Displaying posts tagged #Jumbo

Jumbo: Inspin & Outspin - Tutorial +

Wed, Jan 3, 2024
Jumbo: Inspin & Outspin - Tutorial +

If you followed my channel before it was called Jumbo, you’ll know one of the things I was interested in doing was making how-to videos. I always felt like there was way more to skating than was being shown to beginners and I wanted to try and give those ideas a home. I was only able to get through about 5 of the instructional videos before an old lingering knee injury took me out of the game for a couple of years. A blessing in disguise I guess, because being hurt inspired me to create Jumbo. But Now that I can skate again, I want to keep the idea alive.

Jumbo: Inspin & Outspin - Tutorial +

When I get interested in something, I’ll spend waaay too much time learning about. Learning about all the little technical differences in this or that. I’m that way with most of my hobbies outside of skating. I know I’m not the only one that thinks that way and since there are so many newcomers to skating lately, I think it’s important to clearly define what we’re doing.

It might have been documented somewhere a long time ago, in an old magazine or VHS tape that’s in someones closet collecting dust. So I think it’s worthwhile to put these ideas on the internet so we can actually talk about them. Anywho, I do a lot of this off the top of my head. So if you’re watching it and thinking “ah, he should have mentioned ’this/that’”, you’re probably right. Like I say at the end, thank you to everyone that supports Jumbo. You’re all cool as hell. More to come. - Cody Sanders.

Content: 0:00 Intro, 0:50 What is inspin & outspin, 1:38 Inspin, 1:54 Outspin, 2:07 Why are these terms important, 4:04 Skating, 4:29 Here’s how you do it, 5:58 Learn to skate backwards both ways, 6:40 How to inspin soul, 7:37 How to outspin soul, 8:52 Spinning into other tricks, 9:57 360 grinds weren’t happening, 10:32 Spinning out of grinds, rewind & regular, 11:32 Outro.

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Jumbo: 4 the Streets - Episode 18 & 19

Mon, Dec 11, 2023

Julien Cudot was in town and working on something with Anthony Medina. I warned them all week, “I’m still going to come out and film on Saturday.” I’m surprised we all got as much done as we did.

Jumbo: 4 the Streets - Episode 18 & 19

A few of the tricks in this were obviously left out because I don’t want to spoil what they’re working on. But in-between the tiny rail spot and the bank to curb spot, we witnessed some really crazy skating. For a day when I thought we’d be mostly side-lined and spectating, we actually all got quite a bit done. - Cody Sanders.

Episode 19 (December 2023) with Special Guest: Julien Cudot.

Jumbo: 4 the Streets - Episode 18 & 19

Episode 18 (November 2023)

I’m genuinely surprised we had a session this weekend. We woke up to rain and blazing humidity. But we decided to roll the dice and go to the meetup spot anyway hoping for a chance that it would dry. The ground was shockingly slippery, as were the ledges after some rain.

Jumbo: 4 the Streets - Episode 18 & 19

It would dry up just enough to skate and then drizzle again. The heat/rain combo was causing my camera lens to fog up throughout the day as well. It didn’t stop us from trying. I’m an optimist. I think even when we’re being thrown curveballs, it just changes the kind of fun we’ll have.

However, that’s only the case when it comes to spots. It’s not at all the case when your car won’t start. The second spot, my car battery died. The third spot, Andrew got a flat tire. And I had to leave early in the middle of the day for a dog costume contest. Somehow, we still got something done though. Congratulations to my dog for getting 3rd place in her costume contest. - Cody Sanders.

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Jumbo @ Carriers Open 2023 (Frisco, Texas) + Results

Tue, Nov 14, 2023

Carriers Open - November 11, 2023. Frisco, Texas.

Wow. Where do I start? Fritz Peitzner, Carriers, the city of Frisco did such a great job putting on this event. The turn out was really massive. The park is really spread out, but even with that in mind you can tell the numbers were huge. I want to write in depth about the event, give you every detail, etc… But I’m going to leave that to whoever is handling the legit edit. This is the non-legit edit. This is the Jumbo experience… So here’s how it went from our perspective.

Jumbo @ Carriers Open 2023 (Frisco, Texas) + Results

I’ve never ran a booth before… Hell, I didn’t even know this was going to be a company when I started it. It’s a joke that’s gotten really, really out of hand. I love it. I didn’t think about this beforehand, but running a booth, a side event, trying to skate a little AND film an edit of the experience is… A lot. Almost too much, but I still managed. Thank god for the crew helping me hold it down.

Jumbo @ Carriers Open 2023 (Frisco, Texas) + Results

Bcam basically covered the booth and sales the whole time, Gogo and Aaron helping me film. Heath, Ant and Caleb helping me facilitate our mystery event… Oh my god, I can’t believe they let us do the mystery event, hahaha. Jumbo World Tournament. It was so stupid. No one had a clue, not even the people running the contest. I’m not sure how people actually felt about it. I can’t really remember much of it, because I was so focused on announcing. I edited the footage, but I do it all so quickly I haven’t taken the time to really grasp the crowd reaction yet… But if you ask me? I laugh every time. I laugh just thinking about it. That’s really all I want to do, just have a good time.

Jumbo @ Carriers Open 2023 (Frisco, Texas) + Results

If we’re ever allowed to do another mystery event, it might be more focused towards skating… But I love the slapstick, pie-in-the-face, loony toons nature of it all. Without ranting for too long (because I’m sure maybe only 10 people read these descriptions anyway), I think everything about the event was a success. I love my friends. I love the rollerblading scene. I especially love EVERYONE that came by the booth and said what up. For real, I say it every time and I mean it… I’m shocked that people care. I care so much about skating and about us as a community, it’s just really great to know that there are people out there that I can resonate with. Thank you to everyone that came out, that shows love, that watches this… This is the best. Jumbo forever. - Cody Sanders.

Jumbo @ Carriers Open 2023 (Frisco, Texas) + Results

Pro Results

  1. Julien Cudot
  2. Chad Hornish
  3. Jeff Dalnas
  4. Joe Atkinson
  5. Jarrod Banning


  1. Tais Colares
  2. Aarin Gates
  3. Emilia Parejo
  4. Becci Sotelo
  5. Korina Calderon


  1. Muneeb Akhtar
  2. Jacques Orrenstein
  3. Roman Zygmont
  4. Astrid Garcia
  5. Olivia Hallum


  1. Mario Pacia
  2. Jose Arce
  3. Scott Wells
  4. Justin Jones
  5. Caleb Benavides


  1. KV
  2. Kia Hawkins
  3. Holly Lash
  4. Missy Swain
  5. Nina Hallum

Best Trick: Joe Atkinson. Photo.

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Jumbo: 4 the Streets - Episode 17 (October 2023)

Tue, Oct 24, 2023
Jumbo: 4 the Streets - Episode 17 (October 2023)

Apparently we’re more productive when I’m 5 hours late, half the crew is missing and we only go to two spots… I’m a little bummed I didn’t bring my skates to this one. We’re finally skating normal spots. I don’t even like handicap rails but man… The one we went to was so perfect. Fresh out of a skate video from 2002. Needed more tap dancing. - Cody Sanders.

Jumbo: 4 the Streets - Episode 17 (October 2023)

More Episodes of Jumbo.

Jumbo: 4 the Streets - Episode 17 (October 2023)
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Jumbo: 4 the Streets - Episode 16 (October 2023)

Thu, Oct 19, 2023
Jumbo: 4 the Streets - Episode 16 (October 2023)

They can’t all be winners. This weekend wasn’t the absolute best. Don’t get me wrong, we were out of the house, we had fun… That part of the day was a success. But a majority of the day was us driving around looking at spots that no one wanted to do. I didn’t even film some of them.

Jumbo: 4 the Streets - Episode 16 (October 2023)

That’s ok. I’m blaming it on the eclipse I guess. As I say in the video, we really don’t know what to do for the carriers contest, so for sure feel free to give a good idea for what kind of side-event we should have at the Carriers Open on Nov 11. Zero-spin high jump contest, where the bar is in front of a set of stairs is pretty funny.

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The Franky Morales Invitational 4 - Jumbo Edit

Mon, Oct 9, 2023
The Franky Morales Invitational 4 - Jumbo Edit

I don’t want to pick favorites but…. I think the Franky Morales Invitational is my favorite competition in the states. It’s close… It could be tied with The Blading Cup, but I also love Miami as a city. I come to Miami just to kick it.. The fact that one of the largest blade competitions in the nation is here as well is a huge plus. Heads up… I didn’t intend to make an edit of the competition. I’ll leave that to the real filmers, I just wanted to film the homies and make a fun one.

The Franky Morales Invitational 4 - Jumbo Edit

I stayed out til 5am the night before the event (bars are open that late here, it’s incredible) so I missed basically the entire beginning of the event. The park, the venue, is so incredible. Fantastic food trucks, a skateshop, they even brew their own beer for the skatepark. I want to do a long write up for this one… Honestly, for such a great event, it deserves a long write up. But I’ve once again stayed up way too late editing this and I don’t have the energy. Thank you to EVERYONE that supports Jumbo. I love you all. Always feel free to say “what up.” It was super cool meeting everyone. If you missed this years FMI, I’ll see you at the next one. - Cody Sanders.

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Jumbo: 4 the Streets (episode 15)

Mon, Oct 2, 2023
Jumbo: 4 the Streets (episode 15)

We’re back! I mean.. I guess we never really fully left, but we’re back to regular weekly sessions. See yall in Miami next week! - Cody Sanders.

Jumbo: 4 the Streets (episode 15)
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Jumbo: Oklahoma Showdown (September 2023)

Tue, Sep 26, 2023
Jumbo: Oklahoma Showdown (September 2023)

Me and some of the boys decided to drive up to Norman for the Oklahoma Showdown. I haven’t spent much time in Oklahoma prior to this trip and I have to say, it’s pretty sick. The weather was super nice, the streets spots are incredible (and untapped), the prices at the bar were incredibly cheap and everyone we skated with was an absolute pleasure.

Jumbo: Oklahoma Showdown (September 2023)

When I first rolled up to the contest I was shocked to see 35 brand new pairs of Kaltik skates. For anyone that doesn’t know, Kaltik makes a very good junior sized skate. Normally at these donation/charity style contests, there’s actually very few newcomers that skates are given too. It’s normally dudes that have been skating forever, taking whatever parts they find interesting. I was pleasantly surprised to see every pair of skates get given to kids that were genuinely interested in it. Kids that actually already knew how to skate. - Cody Sanders.

Bonus Edit: Oklahoma Showdown - Random Clips, by Nate Nyman - PLAY.

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Jumbo Presents: Caleb Benevides

Sun, Sep 3, 2023

“The spot is way worse in person”. We’ve all said that before. We’ve all seen a perfect spot on film and thought, “I want to go there,” just to have our dreams crushed once we arrived. You won’t think that about any of the spots in this edit. The spot selection is “feral” at best, haha.

Jumbo Presents: Caleb Benevides

In a world of infinite park clips, he’s skating rocks, trees and dumpsters. It’s a kind of skating that’s not common anymore. You can’t finesse a lot of these spots. No trick was given, everything was earned. I love it. I hope you do too. Much more to come. - Cody Sanders.

Jumbo Presents: Caleb Benavides: PLAY.

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Jumbo - Game of Blade - Heath Burley vs Antony Medina

Thu, Aug 17, 2023
Jumbo - Game of Blade - Heath Burley vs Antony Medina

Heath Burley and Anthony Medina play a Game of Blade at Candyland. A Jumbo video by Cody Sanders.

Jumbo - Game of Blade - Heath Burley vs Antony Medina
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Blading Wiki, a wiki dedicated to Inline Skating

Rollerblading Gems

Niko Salaman (2024) by Mark Worner

Nathan Bentley - Drown (2024) - Solo Street Sessions

Tallboyz - Crabcakes & Football | Maryland/DC/VA Tour Video (2024)

'CARRER' - A Furtius Video by Ferran Laparra (Spain)

Cougar Skates - Paris - Julien Cudot & Lenny Jourda

Mesmer Tiki - Levi van Rijn, John Bolino, Billy O'Neill, Ichi  & Friends

WEAK KNIGHTS // Josiah Blee & Jake Dotson

Cameron Talbott in 'Dos Dias' - A video by Cody Lampman

Mount Average [Rollerblading Video] - LUDUS Skaterblade - Vienna (Austria, 2024)

Alex Burston - In a Bit (Stockport, UK)

Jacob Juul and Storm (LOW Skate Academy) - Trigger Street Edit

OWC presents 'Orange: Mathieu Ledoux and Charles Nantel'

OG (more)

Jon Julio - Bridges, by Brian Freeman - S1EP4 - Documentary

Vincent - A documentary by Ivan Narez-Hurtado

Mike French - Back Like I Never Left

Vince Camarillo Section - Bay Area - JSF Edit

Big Wheels (more)

Tallboyz - OPS2 - Big Wheel Blading Edit

Leon Basin and Stuart Brattey - Wizard Base and Wizard Base High

Astral Blade x FTS (2022) with Pat Ridder, Sandro Gruenheid, Dominik Stransky & Friends - Big Wheels

Skaters: | Joe Atkinson | Brian Aragon | Chihiro Azuma | Carlos Bernal | Beat Schillmeier | Sam Crofts | John Bolino | Alex Broskow | Julien Cudot | Warren Digne | Richie Eisler | Eugen Enin | Chris Farmer | Demetrios George | Mathieu Heinemann | Nils Jansons | Montre Livingston | Nick Lomax | Franky Morales | Mery Muñoz | Mathias Silhan | Brian Shima | Soichiro Kanashima | Chynna Weierstall | Takeshi Yasutoko

Skate Brands: Adapt | Deshi | Faction | Gawds | Iqon | Nimh | Razors | Roces | Seba | SSM | Them | Trigger | USD |