Featuring: Demetrios George, Kyle Wood, Ryan Parker, Jeff Kolada, Carlos Jaquez, & Tonne Hawk.
Some footage I’ve been meaning to post that I gathered over the past couple years. Featuring: Stefan Brandow, Paul Stewart, Vinnie Fox, Hawke Trackler, Happy Tooth, Matthew Plasencia, Matt Lyon and Nick Pellegrino. - Kyle Wood.
Song: “Press Enter to Exit” by the Horrors.
Outside in the Kitchen features: Happy Tooth, Bradley Wilson, Ryan Parker, Tonee Hawk, Hood Panda, Luke Naylor & Blake Hyatt.
“That’s what we live for, that’s what we do, this is rollerblading baby and we gonna show y’all the best of it.” - Challe Walle.
San Jose, California - September 18, 2021. The last street competition that took place out in SJ was three years ago in 2018 pre-covid and what a pleasure it was to be back out there. Three spots: Ledges, a shotgun rail, and a long classic spot dubbed as “the best worst spot”. As usual, the vibes were great and everyone skated really well. Shout out to Mike and everyone who helped organize and attended the event. The community out in NorCal is still one of the strongest. Cheers to the good times! - butterTV.
Featuring Korey Waikiki, Chino Sin, Demetrios George, Cameron Talbott, Stephen Babcock, Daniel Malm, Anthony Luna, Taylor Kobryn, Daneil Gomes, Chad Tannehill, Gene Steagall & more.
Visit Buttertv.com.
I didnt think I was actually gonna make an edit until the last minute so sorry to some of the homies I didnt get any clips of. You’re all wieners in my book so dont sweat it. Thanks for watching. - Hawke Trackler.
Visit bladecle.org.
Featuring Stefan Brandow, Hood Panda, Dylan Kingsolver, Chris Timmerding, Kyle Wood, Josh Yarmesch, Bradley Wilson, Colin Nisler, Paul Stewart, Happy Tooth & more.