MVMNT, a crew of six friends: Joe Smith, Samuel Deangelis, Phil Gripper, Sascha Simms, Cody Forrester & Jesus Rivera.
MVMNT, a crew of six friends: Joe Smith, Samuel Deangelis, Phil Gripper, Sascha Simms, Cody Forrester & Jesus Rivera.
MVMNT: a crew of six friends: Sascha Simms, Cody Forrester, Phil Gripper, Samuel Deangelis, Joseph Smith & Jesus Rivera.
Visit MVMNTcrew.com.
MVMNT, a crew of six friends: Sascha Simms, Cody Forrester, Phil Gripper, Samuel Deangelis, Joseph Smith & Jesus Rivera.
Operational: Term used to define personnel that are fully trained and mission capable. Able to learn and adapt to the ever changing scope of a mission set - These riders have proven they are able to adapt to any situation, obstacle, or skatepark; and bring the heat on rollerblades. While operating as a squad this amazing set of rollerbladers have defined style, swag, innovation, and dedication. This team of heavy hitting bladers who are dedicated to this sport. With almost 175 years of cumulative experience, this team exudes everything that rollerblading is about.
Each member of this team brings their own specific skill set and style which make them unique and an integral part of this team: Sascha Simms, Joe Smith, Arsenio Patterson, Samuel Deangelis, Craig C. Parsons, Joe Styes, Kevin LeBron, RJ Elwell, Phil Gripper & Karlis Bowman.
We want to give a huge shout out and thank you to Karlis Bowman! Karlis selflessly sacrificed 11 Months of this year to fulfill a military obligation. Sacrificing his personal life, health and wellbeing, and personal interests in support of the freedom that we all use every day! Its sacrifices like his and those that are actively serving, prior service, or those that have paid the ultimate price. I am proud to call him a Brother In Arms, a Brother In Blades, and a close friend!
Thank you to each and every rider on this team! This great group of rollerbladers go out and sacrifice their bodies and their time to support this amazing sport and all the companies that help make this amazing industry happen. This video is dedicated to them! Dedicated to them to showcase their talents, abilities, and their love and devotion to a sport that has given so many so much! Without riders like these and regular riders like you, this sport would be a lot less fun. They are truly dedicated to the sport and the community, a truly upstanding group of like minded people that only want to see the sport grow and flourish.
Video edited by Samuel Deangelis. Co-Edited by Phil Gripper. Music: “A New Error” by Moderate.
Murdah Militia - Team Edit (2022) - Teaser. Featuring: Craig Parsons, Phil Gripper, Arsenio Patterson, Sascha Simms, Joe Smith RJ Elwell, Sam Deangelis & Joey Styles.
The 7th annual Chad Shelton Memorial Session held on October 1st, 2022. Six years to the day he left us #thankgodforshelton. Featuring: Chris McCormick, Tri Tri-Rudolf, Joe Smith, Egon Naab, Cedric Tippett, Luke Belding, Steve Lerner, Tommy McCormick, Anthony Diandrea, Gabe Talamantes, Joe Abdul, Kyle Guzman, Geoffrey Lee & Josie.
Contributing filmers: Luke Belding, Chris McCormick, Tri Tri-Rudolf, Steve Lerner & Gabe Talamentes.
“The Palatine Reservoir will always be my favorite skate spot. There have been 3 rails put in over the years, all being removed by the village within a few weeks. We got a little smarter this time and brought a portable p-rail.” - Kyle666. Local session hosted by @steponsundays on July 31, 2022.
Skaters (in order of appearance): Kyle Guzman, David Demitropoulos, Anthony Diandrea, Shane Pease, Jeff Metz, Chris McCormick, Egon Naab, Joe Smith, Gabe Talamantes, Brandon P, Wonyay, Dan, Luke Belding, Jon Gantz, Yandriel Silverio, Tri-tri Rudolf
Music: Kaboose ft Heather Werlein - “Sunshine”.
So glad I still get to skate and have great times with my friends. These are a bunch of clips from skating this year. - Joe Smith.
The Chicago Mix Tape Midwest Edition. Filmed primarily in 2016/ early 2017 featuring some fresh talent from Chicago as well as the surrounding cities and states. Starring Michael Froemling, Brandon Sanwick, Adam Bazydlo, Nolan Wojciechowski, Joseph Portretow, Brian Bruno, Steve Lerner, Tri Tri-Rudolf, Jared Reddrick, Joe Abdul, Ben Forsythe, Egon Naab, Doug Zalusky, Joe Smith and more. 35 minute run time.
Support Doug Sharley: get the VOD on Sellfy ($5.00+).
This video is about Joe Smith skating in 2017 & 2016 on his rollerboots. Filmed by Luke Belding, Doug Sharley, Joe Portretow & Tim Dawe.
Happy Birthday Joe & welcome to the OG Squad!