Skaters featured: Ilia Savosin / Kirill Kochetkov.
Previously: Moscow Street Contest 2023 - L u Clips.
Skaters featured: Ilia Savosin / Kirill Kochetkov.
Previously: Moscow Street Contest 2023 - L u Clips.
Kirill Kochetkov - Street Clips // Promo for the 2023 edition of the S3T Contest. More infos on vk.com/s3tmoscow.
Kirill Kochetkov wins the S3t Moscow, Street Contest 2022. Petr Gomma won the children’s contest at the first spot.
More clips on Instagram.com/s3tmoscow_contest.
Kirill Kochetkov of the Embily Crew teamed together with Kirill Kharitonov to produce to promo video, for the S3T SPB 2022, that will take place August 20, 2022 in Saint Petersburg. More Infos on vk.com/s3tmoscow. Note: the event takes place a week after the S3T Moscow (August 13, 2022). My Google Translation skills might not be 100% accurate so check the link in this post for more infos.
S3t 2021 contest in Moscow, featuring Egor Loginov, Ilya Savosin, Kirill Kochetkov & more!
Previously: S3T Moscow 2021 - Winner: Egor Loginov (Raw Clips + Photo Gallery).
Egor Loginov wins the Moscow S3t contest, XXth edition of the Russian contest (21.08.2021). Here are raw some clips by Mikhail Alekseev, and a photo gallery by Selone.
Photo Gallery by Selone - Link (Facebook, no login required)
S3t Contest in Moscow (August 2017). Featuring: Eugen Enin, Vova Turkin, Kirill Galushko, Sergei Golovushkin, Anton Bobrovsky, Egor Loginov, Renat Gallyamov, Gosha Obydennikov, Serega Sotskov, Andrey Skvortsov & Kolya Belov. Shooting and editing Alexander Boytsov.
Camera: Panasonic g6 Kit. Music: Francois MAIGRET - Flowers Explosion, Francois MAIGRET - On The Road Again, Francois MAIGRET - Good Old Times.
Previously: Eugen Enin - Winner of the S3t Moscow 2017 - Edit by Alexander Boytsov.
Eugen Enin, winner of the S3t Moscow 2017 (August 19, Russia) - Edit by Alexander Boytsov.
Camera: Panasonic g6 Kit. Music: Bill Schultz - Give It Up - Rock.
More goodies on vk.com/s3tmoscow.
The winner of the S3t Moscow 2017 (August 19, Russia) is Eugen Enin. Congrats! (Photo).
Eugen Enin - 450 FS Royale (2nd Spot) - Clip by Blade.rs