Josh Silver is an animal on the blades. His style is raw and he can skate any terrain put in front of him. Kaltik scooped him up over the summer, which makes perfect sense. He’s a ruthless 8 downer who still likes to make sparks. Hopefully you enjoy this section, cause we had an awesome time making it. Filmed in Vancouver, Seattle and Portland.
Video on Vimeo: PLAY.
Just a 90 minutes session with Conor Manweiler in SofD Dublin! A video by David Derby. Video on Vimeo: PLAY.
Bonus: Conor Manweiler – Nobody Cares (Old Edit)
Featuring clips of: Franco Shade contest, Conor Manweiler Irish Rollerblading, and 40 shades of green. Video on Youtube: PLAY.
Kaltik Hardware released some new coloured frames. Word on the street is they are already working on another new innovative idea. Stay tuned.
Larger Picture on Flickr.