Finally done something with the some footage from a trip to Marrakech and Casablanca (Morocco) in October 2024 featuring Joe Harvey, Louis Devereux, Rob Dalton and Ayoub El Gharib.
Not so much event footage or street clips this time round but next years Skate To Create Foundations Event is in Rabat 17th-19th October 2025 (IG). Thank you to everyone else who helped film - some clips nabbed from Abderrahman Elyounani / Grinders. Filmed and edited by: Rob Dalton.
Ayoub El Gharib moved to Sweden in 2015 to my little hometown Halmstad. At first the plan was to shoot an profile of Ayoub entirely in 4k.
Then after a year or two the project evolved into something else. Directed and shot by John Lönngren (
Filmed in Helsingborg, Halmstad, Eskilstuna and Göteborg Between the years of 2015-2018. Thank you for watching the Nobody Knows 3.
Music: Chapter 1: Audiobinger - bedroom eyes, Chapter 2: Super duper - out of orbit, Chapter 3: Ryan Little - Thanks you for playing (god speed).
Nobody Knows 3, More Sections - PLAY:
Abandoned Water Park |
Bucket List Tour (California, 2018) |
Scandinavia Montage |
Lit Up -
This is Funcity, an abandoned water park in Varberg Sweden. Found this place on the web the summer of 2017 and got the idea of going in there and film some drone footage and do an edit.
At first I didn’t though about it as an combined art montage and rollerblading edit. Wished I found this place when it shut down in 2012 when everything were still fresh so the waterslides could be skated, now they are really sketchy and falling apart.
Skaters: Ayoub El-Gharib, Peter Kallio & Linus Hellström.
Music: Kai Engel - Highway to the stars. Thanks To: Allgott & Villgott and FunCity.
Previously: Nobody Knows 3 (2018) - Hanglosers Rollerblading - TRAILER.
“I started to film for this movie in the beginning of 2015 then I got bored and put away the project as it weren’t interesting enough.
Later on in 2016-2017, new ideas grew with the shot of “Fun City” in Varberg and an old project “Litup”, when we only skate at night.
When putting together all these shorts, “California tour”, “Fun City” and “Lit up” I finally realized that this is really the next nobody knows movie. - John Lonngren.
The Shortfilms are going to be released as following: Funcity: 13 january, Hanglosers Bucketlist Tour California: 20 january, 2015-2016 Montage: 27 january, Litup: 3 february, Ayoub El Gharib Documentary: 10 february.