Captured, cut, and produced by Brian Freeman, this episode dives into Jon Julio’s impact on the skate community, his influence on the next generation, and the bridges he’s built through skating.
Captured, cut, and produced by Brian Freeman, this episode dives into Jon Julio’s impact on the skate community, his influence on the next generation, and the bridges he’s built through skating.
Quoting Cody Sanders:
“Oh boy, blade cup. It’s been years since I’ve been to one. Me and the crew usually pick one major event to all mob each year. Blade Cup with this year’s pick. Well, I say “the whole crew,” but usually 80% of them bail once plane tickets start being purchased. This however wasn’t the case this weekend. It was the first time I’ve seen so many of my close friends actually bite the bullet and come out to a blading event.
Even if the goal wasn’t to skate in it, just to be around it. I loved it. We talked about it all weekend, how important it was to be present at the very few moments we all have to gather en masse. What was even more impressive, was seeing some of my friends that haven’t entered a competition (in some cases, in twenty years!) participate in the event. I won’t ramble on too much about the event itself, because the video covers the most of it, but I do want to touch on a few key points that may not be too obvious.
In the middle of the event, my lens broke and I had to scramble to a camera store and buy a new one. Thank you Kirill and Labez for helping me through all of that. I ended up missing a large chunk of the veterans and pro events because of that. So yes… There’s a lot of phone clips in this one. What I was focused on this year was the Bladies event. For those of you that aren’t familiar with that term, it’s the womans event.
I was focused on it because every time I go to an event, I end up having some sort of mishap that causes me to be unable to film it. That happened at Winterclash, Franky Morales Invitational, Carriers Open, etc… So I really went out of my way to make sure that my batteries were charged and I was on schedule for once.
I wasn’t disappointed. I think the female side of our sport is really starting to ramp up. The amount of participation, level and overall vibe was super high this weekend. The pro event ended up getting rained out, which was a bit of a damper. But they did hold a bonus event the day after that coincided with the Brandon Negrete Memorial event. Which was awesome but… Somehow I didn’t get the memo that it was happening. I had made plans with my California family to meet up that Sunday, so I ended up missing it. Which I normally could have been ok with, but Mick Casals won! Man! I wish I would have been there for that. But oh well… I’m sure there’s going to be many more moments like that to look forward to.
If you’re still reading, make it a point to try and get out to an event this year. Even if you’re brand new, you don’t know anyone there, it doesn’t matter. It’s waaay too easy to make friends and feel a part of the event when you’re at these things. The more the merrier. Give yourself a reason to travel. You’re good enough. You’re not too old. Whatever it is that you’ve got in your head, don’t listen to it. Come out and be a part of rollerblading. Blading Cup was fantastic. No matter what happened, absolutely fantastic. Can’t wait to see yall at the next one”. - Cody Sanders (Jumbo-brand.com).
Day 1: The Blading Cup Asia 2024 Jakarta First day of competition (May 3, 2024) in Jakarta (Indonesia): Opening ceremonial and registration check, Inline Open Warming up, Inline open qualifying & Inline open Semi final.
Day 2: Another big day starting with the Vets, under 17, Bladies & Pros.
You can check a video of Day 2 on Instagram (by Koda Hult).
Day 3: (Morning) - Veterans and Bladies Finals Part 1.
Joe Stuart also documented his adventures in Jakarta, prior to the Blading Cup Event - PLAY: May 1st | May 2nd.
Skaters: Jon Julio, Derek Henderson, Sean Darst, Dominic Bruce, Billy O’Neill, Davis Hoang, Marc Moreno, Michelle Steilen, Jay Ralph, Koda Hult, Joe Atkinson, Gav Drumm & Tom Ahlqvist.
Music: Brian Shima - ‘A Long Walk To Ease The Mind’ ; Roast (Billy O’Neill, John Bolino, Connor Barrett, Nico Magalhaes) - ‘Leave Me Free’. Filmed by: Jon Julio, Derek Henderson, Sean Darst, Dominic Bruce, Billy O’neill, Davis Hoang, Marc Moreno & Michelle Steilen. Thanks Everyone.
Winterclash recap DVD from 2007 (Full Results) ; directed by Marcel Schubert and Jojo Jacobi. Featuring highlights from the competition.
Clips from Brian Aragon, Chaz Sands, Erik Bailey, Max Visser, Benny Harmanus, Sean Kelso, Mike Murda Johnson, Victor Arias, Jon Julio, Dominik Wagner, Cosimo Tassone, Tory Treseder, Stephane Alfano, Julien Cudot & more. Trailer on Vimeo: PLAY.
Winterclash, 2006 Edition (Muhlhausen, Germany) - Official Dvd, Full Video! Featuring: Jojo Jacobi, Jon Julio, Azikiwee Anderson, Chaz Sands, Brian Aragon, Tory Treseder, Mathias Silhan & more (Full Results).
Starring Jon Julio. Director of photography: Ivan Narez. Editors: John Vossoughi & Ivan Narez. Additional footage courtesy of: Franck Trozzo, Sylvain Chaussee, WKND CREW, Mike Torres & Andrew Maclean. Photography: Brandon Smith & Ivan Narez. Music: Leland Whitty - “Anyhow”.
Presented by 8 Roll & Them Skates. Featuring: Alex Broskow, Soichiro Kanashima, Jon Julio, Christian Delfino, Mike Torres, Althaf Ramadan & Iqbal Fahriansyah.
Filmed and edited by Mike Torres. Photography: Christian Delfino. Music: Le Groupe Angklung, Tony Scott, The Indonesian Allstars. Special Thanks: Arif, Thomas Nawilis, Adit Enjoy, Satria, Isfi, Wisnu, Donbo, Diga & the MILF crew - Indonesia.
FIT CHECK: We took samples of our new shell sizes to two of the biggest skate competitions in the world so you could check the fit. - Them Skates.
Aggressive skating emerged in the 1990s as a flashier, niche style of roller skating. Like other ’90s trends, it has emerged again.
On a May afternoon at a Venice Beach skate park, the drooping sun cast an amber glow on Kayla Dizon as she shot her way across the pavement on a pair of in-line skates.
Ms. Dizon, 25, had not come to cruise leisurely along the Pacific Coast like many spandex- and swimsuit-clad skaters do. Wearing a T-shirt and cutoff shorts that revealed a massive purple-yellow bruise on her leg, Ms. Dizon instead was scraping her skates’ wheels on the edges of the park’s sinuous curves and sharp dips as her dyed-red hair thrashed in the air. […]
Check the Full Article on NYtimes.com. By Max Berlinger. Photographs by Ben Pier. Reporting from Los Angeles (June 8, 2023). Thanks Intuition.