Eugen Enin - Instagram Clips Compilation (2017).
S3t Contest in Moscow (August 2017). Featuring: Eugen Enin, Vova Turkin, Kirill Galushko, Sergei Golovushkin, Anton Bobrovsky, Egor Loginov, Renat Gallyamov, Gosha Obydennikov, Serega Sotskov, Andrey Skvortsov & Kolya Belov. Shooting and editing Alexander Boytsov.
Camera: Panasonic g6 Kit. Music: Francois MAIGRET - Flowers Explosion, Francois MAIGRET - On The Road Again, Francois MAIGRET - Good Old Times.
Previously: Eugen Enin - Winner of the S3t Moscow 2017 - Edit by Alexander Boytsov.
Eugen Enin, winner of the S3t Moscow 2017 (August 19, Russia) - Edit by Alexander Boytsov.
Camera: Panasonic g6 Kit. Music: Bill Schultz - Give It Up - Rock.
More goodies on vk.com/s3tmoscow.
Once again we had a small session at the Witten skatepark before we went street skating! Riders: Eugen Enin and Sven Ischen.
Photo: Nomadeshop (Instagram).
Thank you! Thank you everyone for the best weekend of the year. These are the results. A full judging report is coming up in the next days. - Winterclash Team.
USD Best Trick Award: Soichiro Kanashima (clips)
K2 Skates Best Newcomer Award: Tais Colares
SkatePro Most Creative Trick Award: David Sizemore
Thanks to Sven Ischen for doing this kind of session again! We hope that the next one will be even better! - Eugen Enin.
It’s no Secret that Eugen Enin loves the Carbon Free Models so he tested the new Carbon Free Team Skate and presents us some more Enin Wizardry. Cam and cut: Daniel Enin.
Previously: Borklyn Zoo [VOD]: Zoo Revolution - VX Part, Eugen Enin (NOW FREE).
This is the ender part from our VX Version of the Zoo Revolution VOD ! You can download the video on Sellfy ($0+). - Eugen Enin.
Music: “D I G” by PNUT HOE (Soundcloud).
I shot this section with Nick Lomax and Eugen Enin in Barcelona, we had less than 2 weeks to get it done. These dudes killed shit everyday I was there, s/o the homie Vincent Asobo for the angles. - Erick Rodriguez.
9TO5DigiMedia and FP Films is proud to present the 4th installment of the Future Of Rollerblading. We were able to film with some of the most legendary bladers in the game along with some of the new generation of shredders in NYC, California, Atlanta, North Carolina, Las Vegas, and Spain.
Mirror: PLAY (set to private at the time of this post).
F.O.R. 4 is out! you can support the project on Sellfy ($4).
FOR4 - Play: Franky Morales Section | Soichiro Kanashima - FOR4 Bonus Section | Victor Arias | F.O.R 4 Bonus Edit | Eugen Enin – F.O.R. 4 (Extras) | Damon Franklin (Lake Havasu) – FOR 4 Bonus | 181st (NYC) – FOR 4 Bonus (2017) with Billy O’neill, Boschi Pope, Victor Arias & Julian Bah.