Starring: Ivo Janssen, Bob Scheer, João Filipe Ruivo, Erik Droogh, Eugen Enin, Gaston Demoratti, Ben Ferrier, Lee Mitchell, Welvin Cruz & Matt Cripps.
Previously: Daniel Laufs - Grindhoven Section (2017) by Jeroen Wullems.
Song: Inner City - Goodlife.
It’s been a long time since our Stange was in front of the camera! Riders: Eugen Enin and Joao Goncalves.
Music: “Paint” by $AW, “レイレイHsien Ko” by Multirex & Bster.
The Shred Cologne 2017 - Official Edit. Thanks to everyone who made this event possible! We love you.
Filmed on GH5s & a Canon 7D. Music: Morcheeba - “Big Calm”.
Instead of normal ABFALL we made a STRAßENMÜLL video! Riders: Eugen Enin and Joao Goncalves.
It’s been one year since we released the Zoo Revolution VOD! We decided to upload the HD part for free on youtube and some weeks later we will upload the VX part. - Eugen Enin.
You can download the video in HD on Sellfy (2.5 gb .zip file).
Katum! Skatestopper no jutsu. One night in Bangkok and the world’s your oyster! Riders: Eugen Enin and Sven Ischen.
Borklyn Zoo released some new clothing, if you want to support the team, you know what to do.
A rainy day at the USD/ Powerslide HQ turned into a chocolate flavored skatepark session with USD’s Eugen Enin & Sam Crofts, thanks to Bayreuth’s Schokofabrik. Luckily, Daniel Enin & Mark Heuss captured some moves of the two, including a quick guest appearance of Mister Borklyn Zoo himself.
“Last month I popped out to HQ to address a few things… Hoped to blade outside but it rained everyday, luckily Eugen Enin, Daniel Enin and I managed to link up with Mark Heuss and grab a quick hour at the local indoor park. Cheers to the owners for letting us have the place to ourselves for a bit!” - Sam Crofts.
“60 seconds of the Pro finals raw cut including a dancing Miguel Martinez by Borklyn Zoo filmer Daniel Enin at the Shred Cologne Blading Festival 2017!” You can check a longer version of the edit (photo).
Check the Video on Instagram.
Pro Results
- Joe Atkinson (England)
- Eugen Enin (Germany)
- Dominic Bruce (Scotland)
- Jo Zenk (Germany)
- Nils Jansons (Latvia)
- Maurice Borr (Germany)
- Sven Ischen (Germany)
- Stephan Mohr(Germany)
- Randy Zoller (Netherlands)
- Nils Rinas (Germany)
- Luca Zeidler (Germany)
Blading Camp Awards
- Luca Zimmermann (Germany)
- Luca Zeidler
- Assia Zaharieva (Bulgaria)
- Jacky Schrooten (Netherlands)
- Aniek Kerkhofs (Netherlands)
- Manuel Weber (Germany)
- Gideon Dopslaf (Germany)
- Luca Gobbo (Netherlands)
A few quick ones from the Friday Pre-session at the Shred Cologne 2017 contest. - Eugen Enin.
Check the Video on Instagram.
Underwater snorkeling, shuffling and the ting goes SKRAAAAA. What more do you want? Riders: Sven Ischen, Eugen Enin and Joao Goncalves.
The rap at the end of the video is by Roadman Shaq (PLAY). Thanks Revo Comix.