Justin Barr - No Wallets Lost. A video by Geoff Phillip.
Thanks to everybody involved and to those who contributed to my most unplanned video to date. shout out to Jared Kaplan and the Rosy Bowl crew for the weekly Monday night sessions throughout this past winter. also a huge thanks to Mick Casals for coming out here multiple times to film a part just like old times and motivating me more to put all of this together. more will be coming from The ComeDown, hopefully sooner than later. thanks for tuning in. - Austin Foogie Bartels.
Featuring: Justin Chad Anthony, Angel Gloria, Justin Barr, Jared Kaplan, Jordan Smith, Will Enzenaur, Mick Casals, Zach Pavel, Foogie and Timona Kasue.
Out of Tune, by Austin Foogie Bartels: More Sections.
CrazyPills is a skate film by Ian Walker (Trailer). Starring: Jeremy Spira, Philip Moore, Kyle Vandongen, Joey Lunger, Daniel Malm, James Kobryn. Featuring: Justin Barr, Andrew Jacuzzi, Jordan Smith, Zach Pavel and many more… Visit Mycrazypills.com.
Watch the video on Youtube - You can download the HD video for free on Sellfy. Support the team and get more goodies here (tee and mag!).
CrazyPills is a skate film by Ian Walker. Starring: Jeremy Spira, Philip Moore, Kyle Vandongen, Joey Lunger, Daniel Malm, James Kobryn. Featuring: Justin Barr, Andrew Jacuzzi, Jordan Smith, Zach Pavel and many more… Out Jan 27th, 2022. Visit Mycrazypills.com.
Denver premiere: Jan 27th - 8pm at the candy factory, 1514 Curtis st - suite 200, Vax cards & masks required, BYOB.
We teamed up with long time friend and skater Justin Barr (themoonnews) to produce the first product in a series of skater designed clothing, each launched with an edit featuring the artist’s skill on skates. Filmed by Geoff Phillip in Denver in 4 days.
Collaborated with Razors to start a new series of shirts designed by rollerblading artists. I came up with the ‘Rasoirs’ (razor in french) pocket tee. It’s inspired by vintage French posters for things like biscuits and champagne while still taking place in the alternate moon universe that exists in my head where things don’t quite work the same way. Anyhow, was a really fun project and I’m excited to share it with you. - Justin Barr.
Trevor Tylosky, 2012 Edit. Visual stimuli provided by Justin Barr, filmers: Geoff Phillip, Mykel Fatali & Howie Bennett. Edited by Geoff Phillip.
Video on Vimeo: PLAY.