Displaying posts tagged #Cody Sanders

Jumbo: 4 the Streets (2023) - Episode 2 by Cody Sanders

Wed, Feb 8, 2023
Jumbo: 4 the Streets (2023) - Episode 2 by Cody Sanders

Another perfect weekend with the boys. The spots this weekend looked really fun. I had to cut out a couple of the spots because I’m working on “full length” sections for a couple of my friends, but even skipping those spots, there was still so much leftover.

Jumbo: 4 the Streets (2023) - Episode 2 by Cody Sanders

As I’m making these edits, I realized that my crew laughs a lot. In the moment I know that I’m thinking “this is fun,” but having to sit here and rewatch a majority of the day… I realize how important this seemingly meaningless activity is to me. The amount of laughter/ jokes/ hilarious banter that I’m having to cut out of these edits is overwhelming. Most of it would be hard to understand.

This project (so far) is fun. If not to just give me something to do, but to give me a newfound respect for the weekly ritual of forcing myself to wake up and go film the boys dork around on the streets. It’s late and I’m ranting.. I’ll probably rewrite whatever is above this. I dunno. Hope yall are having a good day. - Cody Sanders.

Featuring: Anthony Medina, Andrew Broom, Cody Sanders, Heath Burley, Isaac Parks, Will Kennedy & more!

Previously: Jumbo: 4 the Streets (2023) - Episode 1 with Cody Sanders, Anthony Medina, Andrew Broom & the whole Crew.

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Jumbo: 4 the Streets (2023) - Episode 1 with Cody Sanders, Anthony Medina, Andrew Broom & the whole Crew

Wed, Feb 1, 2023
Jumbo: 4 the Streets (2023) - Episode 1 with Cody Sanders, Anthony Medina, Andrew Broom & the whole Crew

Cody Sanders has a new project, and it is called: Jumbo. You can check this video (PLAY) explaining how he got hurt at the The Blading Cup and his thought process behind this new adventure. He also released episode 1 of the Jumbo saga! Enjoy!

Jumbo: 4 the Streets (2023) - Episode 1 with Cody Sanders, Anthony Medina, Andrew Broom & the whole Crew

“I should have known it would be cold and rainy the same weekend I decided to start a new project. As I said in the last video (Youtube), I wanted to start doing a new series. Something that shows both sides of street skating. Not just tricks timed to music, but all the antics, trials and tribulations, etc..

I’ve noticed that my friends (and most people) don’t act normal when I shove a camera in their face expecting them to talk as they usually do. With that being said, this episode is a slow starter. I’d like to give a huge shoutout to beer for making these dudes liven up a bit around the end of spot 2. Spot 3 was hilarious.

It was a hopeless day, every spot had been semi-unskateable, but everyone was still trying. I guess that’s the point of this weekly ritual. Even if you don’t feel like it, even if it’s not perfect, it’s best to at least try. Well.. we tried. Failed? Yes. But tried!

Hopefully I’ll develop a bit more of a structure to this series as it continues, but for a first attempt?… Good enough”! - Cody Sanders.

Featuring: Anthony Medina, Eddie Bravo, Andrew Broom, Brandon Bobadilla, Jim Ervin, Kyle Stokley, Cody Sanders & more!

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Cody Sanders - Rollerblading Tutorial Plus: X-Grind

Thu, Mar 24, 2022
Cody Sanders - Rollerblading Tutorial Plus: X-Grind

For people that don’t want the banter, the actual tutorial starts at 5:00. I found out the hard way that I’m not nearly as good at X-grinds as I thought I was, haha. This one was fun to make, I had all my friends at the session with me. But it’s definitely hard to think critically about tricks whenever everyone at the session is messing with you.

Cody Sanders - Rollerblading Tutorial Plus: X-Grind

I tried my best. As usual, the points I delivered don’t encompass the full scope of “X-grinds,” but I think it’s more than anything that’s been put out prior sooo… Good enough! I thought that I had gotten all of the versions of x-grinds on film, but as I went back and re-watched the footage, a lot of the ones that were landed weren’t good examples of the trick.

I want these videos to put the best foot forward (no pun intended), to really show what the trick should look like when done well. Since I had all the boys with me, we just started sessioning normally. A lot of the clips we had, we didn’t slide the whole ledge, we landed a little neutral, etc… So I thought to myself, “alright, no problem. There’s an easy looking ledge down the street, I can just ask Caleb to help me re-film it”. Well… As easy as that spot looks, there’s giant cracks on the ground, you can only approach it from one direction (the hard direction, for me) and it was an absolute disaster..

So I’m sticking with the box footage! Haha! But, all of that aside, as I say in the video, we can’t get it right all the time. So cut my actual physical ability some slack on this one, I’m just working with what I’ve got. I hope you are too! Thanks for watching. Love y’all. - Cody Sanders.

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Cody Sanders - Rollerblading Tutorial Plus: Pornstar, with guest Mick Casals

Thu, Jan 6, 2022
Cody Sanders - Rollerblading Tutorial Plus: Pornstar, with guest Mick Casals

It is waaay too cold to be outside, but we’re out here. Also, it turns out that trying to record audio under a very loud overpass wasn’t the best idea, haha. This is a short one, not too many steps to this trick. I still think it’s important to go over though.

Cody Sanders - Rollerblading Tutorial Plus: Pornstar, with guest Mick Casals

I stress the importance of non-dominant foot placement in the video. On average, I’ve noticed most backwards grinding pornstars are locked perfectly. They have to be locked perfectly or else you’ll stick. The forwards versions can be done pretty lazily. While doing the forwards versions, the back foot can be all over the top of the ledge, sliding all over the place with no clearly defined position.

I think consistency is important. I think if we’re going to spend this much time doing something, we should give it the respect of thought and effort. Thank you to Mick Casals for being the talent and to Anthony Medina for sending me a very sick sidewalk example. As I said at the beginning of the video, if you’ve watched any of the other ones, commented, sent any messages to me, etc.. Thank you. It may not seem like much, but I’m always so surprised to see the amount of love that is shown from our community. Y’all are rad. - Cody Sanders.

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Cody Sanders - Rollerblading Tutorial Plus: Mistrial

Tue, Nov 2, 2021
Cody Sanders - Rollerblading Tutorial Plus: Mistrial

Took a bit of a break, but decided to give this project another shot. It’s Halloween and I couldn’t get any of the boys out of the house to help me with this one… And boy, did I need some help. I’m decently bad at mistrials, but I tried my best for this one. I realized after watching what I’d recorded that I’m not really giving too many real pointers on the actual trick itself. I honestly think that that’s fine.

Cody Sanders - Rollerblading Tutorial Plus: Mistrial

A lot of tricks really are as easy as jumping up to the edge of something and putting your feet in the right shape. The thing that makes rollerblading truly difficult to master is all of the intricate movements and “RuLeZ” that can give the trick itself a different feeling. You can do the same trick a 1000 times and it’ll feel a little bit different every time you do it. I think that’s why skating has stayed so fun over the years. There’s always something that you can tweak just a little differently.

The sport has a lot of newcomers these past few years and I feel like the language of our sport is confusing, the different styles, frame/wheel setups, etc… Everything is just so daunting when you’re new, especially if you don’t have anyone near you that skates. I’m hoping that at least a few people can gain some understanding of some of the more nuanced (I hate that word) things that make skating unique.

I’ve had several people that have reached out to me or that I’ve gotten to meet at events that have said super positive things about these videos and that makes me happy. Super happy. I care way too much about rollerblading. But, I’ve seen a few comments in the past that were negative about all of the ideas I’m presenting in these videos as well. I intend to make a video that actually defines what this project is supposed to be, but for now I’ll at least say this: My intention isn’t to tell people how they should skate. What I’m trying to do is document the “unwritten rules” that so many of us have followed over the years. I know, I know, “RuLez r made 2 be BrOkeN.” Fair enough.

When discussing what a well executed trick looks like, I’m basing this off of the past 20-30 years of what professional skating has looked like. I said this in the first Tutorial Plus video and I’ll say it again, there really isn’t a lot of documentation in rollerblading that describes, in detail, what it is that we do. My main goal is to spread that knowledge. To try and be some sort of benefit to our culture/community and do the little that I can to add to it. /rant. Love ya’ll. - Cody Sanders.

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Rollerblading - Tutorial Plus: Switch Ups with Cody Sanders (2021)

Wed, Jul 28, 2021
Rollerblading - Tutorial Plus: Switch Ups with Cody Sanders (2021)

Round 2! This time, we’re discussing switch ups. What they are, how to do them and what makes them “count”.

If this is the first time you’re seeing this, the goal of Tutorial Plus is to document, in great detail, why it is we do things the way that we do them. There are plenty of “how to jump up and slide down” how-to videos in skating, but there aren’t many that explain them in detail. That’s the goal. To create a universal understanding for the basic concepts of what our community values as a whole. Word.

Rollerblading - Tutorial Plus: Switch Ups with Cody Sanders (2021)

But anyways.. I never realize how truly difficult rollerblading is to understand until I start trying to explain the rules we’ve created for ourselves. Having two separate devices strapped to our feet, with 3 different plates (don’t even get me started about channel grinds), and the amount of variations that can be done is daunting. Especially, if you’re trying to explain what “counts” and what doesn’t to someone that is brand new to the sport…. Sheesh. I don’t think I did too good of a job, but it’s at least a crash course into what & why we do things the way that we do.

Mosquitos in TX are gnarly, btw. A lot of swatting going on in this. I also need to quit being lazy and setting my camera to full auto when I do these things, but in the middle of the session, in 90 degree weather… Your boy really isn’t trying to get too technical, haha.

I know I missed some things when discussing this. I do all of this off the top of my head. I really should start writing notes before I do this… Anyways, if you watched it, I hope you at least gained something from it. - Cody Sanders.

Tutorial Plus with Cody Sanders - PLAY: Switch-ups | Topsoul.

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Topsoul Tutorial With Cody Sanders, and Anthony Medina (2021)

Mon, Jul 12, 2021
Topsoul Tutorial With Cody Sanders, and Anthony Medina (2021)

No more reviews, we’re dorking out in a different direction now. - Cody Sanders.

Topsoul Tutorial With Cody Sanders, and Anthony Medina (2021)
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Delta City Open X - Brotor City (2021) - Bro's in the Motor City Contest 2021, with Stefan Brandow, Cody Sanders & Friends

Mon, May 31, 2021
Delta City Open X - Brotor City (2021) - Bro's in the Motor City Contest 2021, with Stefan Brandow, Cody Sanders & Friends

Bro’s in the Motor City. In order of appearance: Brad Anthony, Brandon Bobadilla, Stefan Brandow, Cody Sanders, Jacob Bloom, Doug Williams, Yandriel Silverio, Koda Hult & Tracy White.

Delta City Open X - Brotor City (2021) - Bro's in the Motor City Contest 2021, with Stefan Brandow, Cody Sanders & Friends
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Picture of the Day: Cody Sanders - Fishbrain

Thu, Dec 14, 2017
Picture of the Day: Cody Sanders - Fishbrain

A photo by Joseph Gammill (larger picture on Imgur).

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Bl8 Cup 2017 // Feet 4 Premiere (2017) - Report by Cody Sanders

Mon, Nov 6, 2017
Bl8 Cup 2017 // Feet 4 Premiere (2017) - Report by Cody Sanders

The last “big” contest in America happened this weekend in Santa Ana, CA. I missed filming the open comp the first day and my battery was dead during the bladies & OG’s competition… Sorry homies. I got a good portion of the rest of it though.

Bl8 Cup 2017 // Feet 4 Premiere (2017) - Report by Cody Sanders

Everyone should try and make it next year, I was really surprised by the diverse turn out. I normally expect a CA comp to have a majority of people skating in it to be from CA, but there were just as many international dudes in attendance. Now that I think about it, there were a lot of surprises with this one.

Bl8 Cup 2017 // Feet 4 Premiere (2017) - Report by Cody Sanders

Pro’s skated the comp (rare), there were a ton of booths set up showcasing all the latest and greatest (powerslide, RZRS, themgoods, dead, etc), the heats didn’t excessively run over the time limit… Wow. It was actually run really well. The after party was located right above the competition at a bar called Native Sons. If anyone from there reads this (they won’t) thanks for putting up with rollerblader shenanigans…

Bl8 Cup 2017 // Feet 4 Premiere (2017) - Report by Cody Sanders

The Feet 4 premier happened next door to the competition at “The Frida” cinema. We packed this place out, hundreds of us cramming into this tiny theatre. Lonnie Gallegos showed up fashionably late with the video that was finished maybe 30 minutes prior to viewing, haha. Really great video, the place was full of cheers. The video will be available at Blackfabric.bigcartel.com.

Bl8 Cup 2017 // Feet 4 Premiere (2017) - Report by Cody Sanders

I always make fun of California (because it’s the hub and i’m jealous), but they really put on a good time this weekend. It was welcoming, well organized and constantly exciting. You should go. I’m going to start going every year. Love y’all. - Cody Sanders.

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Blading Wiki, a wiki dedicated to Inline Skating

Rollerblading Gems

Niko Salaman (2024) by Mark Worner

Nathan Bentley - Drown (2024) - Solo Street Sessions

Tallboyz - Crabcakes & Football | Maryland/DC/VA Tour Video (2024)

'CARRER' - A Furtius Video by Ferran Laparra (Spain)

Cougar Skates - Paris - Julien Cudot & Lenny Jourda

Mesmer Tiki - Levi van Rijn, John Bolino, Billy O'Neill, Ichi  & Friends

WEAK KNIGHTS // Josiah Blee & Jake Dotson

Cameron Talbott in 'Dos Dias' - A video by Cody Lampman

Mount Average [Rollerblading Video] - LUDUS Skaterblade - Vienna (Austria, 2024)

Alex Burston - In a Bit (Stockport, UK)

Jacob Juul and Storm (LOW Skate Academy) - Trigger Street Edit

OWC presents 'Orange: Mathieu Ledoux and Charles Nantel'

OG (more)

Jon Julio - Bridges, by Brian Freeman - S1EP4 - Documentary

Vincent - A documentary by Ivan Narez-Hurtado

Mike French - Back Like I Never Left

Vince Camarillo Section - Bay Area - JSF Edit

Big Wheels (more)

Tallboyz - OPS2 - Big Wheel Blading Edit

Leon Basin and Stuart Brattey - Wizard Base and Wizard Base High

Astral Blade x FTS (2022) with Pat Ridder, Sandro Gruenheid, Dominik Stransky & Friends - Big Wheels

Skaters: | Joe Atkinson | Brian Aragon | Chihiro Azuma | Carlos Bernal | Beat Schillmeier | Sam Crofts | John Bolino | Alex Broskow | Julien Cudot | Warren Digne | Richie Eisler | Eugen Enin | Chris Farmer | Demetrios George | Mathieu Heinemann | Nils Jansons | Montre Livingston | Nick Lomax | Franky Morales | Mery Muñoz | Mathias Silhan | Brian Shima | Soichiro Kanashima | Chynna Weierstall | Takeshi Yasutoko

Skate Brands: Adapt | Deshi | Faction | Gawds | Iqon | Nimh | Razors | Roces | Seba | SSM | Them | Trigger | USD |