Memorial Jam was held at the House Skatepark, for the legend that is Rich Breeds. - Nick Shand.
R.I.P Rich Breeds. 08/02/1984 - 07/02/2022
Memorial Jam was held at the House Skatepark, for the legend that is Rich Breeds. - Nick Shand.
R.I.P Rich Breeds. 08/02/1984 - 07/02/2022
It is with an extremely heavy heart that I regret to inform you all that sadly, Rich Breeds passed away in what we believe to be the late hours of Sunday night/ early hours of yesterday morning. He was one of the truest friends I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing and life will never be the same without him. Not only was he a brother to me, but he was my hero. My deepest condolences to all his family and all of you that loved him. Shine bright Rich, just like you always did in life. - Mark Binge (Facebook Thread).
R.I.P Rich Breeds. 08/02/1984 - 07/02/2022.
Photo courtesy of Craig Spaven | Rich Breeds Memorial Group on Facebook.