A video by FTS shot in Frankfurt, Germany. Featuring: Sandro Gruenheid, Dominik Stransky, Blake & Patrick Ridder.
Towns: Berlin | Essen | Frankfurt | Hamburg | Leipzig | Munich | Stuttgart. Skateparks: I-Punkt Skateland. Crews: Beauty without cruelty | Borklyn Zoo | Ludus | Vollkornblading. Skaters: Eugen Enin | Sven Ischen | Jens Kufner | Jo Zenk.
A video by FTS shot in Frankfurt, Germany. Featuring: Sandro Gruenheid, Dominik Stransky, Blake & Patrick Ridder.
“Judge me, you gods! Wrong I mine enemies? And if not so, how should I wrong a brother?” BRUTUS was shot in NRW, Germany throughout 2023. Massive thanks to anyone involved in the making of this section. Main camera: Daniel Enin & BTK. Additional shots in Cologne by Bastian Thüring. Editing: BTK & Jo Zenk. Grading, Animations: Jo. Thumbnail: AI & Jo.
Winterclash, 2006 Edition (Muhlhausen, Germany) - Official Dvd, Full Video! Featuring: Jojo Jacobi, Jon Julio, Azikiwee Anderson, Chaz Sands, Brian Aragon, Tory Treseder, Mathias Silhan & more (Full Results).
The ISPO just finished and Ivo Vegter & Erik Droogh (Thisissoul) spoke to all the inline skate manufacturers that were there to get the latest updates on what is going on in the Inline Skate world.
The skates featured in the pictures are the Cougar Skates, Storm Model Prototypes (check the video at 5:10).
ISPO Munich (Germany) is the largest trade fair for the sports industry, featuring the latest trends and innovations in sports products, services and technologies.
Cougar Skates - Storm, Aggressive Inline Skates
Cougar Skates is a Chinese brand, planning to released an aggressive skate called the Storm. Visit Cougarskates.com.
Check the 5:10 mark on the video to hear more about the Cougar Skates, and the Storm model.
Tomek Przybylik was part of the Night of Freestyle Show, a German Mega Ramp event running officialy since 2013 ; check part of the spectacle and what happened behind the scenes!
Visit en.Nightoffreestyle.de.
USD @ Xmas Jam, 2023 Edition: “The Gathering”. Skaters: Eugen Enin, Sven Ischen, Bastian Thuring, Jakob Esselmann & Thorben Schoen. Filmed & edited by Daniel Enin.
“Thanks to the Bocholt Indoor skatepark fur using their park editor to build some new challenges!”. Riders: Eugen Enin / Borklyn Zoo.
Blade Arcade aka Xmas Jam, held December 10th 2022 at I-Punkt Skateland in Hamburg, Germany. Xmas Jam is an Aalglatt® event by Vollkornblading.
Thank you to everyone who participated, supported or was in any way involved with the event! We are proud of yet another part of this new approach (to a legendary contest series). And we really hope to have put a smile on your faces again. See you soon! Camera: Karsten Boysen, Jaimie-Lee Bormann, & DaddyCam (Audience). Edit: Paweł Wieleba. Visuals: Dennis Grupe.
Bowl X Mini Results
Up: Jaro Frijn / Taïg did nothing wrong!
Bail Garden
Wave Runner
Tower Of Power
More Results
Previously: USD @ Xmas Jam 2022 in Hamburg (Germany) with Eugen Enin, Sven Ischen & Friends.
The 2023 Edition of the Xmas Jam is coming on december 9, check the flyer and more infos here.
Eugen Enin is the real king of barbecue! A Borklyn Zoo Video.
Attention adventurers! Sharpen your blades, collect your mana and get the best gear out of the closet - D20s and sick kindgrinds await you in our dungeon on the 9th December! December 9, 2023, 13h00 at Ipunkt Skateland Park (Spaldingstraße 131, Hamburg, Germany). Visit Skatehallehamburg.de.