Few clips of the gang around end of last year. Featuring: Chris Duncan, Tony Hoggan, Dave Mcnamara, Elliot Provan, Stephen Johnstone & Scott Riddles.
Few clips of the gang around end of last year. Featuring: Chris Duncan, Tony Hoggan, Dave Mcnamara, Elliot Provan, Stephen Johnstone & Scott Riddles.
Chris Duncan is just full of energy and positive vibes always keen to skate regardless rain or sun. Must be in the fife blood… - Scottish Rolling.
A random dump of footage sitting on the cards, breaking my ankle kinda threw me off wanting to do anything rollerblading related but the love is back and strong… - Scottish Rolling.
With Tony Hoggan, Chris Duncan, Neil Young, Scott Riddles, Elliot Provan & friends. Music: Lloyd banks - Sidewalks.