PLAY: Opener | Intro | Ryan Northway | Charlie Ashby | Iain Mcleod | Snow (Chris Farmer) | Ricki Lake | Rap 1 | Rap 2 | Fallen | Chris Haffey | Jeff Stockwell + Friends Section | Outro + Playlist.
PLAY: Opener | Intro | Ryan Northway | Charlie Ashby | Iain Mcleod | Snow (Chris Farmer) | Ricki Lake | Rap 1 | Rap 2 | Fallen | Chris Haffey | Jeff Stockwell + Friends Section | Outro + Playlist.
up: Mark Korte with Charlie Ashby and Aaron Feinberg.
If somebody can put USD where it deserves again that´s this guy. Back in the day when we were all flipping on Latimers new profile he was out there travelling with the All star team, settling up the original Stretch Crew and making this brand legendary. Now he´s back in rollerblading and probably has a harder mission. It´s an honor for us to present this interview with Mark Korte.
Present yourself.
Thanks, My name is Mark Korte – I am the USD Enforcer, an Army Reserve Solider, Father, Husband, Son and Powerslider.
Why did you leave and why are you back in rolling? Did you feel it was time to return?
Actually that is not far from the truth – when I left, I felt it was time for me to develop as a Sales and Brand Manager, some things in my life had changed, and I was looking for a new challenge, something that would be hard but fun, as I had been getting more and more involved with Golf as my hobby, I decided to go into the golf business and see how far I could go, the rest is history, as for coming back. That was a given really, I was always in touch with Matthias and we talked about me coming back and I was happy to come back as Powerslide is like a second home, and USD was a big part of my life for over 6 years, coming back gives me another challenge and I have the chance to lead a great team again and that is always where my talents lay. […]
Link on Magma-productions.com down | Mirror on Archive.org.
English Translation at the bottom of the webpage.