Mesmer - Dominic Bruce Pro Skate - Review by Ricardo Lino.
UPDATED: Added Day 2.
They shut down Downtown Santa Ana California, the build a street course and vendors set up shop. welcome to The Blading Cup. A yearly event that brings the world of skating together. […] - Rachard Johnson.
Day 1
Day 2
Shot by Rachard Johnson & Michael Kini.
Day 3: PLAY.
The Dominic Bruce pro skate is available for preorder ($399, 380€). Expected to ship before the end of this month. Visit Mesmerskates.com.
South-West tour. The Mesmer team skating in San Diego, Tucson, Albuquerque, El Paso, Phoenix & Riverside. Filmed and edited by Taylor Kobryn. Additional cameras: Ryan Buchanan, Martin Danning and Jeremy Spira.
Martin Danning - Mesmer AM Introduction.
Photos: Magnus Berger Nordstrand (Magnusnordstrand.no).
Previously: Ikke Guds Beste Barn (Norway, 2021) - A Video by Martin Danning.
Mesmer started to upload HD version of their promo videos.
John Bolino - Mesmer Skates Promo
SLOW ROAST - Luis Corrales & Matty Schrock
STORM IN BCN - Levi van Rijn & Friends
Dennis Lopze - MESMER Am Introduction by Joey Lunger
Jimmy Kobryn - MESMER Am Introduction by Taylor Kobryn
Marc Moreno - Morning Picnic by Rafael Lopez Maldonado
Mesmer is tremendously happy to bring our first project “RISING” to you. Movements sprawled across the streets of New York City, Madrid and Barcelona. Starring: John Bolino, Dominic Bruce, Levi van Rijn, Marc Moreno & Billy O’Neill. Produced by Mesmer skates brand. Filmed by Luis Corrales, Julian García, Teles Ángel, Marc Moreno. Edited by Marc Moreno. Motion Graphics: Carl Benny Robert, Theodor Reumert, John Bolino, Marc Moreno. Photography: David Montes Aldea, Beatriz Conde-Corbal, Óscar Prats.