From his porch in Kansas City Missouri, we bring you, Mike Lilly.
The Wax Toaster (Youtube), a podcast highlighting inline skating street culture, art, and general conversation about lifestyle. Hosted by Joey Lunger & Taylor Kobryn.
From his porch in Kansas City Missouri, we bring you, Mike Lilly.
The Wax Toaster (Youtube), a podcast highlighting inline skating street culture, art, and general conversation about lifestyle. Hosted by Joey Lunger & Taylor Kobryn.
We talk with Josiah Blee former Remedyz pro skater and member of the Chance of Rain crew.
The Wax Toaster (Youtube), a podcast highlighting inline skating street culture, art, and general conversation about lifestyle. Hosted by Joey Lunger & Taylor Kobryn.
Cotonete Cast is a podcast about music from rollerblading videos, with a selected playlist of classics, from the 90’s era up till nowadays, and some interviews with skaters from Brazil. All the shows are produced, presented and commented by Ciro Piva, and produced and edited by André Luiz Celeste, hope you all enjoy!
Cotonete Cast on Soundcloud | Youtube | Mixcloud.. Note: the show is in Portuguese, but I’m sure you don’t want to miss those classics tunes.
Chris Haffey is arguably one of the best people to put skates on their feet. we talk about starting 4x4 with Brian Shima, how Brian Bell and Remz helped put him on the map, skating in the Nitro Circus, and much much more.
Check the podcast on Itunes | Stitcher | Spotify. Visit Jumpstreetpodcast.com.
Jump Street. A LIVE podcast with Austin Paz & Billy O’Neill.
To this day, Jeph Howard still puts out some of the highest level skating sections in the game. We talk about the Bunique days, unfinished business at the infamous Styversant rail in NYC, mental health awareness, and more.
Check the podcast on Itunes | Stitcher | Spotify. Visit Jumpstreetpodcast.com.
Jump Street. A LIVE podcast with Austin Paz & Billy O’Neill.
Jump Street Podcast, a live podcast with Austin Paz & Billy O’Neill, episode starring Jon Julio.
Rollerblade Pro, Razors Pro and Adapt pro, The Atlanta local, Julian Bah has been a top pro aggressive inline skater since the early 2000s and he is still going strong.
My first memory of Julian Bah, was “this kid doing a huge 180 in a street contest in Atlanta”, a few months went by and he was announced as a SKATEPILE team skater, a few more months and Julian was part of team Rollerblade and Fiziks frames, this was only the beginning. Julian’s skate career has been full of ups and downs, from amazing video parts in several videos to some “blade drama”.
In 2018 he is still on top of the game and I’m excited to share this Skate Talk with all of you. Why did you got fired from rollerblade? What happened between you and Coco Sanchez? How was it living in the Razors house? How did you become part of the Adapt skates pro team? All of these and lot more questions were answered during this 100 minutes skate talk with one of the most influential skating individuals in 2018.
Video on Youtube | Visit Jvaughn.co.
Dom West is a 31 year old British skater and cinematographer living in Sidney, Australia.
Dom’s work has become some of the Best Skating video pieces ever done, from working with some of the world’s top skaters to the choosing epic locations, Dom seems to have a special eye.
How did you get into filming? What filming gear do you use? Best 5 skaters to take on a trip with you? What’s a normal Dom West day like? Do you like bananas? All of these and lot more questions were answered during this 72 minute skate talk with one of the most influential skating individuals in 2018.
Nicky Adams was part of the Salomon pro team and won the X-Games street in 1999. Nicky Adams claims that he was the best Paid Inline skater of all times. With a ski and inline skating contract combined by Salomon, Nicky lived the PRO dream life for a while, but Nicky was always known for being a tough kid.
Nicky was 5 years in jail and he’s been free for one year now and since then he has been focusing again on skating, but according to Nicky, it was during his jail time that he made a plan to change his life. Why Blade god? Why are you so rough on some people? how did you go into skiing? how much was your monthly payment by Salomon? why were you in Jail for 5 years? all of these and lot more questions were answered during this 56 minutes skate talk with one of the most influential skating individuals in 2018.
Bobi Spassov started skating at the age of 7 and competed at the X-Games at the age of 12. After a 7 year break due to some trouble youth problems, Bobi is nowadays known for his progressive style of skating, with a unique way of spinning and lots of creative and “always in control” maneuvers.
But what a lot of people don’t know is that Bobi started as a Vert skater and only started street skating 3 years ago. How did you get into skating? what skates will skate next? How did you end up competing in the X games? all of these and lot more questions were answered during this 97 minutes skate talk with one of the most influential skating individuals in 2018.