La Rue presents Poésie (poetry, in french). Featuring: Baptiste Stéphan, Gauthier Kawase, Jeremy Fanfaron, Renaud Jerez, Sabine Raillard, Stan Kogutyak, Umberto Toselli, Greg Preston, Neil Ingall, Sadio Traoré, Lukas Lalor-Ryan & Gaston Michel. Filmed by: Umberto Tosseli, Stan Kogutyak & Lukas Lalor-Ryan. Edited by: Stan Kogutyak. Visit
Gnars enters the blading world with a WHOPPING £1,000 prize on the #NOGGLES rail. Enjoy this GNARS NOGGLES X LDN Jam by Jon Lee - Featuring: Dominic Bruce, Elliot Stevens, Joe Atkinson, Adrien Anne, Umberto Toselli & more!
- Dominic Bruce
- Elliot Stevens
- Adrien Anne
La Rue - MOTION. Featuring:
Nolan Charpentier,
Sadio Traoré,
Lukas Lalor-Ryan,
Remy Gallet,
Umberto Toselli,
Stan Kogutyak &
Gaston Michel. Edited by: Stan Kogutyak.
Jon Lee x La Rue. Filmed by Joe Spray & Jon Lee. Featuring: Umberto Toselli, Stan Kogutyak, Matt, Quinnny, Pat & Friends.
Support La Rue @
Vous les copains! (You my friends!) with Umberto Toselli, Stan Kogutyak & Friends. A video by La Rue.
Previously: La Rue - Wheels Promo (2021) by Umberto Tosseli.
LA RUE is proud to finally see this new product come to life! Make sure to check out LA RUE Wheels - Limited stocks. Thank you for supporting us, nothing would have been possible without you all. Merci!
Featuring: Stan Kogutyak, Umberto Toselli & Lukas Lalor-Ryan.
A rollerblading video from England, Nederlands & Thailand. Filmed & edited By KO (35 minutes).
Featuring: Sam Crofts, Neil Ingall, Philip Moore, Colm Sealy, Levi Van Rijn, Umberto Toselli, Randy Abels & Worapoj Boonnim.
Skaters: Vasco Moyal, Clement Boucau, Christophe Brumby, Thibault Barbaza, Clément Barbaza, Julien Schneider, Umberto Toselli, Antoine Frerejean & Victor Legrand.
Previously: Le Sean’s (France) - Iphone Clips (2017) featuring Umberto Toselli, Jey Mcfly, Klement Barbaza, Victor Legrand, Jon Matter, Lucas Rinaldi & Vasco Moyal.
Filming Umberto has been one of lifes absolute privilege. I don’t know what to type to describe the excitement i feel when in your presence. You’re that rare drug that makes the (blading) world a better place. You fucking champ. - Jon Lee.
SOBER features Elliot Stevens, Neil Ingalll, James Bower & Umberto Tosellii, as well as many of our mates. Filmed & chopped by Jon Lee.
SOBER // DREGS (leftovers) - PLAY:
Umberto Toselli |
James Bower.
Full Video: PLAY (soundtrack listing).
Skaters: Tony AULAS, Thibault BARBAZA, Umberto TOSELLI, Victor LEGRAND, Alex BURSTON, MATT, Clément BARBAZA. Filmed & edited par Victor LEGRAND.