took place in 2021 ; the street event had to be cancelled due to heavy rain in Moscow, Russia.
Photos: Selshot.
S3t 2021 contest in Moscow, featuring Egor Loginov, Ilya Savosin, Kirill Kochetkov & more!
Previously: S3T Moscow 2021 - Winner: Egor Loginov (Raw Clips + Photo Gallery).
We are glad to present our debut team video project EMBILY TOUR 2020. The video was filmed from June to December in Moscow, Novosibirsk, Sochi, Novorossiysk, Anapa, Simferopol, Sevastopol, Yalta, Krasnodar, Rostov-on-Don and Belgorod with the support of Embily Co.
SECTIONS: 00:00 Intro / Интро, 02:10 Vova Turkin / Вова Туркин, 05:39 South Tour / Южный Тур, 11:12 Sasha Sashenka / Саша Сашенька, 13:17 George Obydennikov / Георгий Обыденников, 17:05 Ivan Kovtun / Иван Ковтун, 20:43 Ilya Savosin / Илья Савосин, 25:39 Daniel Goncharov / Даниил Гончаров, 31:07 Moscow / Москва, 35:01 Kirill Kochetkov / Кирилл Кочетков, 40:22 Outro / Аутро.
Producer: Alexander Bychkov. Executive producer: Boris Gaisner. Directed by: Rodion Korneev. Filmed by: Boris Gaisner, Victor Bayramov, Rodion Korneev. Edited by: Rodion Korneev, Victor Bayramov, Boris Gaisner. Color correction: Victor Bayramov, Rodion Korneev.
Embily team: Vova Turkin, Ilia Savosin, Daniel Goncharov, Ivan Kovtun, Sasha Sashenka, Kirill Kochetkov, George Obydennikov, Vanya Chanchikov, Dima Makrushin, Danila Rodin, Kirill Galushko.
Also featuring: Zhenya Leonov, Egor Ershov, Rodion Korneev, Nikolay Belov, Egor Talanin, Maxim Abdullaev, Dmitriy Ushakov, Daniil Kudryashov & Sergey Golovushkin.
Photographers: Anton Seleznev, Vladimir Mozgalev. SMM: Boris Gaisner, Nikolay Belov. Design: Victor Bayramov, Rodion Korneev. Drivers: Kirill Kochetkov, Vladimir Mozgalev, Nikolay Belov, Egor Ershov.