A few years of footage eventually fell into place in time with joining Ground Control Australia. Filming mostly by Nat Ogden. Editing by Tomas Meleg. Thanks to anyone else who filmed, drove or helped out.
A few years of footage eventually fell into place in time with joining Ground Control Australia. Filming mostly by Nat Ogden. Editing by Tomas Meleg. Thanks to anyone else who filmed, drove or helped out.
Ground Control Australia Team Introduction 2018: Lui Burke-Xie, Craig Brocklehurst & Thomas Dalbis. Filmed by Tomas Meleg, Dom West, Glenn Beardmore & Andy Plumridge. Edited by Glenn Beardmore.
Music: Night Beats - Right/Wrong.
Central Business District, skating session with Phil Moss, Josh Nielsen & Louis Burke-Xie.
More Media by Tomas Meleg: City Lights | Chinatown (Sydney, Australia 2017) | Josh Nielsen (Australia, 2017) - Street Edit.
Josh Nielsen, Sydney, Australia. Filmed and edited by Tomas Meleg. Additional filming Tomas Dalbis and Hayden Golder.
“Went for some noodles, came back with some footage”. Sydney Chinatown, night session, filmed and edited by Tomas Meleg. Featuring Tomas Meleg, Josh Nielsen, Robert Grogan and Louis Burke-Xie.
I am at a loss for words. Rest in peace to a dear friend of mine, Keaton Newsom.
I remember being a freshman in high school and seeing Keaton in the hallways. I always just wanted him to notice my senate backpack lol. I looked up to him so much back then and eventually had the honor of becoming his friend and the opportunity to film multiple sections with him.
I had no idea he was in such a dark place and I wish I would have been there more…
Here is my favorite section we worked on together, filming this was an adventure and every session was a good one. Keaton loved skating, had such a passion for it, and really brought something unique and beautiful to the sport. - Kristian Payne (thread on Facebook).
Keaton Newsom - Ground Control Uprising (2013)