When you spend a few months travelling and skating through the country you sometimes have to cave in and join a few sessions at the parks. While you may think skating might define a country’s street culture in the paved avenues of the big cities, the skateparks of Mexico also have a story to tell and are still the place of good times sharing sessions. This one is for all the carnales we met.
Parks in Mexico are really surprising and oftentimes huge and vast dumps of concrete in some cities where only a few practice urban sports which usually adds to their volume. But meeting the crews of each city as we went through allowed us to share some great memories and even skate some hidden gems. For instance in Morelia where we met up with Joe Atkinson and explored a covered up SpaceBowl for a shadowy session out of time.

Be sure to watch the whole Chileros Video not to miss out on professional action since I loved the song to much and added a bunch of footage from Joe Atkinson, Julien Cudot and Stephane Alfano borrowed from other great projects like Foot Moon and Alfamor videos.

Skating from: Frai Gomez, Thomas Camus, Hadrien Bastouil, Pablo Ledesma, Marisol Tamayo, HoneyBee, Obed Mejia, Chaneblade Paredes, Angel Cocolero, Daniel Vallejo, Diego Lara, Jaime, Rubi Farias, Rafael Urena, Arturo Gomez, Kenya Maldonado, Efrain Mondragon, Jeremi Rodriguez, Enrique Zepeda, Joe Atkinsons, Julien Cudot and Stephane Alfano. Filmed in Guadalajara, Mexico City and Morelia, Mex. Music: Quantic x Flowering Inferno - Dub y Guaguanco ; Delinquent Habits - Fiesta ; La Bande-Son Imaginaire - Mezcal a Pleno Vuelo. Keep Blading it’s fun.