Flashback: Rollerblading video from 2005 directed by Kenny Owens and featuring Dre Powell, Montre Livingston and Joe Dobson.
Flashback: Rollerblading video from 2005 directed by Kenny Owens and featuring Dre Powell, Montre Livingston and Joe Dobson.
“Filmed throughout my short stay in Rotterdam last month, shot & cut by Kenny Owens”. - Vladimir Kocherga.
You’re about to bear witness to the skill and technique of the present day Hashassins and their art of killing. Sit back and prepare yourself. – Hashassins / Misled Media / Doug Urquhart.
Hashassins (2004) - Playlist & Soundtrack.
Sections - PLAY: Intro | Michael Gumby Braud | Will Gordon | Montage | Richie Eisler | Montage 2 | Malik Kamara | ATL Waterpark Tour | Tim Schmidt | Montage 3 | Walt Austin | Montage 4 | Julian Bah | Credits + Bonus Guest Edits: James Reetzke | Chris Majette | Kenny Owens + More Goodies: Hashassins Ad | Original Teaser | Superhick Teaser | Rewind.
Remastered Sections - PLAY: Michael Gumby Braud | Will Gordon | Richie Eisler.
January 28, 2022: The patspang crew re-released on Youtube this video from 2017.
The patspang posse hooked up with their friends In order of appearance: Kenneth Owens, Randy Abels Davy Wouda, Remco van der Pol, Dick Heerkens, Remy Cadier, Sven Boekhorst, Eric van Boven, Sjoerd Peters, Vivien Butot & Deveril Abels.
Previously: Patspang - Street Cats (2021) with Sven Boekhorst, Randy Abel & Friends. Get some patspang goodies on Thisissoul.com.
PLAY: Full Movie | Leftovers + Teaser.
Plastic Pushers - Volume I: The new dutch inline skate movie filmed during the dutch (easy) lockdown. Full parts by: Pascal Tan 1:15, Wisse Ankersmit 3:54, Adam Szymanski 9:11, Giorgio Oehlers 12:54, Jeroen Wullems 16:39, Kenny Owens 22:26, Sebastiaan van Wijk 29:39, Vivien Butot & Robin Bosgra 32:33, Sem Croft 38:18 & Randy Abels 42:44. Also featuring: Hans Hardonk, Bas Houweling, Bartozs Beller, Dick Heerkens, Marnix Haak, Chris Nomden and more. Thanks for the vibes!
A rollerblading video from England, Nederlands & Thailand. Filmed & edited By KO (35 minutes).
Featuring: Sam Crofts, Neil Ingall, Philip Moore, Colm Sealy, Levi Van Rijn, Umberto Toselli, Randy Abels & Worapoj Boonnim.
Filmed in Holland, Thailand & London. Featuring: Randy Abels, James, Bower, Sam Crofts, Kenny Owens, Neil Ingall, Colm Cealy, Umberto Toselli, Phillip Moore, Note Boonim & more!
Some tricks filmed over 2 sessions by Reint van der Vegt. Additional filming: Kenny Owens, Joery van der Pol. Edited by Wisse Ankersmit.
Music: Kazam - Narcosis.