Captured, cut, and produced by Brian Freeman. This episode dives into Franky Morales’s impact on the skate scene in Miami, Florida. His influence on the next generation, and the bridges he’s built through skating.
Florida is a state in the Southeastern region of the United States. It borders the Gulf of Mexico to the west, Alabama to the northwest, Georgia to the north, the Atlantic Ocean to the east, and the Straits of Florida and Cuba to the south.
Towns: Miami, Tampa, Jacksonville. Skaters: Franky Morales. Parks: Skatebird.
Captured, cut, and produced by Brian Freeman. This episode dives into Franky Morales’s impact on the skate scene in Miami, Florida. His influence on the next generation, and the bridges he’s built through skating.
Zachary Pollak - Roces Edit. Filmed by: Pablo Porta & Marco Valera. Edited by: Pablo Porta. Filmed in: Italy & Florida. Music: Everyone Asked About You - Paper Airplanes, Paper Hearts.
“So the real winner today was Miami because it kicked everybody’s ass. It really was almost last man standing…” - Arlo Eisenberg.*
up: Mery Munoz at the FM Invitational, 4th edition.
Miami, Florida - October 7th, 2023. In its fourth event, The FM Invitational was high energy throughout the entire day. Kicking off with the Juniors competition, then working its way through the Bladies, to the Quads, and finishing off with the Men’s competition - each event had a strong crowd cheering everyone loudly as the celebratory screams echoed throughout Skate Bird (which is the name of the park this event is held).
A lot of great skating was happening from all different directions which sometimes makes it difficult to capture every moment so it’s always recommended to check out all the other media coverage that comes out of these events to get a sense of who did what. With that being said, Chris Edwards held down the mic and kept things in order along with special guest Arlo. It was a long day and it was a fun one. Be sure to catch the next one Saturday, Oct 26th at the same location! Cheers! - butterTV.
Full Results
Franky Morales Invitational 4 Recap: 05:30 - Warmups, 07:48 - Juniors Division, 08:41 - Bladies Division, 14:45 - Quad Comp, 18:58 - Men Comp. A video by Gregory Pesochin.
Franky Morales Invitational - More Media & Results.
“I said it before and I’ll say it again: Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it”. - Ferris Bueller.
Miami, Florida / New York City - After many delays and missed deadlines we finally release this very special piece on a very special day so be sure to wish Justin Brasco a Happy Birthday in the comments.
We’ve spent a short amount of time in Florida to avoid some cold days of a harsh winter then met up for a handful of sessions in our hometown of New York throughout the spring and summer. Some days were simple while others were chaotic and that’s how we love it—spontaneous and unpredictable plus some high blood pressure moments that skating in the city inevitably brings. Enjoy & cheers! - butterTV.
Visit butterTV.com (Photos).
Aaron Feinberg (19) - Alleyoop Soul. Salomon Ad (2000). Miami, Florida. Photo.
Bodega Boys spring training down at the Del Boca Vista Corner Store & Deli located in Miami, FL. Drawing on his South Bronx connections, unknown Montanan moose hunter Cameron Talbott proved his bodega bona-fides and qualified for the 2022 season.
Featuring: Cameron Talbott, Mike Torres, Augusto Castillo, Jeremy Raff & Edwin Rodriguez. A video by Jeremy Raff.
Previously: Cash Only (NYC, 2022) by Jeremy Raff & Mike Torres.
“I had the opportunity to return the favor and film my close friends down in Miami these last two years”. - Yandriel Silverio.
Starring: Humberto Clavijo & Carlos Claveria. Including Skating from: Yandriel Silverio Edgar Portilla, Luis Corrales, Jose Delgado, Yorbis & Jonathan Irarrazabal.
5 days in Gainesville, Fort Myers, & Tampa. Featuring Dave Gunn, Andrew Leverton, Pete Kovacs, Ian Hutchinson, Brendan Brown, Bryan Kurkimilis, and Dustin Locy.
Better than Never, featuring: Mark Wojda, Tadd Labozzetta, Rob Dargiewicz, Andrew Leverton, Julian Hinsch, and Homies. Full Video.
Created and filmed by Andrew Leverton and Dave Gunn. Shot mostly in 2021 in CT, PA, UT, FL, NH. Visit Tallboyzbladeteam.com.