I had some friends from my hometown come visit this weekend. They were very excited to skate the many beautiful street spots of Austin. So what did we take them to? First spot, a bank to dumpster and a rock. Perfect. Honestly, every spot we ever try to go to is terrible. It’s the age old tale of “every street spot is harder in real life”.

That’s never really an issue though. Even if the spot is awful (like the curved handicap we go to in this one), there’s still a curb. There’s still SOMETHING. There’s always something, even if it’s a crack on the ground, skating is always fun. We did something different in this one, something we haven’t really done before… Skated a mini-ramp.
I’ve made it a point during this series to not film skatepark, that’s what instagram is for. There’s so much park footage on instagram, you couldn’t watch it all if you spent the rest of your life trying. That being said, I’d count this mini as a “DIY” spot. It’s not a skatepark… So it counts. Let us slide on this one (literally). If you’re hometown friends come to skate, not every spot can be trash… literally. - Cody Sanders.
Featuring: Mick Casals, Caleb Benavides, Heath Burley, Andrew Broom, Matt Raker, Anthony Medina, Cody Sanders & Friends.
Jumbo Setups with Anthony Medina - USD Aeon
The USD Aeon, the most customizable skate on the market… That’s obviously a joke. But, there are actually a few different mods that exist for these things. Anthony Medina discusses how he’s dialed in his Aeons over the past few years of skating them. - Cody Sanders.
Jumbo Series by Cody Sanders - More Episodes.
The latest feature from the CANDY crew: “ends”. Intro 00:00,
Timona Kasue 04:19,
Dan Robinson 7:21,
Isaac Parks 10:27,
Heath Burley 13:28,
Mick Casals 16:30,
Troy Maimone 20:02,
Brandon Bobadilla 23:18,
Anthony Medina 26:40,
Andrew Broom 30:54,
Outro 36:04,
Secret Section 42:01.
ends: More Goodies (Leftovers Sections + Trailers).
The title says it all. Mick’s “leftovers”. You can still support the crew and buy our full video here. All the proceeds are split between those featured in the flick. Thank you! - Anthony Medina.
Previously: Ends (2022) - VOD by Anthony Medina - Trailer (Out Now).
ends clocks in at 45 minutes with full sections from:
Andrew Broom,
Heath Burley,
Dan Robinson,
Isaac Parks,
Timona Kasue,
Troy Maimone,
Brandon Bobadilla, Mick Casals and Anthony Medina.
Following CANDY it felt only right to run it back. After the outpouring of love and positive feedback we received, we figured it only made sense to do it again. The filming for this video started out the same but with some big injuries occurring, others stepped up to fill the void. Though the cast in this video changed, the crew remains.
Others have said it to me and I thought it myself prior, this video feels different than others I have made. Knowing this would be my last video, I wanted to show more of the fun side of our crew and just have more fun with it overall. Though this is the last full length video I want to make, it doesn’t mean I/we will stop producing content so don’t expect us to go anywhere.
ends clocks in at 45 minutes with full sections from:
Andrew Broom,
Heath Burley,
Dan Robinson,
Isaac Parks,
Timona Kasue,
Troy Maimone,
Brandon Bobadilla, Mick Casals and myself. All proceeds will be split evenly amongst those featured in the video. We hope you enjoy our work. - Anthony Medina.
You can purchase the video on Sellfy ($15). Mick Casals is also selling a photo-book, shot entirely on film, over at Mickcasals.com ($30). This is a very limited run so be sure to snag one quick. Throughout the pages are QR Codes with accompanying video of broll, falls and tricks from the photos.
Blade Havasu 8 played host to some of the most impressive rollerblading ever to grace the concrete waves on the shore of Lake Havasu, Arizona. The eighth annual excursion to this desert oasis also included traditional camping, cookouts, and camaraderie amongst bladers, bladies, and friends alike.
But God damn the skating went off! Featuring Chad Tannehill, Jamie K, Andy Bonder, Wake Schepman, Chad Hornish, Mick Casals, and more. Filmed by: Cody Norman, Chad Tannehill. Edited by: Cody Norman.
Thanks to everybody involved and to those who contributed to my most unplanned video to date. shout out to Jared Kaplan and the Rosy Bowl crew for the weekly Monday night sessions throughout this past winter. also a huge thanks to Mick Casals for coming out here multiple times to film a part just like old times and motivating me more to put all of this together. more will be coming from The ComeDown, hopefully sooner than later. thanks for tuning in. - Austin Foogie Bartels.
Featuring: Justin Chad Anthony, Angel Gloria, Justin Barr, Jared Kaplan, Jordan Smith, Will Enzenaur, Mick Casals, Zach Pavel, Foogie and Timona Kasue.
Out of Tune, by Austin Foogie Bartels: More Sections.
Mick Casals, filmed over a few visits in Denver, Colorado.
Previously: The Comedown - Out of Tune, A video by Austin Foogie Bartels - Trailer | Intro | Rosy Bowl | Downers Videos.
Trailer |
Intro |
Rosy Bowl |
Out of tune, from Denver, Colorado. A video by - Austin Foogie Bartels.
Intro, starring: Timona Kasue, Zach Pavel, Foogie, Jarrod Banning, Jimmy Kobryn, Heath Burley, Andy Jacuzzi, Adam Bazydlo, Julian Mire, Ray Kronenberg, Taylor Popham and Dustin Gilmore - PLAY
Rosy bowl: Thanks Jared Kaplan for always organizing these sessions at The Rosy Bowl every Monday night through the winter. With: Jordan Smith, Jarrod Banning, Mick Casals, Will Enzenaur, Jeremy Spira, Philip Moore, and Jimmy Kobryn. Animation by Pablo Porta - PLAY
Downers: Homies section featuring: Brandon Bobadilla, Anthony Medina, Mick Casals, Ryan Rasmussen, Junk Dawg, Kyle Vandongen, Cody Sanders, Caleb Benavides, Angel Gloria, Zach Leavell, Julian Mire, Zack Pollak, Jeremy Spira, Ian Walker, Jordan Smith, and Pablo Porta. Mini section with Andrew Broom - PLAY
Bloom is proud to introduce their third wheel offering: the Mick Casals 58MM/90A pro wheel. 10% of profits will be donated to an organization Mick chose. Visit Ridewithbloom.com.
“I chose RAINN for my wheel highlight. RAINN operates the National Sexual Assault Hotline, an organization I wasn’t aware of until long after my experiences with sexual abuse. As an adult, it’s a strange thing to come to terms with. Something I couldn’t comprehend until I was older. Yesterday or yesteryear, you can still seek help. If you or someone you know is struggling, don’t keep it a secret. Reach out to friends, family, or an organization like RAINN.org”. - Mick Casals.
It is waaay too cold to be outside, but we’re out here. Also, it turns out that trying to record audio under a very loud overpass wasn’t the best idea, haha. This is a short one, not too many steps to this trick. I still think it’s important to go over though.
I stress the importance of non-dominant foot placement in the video. On average, I’ve noticed most backwards grinding pornstars are locked perfectly. They have to be locked perfectly or else you’ll stick. The forwards versions can be done pretty lazily. While doing the forwards versions, the back foot can be all over the top of the ledge, sliding all over the place with no clearly defined position.
I think consistency is important. I think if we’re going to spend this much time doing something, we should give it the respect of thought and effort. Thank you to Mick Casals for being the talent and to Anthony Medina for sending me a very sick sidewalk example. As I said at the beginning of the video, if you’ve watched any of the other ones, commented, sent any messages to me, etc.. Thank you. It may not seem like much, but I’m always so surprised to see the amount of love that is shown from our community. Y’all are rad. - Cody Sanders.