Displaying posts tagged #Ivan Chanchikov

Andrey Zaytsev Memorial Contest: AZ Picnic & Contest 2021 - Park - Plastik Mag Edit (Moscow, Russia)

Fri, May 27, 2022
Andrey Zaytsev Memorial Contest: AZ Picnic & Contest 2021 - Park - Plastik Mag Edit (Moscow, Russia)

The 11th edition of the AZ (Andrey Zaytsev, Memorial Contest) is around the corner (May 28, 2022 - more infos on vk.com/azpicnic). Here is the Plastik Mag edit of the park contest that took place in 2021 ; the street event had to be cancelled due to heavy rain in Moscow, Russia.

Andrey Zaytsev Memorial Contest: AZ Picnic & Contest 2021 - Park - Plastik Mag Edit (Moscow, Russia)


  1. Ilia Savosin (15000 ₽)
  2. Vanya Chanchikov (10000 ₽)
  3. Kirill Kochetkov (5000 ₽)
Andrey Zaytsev Memorial Contest: AZ Picnic & Contest 2021 - Park - Plastik Mag Edit (Moscow, Russia)

Photos: Selshot.

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Vanya Chanchikov (Russia, 2022) - Pills Wheels V CHANCH Pro Model - Promo

Thu, Feb 10, 2022
Vanya Chanchikov (Russia, 2022) - Pills Wheels V CHANCH Pro Model - Promo

In 2021, we released our biggest collection of aggressive inline skate wheels to this day. One of the models was the Vanya Chanchikov’s signature wheel.

Vanya Chanchikov is one of the guys who cannot be defeated. Everyone knows how big he goes in skateparks. It led to him taking first places at a couple of big competitions in Russia in 2021, including Red Jam Contest and Grand Skate Tour contest.

His creative approach in combination with athleticism makes his skating stand out. And it’s especially cool to see him hitting the streets of his hometown. Vanya also designed the graphics for his pro wheel which we later digitized to put on the wheels. - Pillswheels.com. Filmed in Krasnoyarsk, Russia, 2021 by Gosha Popov.

Vanya Chanchikov (Russia, 2022) - Pills Wheels V CHANCH Pro Model - Promo

Bonus: Ivan Chanchikov - Street Edit by Ilya Savosin

Vanya Chanchikov who goes by the full name of Ivan is not only an outstanding park skater. He also developed his skill in street skating. In 2017 and 2018 with the help of his fellows he combined all the collected clips filmed on different cameras and presented these 3-minutes of pure street shredding. Music: Playboi Carti - RIP. Camera: Egor Gashnikov, Ilya Savosin, Alexey Gorovoy, Denis Grigoryev, George Obydennikov & Vadim Mokhov. Siberia, 2017-2018.

Vanya Chanchikov (Russia, 2022) - Pills Wheels V CHANCH Pro Model - Promo
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Russian Aggressive Inline Championship 2021 (Grand Skate Tour 2021)

Thu, Dec 23, 2021
Russian Aggressive Inline Championship 2021 (Grand Skate Tour 2021)

The best moments of the Russian Aggressive Inline Championship held on december 10-12 as part of the Grand Skate Tour'21 in Nizhny Novgorod. Video from Rodion Korneev and Viktor Bayramov.

Russian Aggressive Inline Championship 2021 (Grand Skate Tour 2021)

PRO Results

  1. Chanchikov Ivan (Krasnoyarsk) - 74 points
  2. Savosin Ilya (Krasnoyarsk) - 65
  3. Daniil Goncharov (Belgorod) - 60
  4. Obydennikov Georgy (Novosibirsk) - 48
  5. Skvortsov Andrey (St. Petersburg) - 37


  1. Valeev Albert (Krasnoyarsk) - 54 points
  2. Kuzmenko Artyom (St. Petersburg) - 48
  3. Petrov Danil (Krasnoyarsk) - 45
  4. Rodin Danila (Balakovo) - 36
  5. Rumyantsev Artyom (St. Petersburg) - 34


  1. Demin Alexander (Krasnoyarsk, 2008)
  2. Gorbovsky Volodar (Sochi, 2009)
  3. Shevchuk Marusya (Moscow, 2010)
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Pills Wheels - 2021 Collection

Wed, Jul 28, 2021

The new Pills Wheels 2021 collection is online now! This year we’ve decided to release 10 models to suit all tastes and colours. It’s all the same classic white 90A polyurethane that’s proven to be great in street and park.

Pills Wheels - 2021 Collection

We’ve added a 58mm diameter. The profile of these wheels combines a rounded and flat silhouettes. So you can choose now from 57, 58, 59 and 64 mm. There’s only 1 promodel in this collection. And it is Vanya Chanchikov‘s signature wheels – V CHANCH 64mm. We believe that he has proved with his skating that he can be the best. We want his wheels to secure his status of a young and talented rider.

Also part of this release is the new PILLS X COMMUNITY collab. This is a very special model in which we paid attention to details.

Pills Wheels - Team: Nikita Kamaz, Vova Turkin, Dima Makrushin, Rob Dalton, Vanya Chanchikov & Timofey Lyulyakov. Visit Pillswheels.com.

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Embily Tour (Russia, 2020)

Mon, May 10, 2021
Embily Tour (Russia, 2020)

We are glad to present our debut team video project EMBILY TOUR 2020. The video was filmed from June to December in Moscow, Novosibirsk, Sochi, Novorossiysk, Anapa, Simferopol, Sevastopol, Yalta, Krasnodar, Rostov-on-Don and Belgorod with the support of Embily Co.

Embily Tour (Russia, 2020)

SECTIONS: 00:00 Intro / Интро, 02:10 Vova Turkin / Вова Туркин, 05:39 South Tour / Южный Тур, 11:12 Sasha Sashenka / Саша Сашенька, 13:17 George Obydennikov / Георгий Обыденников, 17:05 Ivan Kovtun / Иван Ковтун, 20:43 Ilya Savosin / Илья Савосин, 25:39 Daniel Goncharov / Даниил Гончаров, 31:07 Moscow / Москва, 35:01 Kirill Kochetkov / Кирилл Кочетков, 40:22 Outro / Аутро.

Producer: Alexander Bychkov. Executive producer: Boris Gaisner. Directed by: Rodion Korneev. Filmed by: Boris Gaisner, Victor Bayramov, Rodion Korneev. Edited by: Rodion Korneev, Victor Bayramov, Boris Gaisner. Color correction: Victor Bayramov, Rodion Korneev.

Embily Tour (Russia, 2020)

Embily team: Vova Turkin, Ilia Savosin, Daniel Goncharov, Ivan Kovtun, Sasha Sashenka, Kirill Kochetkov, George Obydennikov, Vanya Chanchikov, Dima Makrushin, Danila Rodin, Kirill Galushko.

Embily Tour (Russia, 2020)

Also featuring: Zhenya Leonov, Egor Ershov, Rodion Korneev, Nikolay Belov, Egor Talanin, Maxim Abdullaev, Dmitriy Ushakov, Daniil Kudryashov & Sergey Golovushkin.

Embily Tour (Russia, 2020)

Photographers: Anton Seleznev, Vladimir Mozgalev. SMM: Boris Gaisner, Nikolay Belov. Design: Victor Bayramov, Rodion Korneev. Drivers: Kirill Kochetkov, Vladimir Mozgalev, Nikolay Belov, Egor Ershov.

Embily Tour (Russia, 2020)
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Ivan Chanchikov (Russia) | 2017 - 2018 Street Edit by Ilya Savosin

Wed, Aug 15, 2018
Ivan Chanchikov (Russia) | 2017 - 2018 Street Edit by Ilya Savosin

Future Razors AM Rider, currently recovering from a serious injury. Video filmed by Egor Gashnikov, Ilya Savosin, Alexey Gorovoy, Denis Grigoryev, George Obydenikov & Vadim Mohov.

Ivan Chanchikov (Russia) | 2017 - 2018 Street Edit by Ilya Savosin

Video on Youtube.

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Red Jam 2017 (Krasnoyarsk, Siberia) – Results + GV Mag Edit

Sat, Apr 22, 2017
Red Jam 2017 (Krasnoyarsk, Siberia) – Results + GV Mag Edit

Red Jam 2017, the biggest park contest in Russia. Located in Krasnoyarsk (Siberia).

Red Jam 2017 (Krasnoyarsk, Siberia) – Results + GV Mag Edit


  1. Nikita Baykov
  2. Ivan Chanchikov
  3. Timofey Lyulyakov

Best Trick: Ivan Chanchikov. Best Style: Kiril Kochetkov.

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Blading Wiki, a wiki dedicated to Inline Skating

Rollerblading Gems

Niko Salaman (2024) by Mark Worner

Nathan Bentley - Drown (2024) - Solo Street Sessions

Tallboyz - Crabcakes & Football | Maryland/DC/VA Tour Video (2024)

'CARRER' - A Furtius Video by Ferran Laparra (Spain)

Cougar Skates - Paris - Julien Cudot & Lenny Jourda

Mesmer Tiki - Levi van Rijn, John Bolino, Billy O'Neill, Ichi  & Friends

WEAK KNIGHTS // Josiah Blee & Jake Dotson

Cameron Talbott in 'Dos Dias' - A video by Cody Lampman

Mount Average [Rollerblading Video] - LUDUS Skaterblade - Vienna (Austria, 2024)

Alex Burston - In a Bit (Stockport, UK)

Jacob Juul and Storm (LOW Skate Academy) - Trigger Street Edit

OWC presents 'Orange: Mathieu Ledoux and Charles Nantel'

OG (more)

Jon Julio - Bridges, by Brian Freeman - S1EP4 - Documentary

Vincent - A documentary by Ivan Narez-Hurtado

Mike French - Back Like I Never Left

Vince Camarillo Section - Bay Area - JSF Edit

Big Wheels (more)

Tallboyz - OPS2 - Big Wheel Blading Edit

Leon Basin and Stuart Brattey - Wizard Base and Wizard Base High

Astral Blade x FTS (2022) with Pat Ridder, Sandro Gruenheid, Dominik Stransky & Friends - Big Wheels

Skaters: | Joe Atkinson | Brian Aragon | Chihiro Azuma | Carlos Bernal | Beat Schillmeier | Sam Crofts | John Bolino | Alex Broskow | Julien Cudot | Warren Digne | Richie Eisler | Eugen Enin | Chris Farmer | Demetrios George | Mathieu Heinemann | Nils Jansons | Montre Livingston | Nick Lomax | Franky Morales | Mery Muñoz | Mathias Silhan | Brian Shima | Soichiro Kanashima | Chynna Weierstall | Takeshi Yasutoko

Skate Brands: Adapt | Deshi | Faction | Gawds | Iqon | Nimh | Razors | Roces | Seba | SSM | Them | Trigger | USD |